Freelancer Mod Studio - 1.2
sweet good to see u back in action
hm about the properties. u r looking for code that can read / write dll strings/xml infocards? maybe ask friendlyfire (he got a pretty fast routine in fldev afaik)
and rotating real 3d models would be entire awesomatic
M.o.D. wrote:
sweet good to see u back in actionhm about the properties. u r looking for code that can read / write dll strings/xml infocards? maybe ask friendlyfire (he got a pretty fast routine in fldev afaik)
and rotating real 3d models would be entire awesomatic
I didnt say that. Actually I just wanted help to put the options into categories to be able to find them faster and give them a description to help new modders. (see previous screenshot)
PS: Already saw the dll code on the forge
He work at adding real 3d models instead of cubes and spheres.
It will be the best editor for systems if he will succeed.
Also it would be nice for adding edit with mouse or keys, fine tuning for the models (or increase/decrease size like in 3D modelling programs).
Also a 3d/2d graphic interface for fast placing the objects, for example, with the posibility to switch between them.
Also it could add some defaults at edit the systems (for example click on the light source type, and you could choose between dynamic or point). -
The next release will only be a bugfix / improvement release. Please check out the FAQ at . Especially about critical changes and known issues.
I still need to work a little on a few details like selecting solid objects through zones but its pretty much finished so I already added the changelog for the next release as well.
I know that you were wishing for more drastic changes but I didn’t have the time yet.
PS: Still looking for someone to help me categorize and describe the important ini entries (options)
Okay, f*** it, I lied
It’s with 3D models what you gonna do!?Download:
Warning: Read the FAQ about critical changes and known problems before using it:
You absolute legend stfx!
fms first tries to find the solararch.ini file relative to your opened system/universe file meaning it goes to “…\SOLAR\solararch.ini” relative to say “C:\FL\DATA\UNIVERSE\Li01\Li01.ini” which would result into “C:\FL\DATA\SOLAR\solararch.ini”. If it can’t it asks you for its location.
Now after the solararch file was found it remembers the DATA path where the solararch file is palced. As all models paths are being defined relative to the data path it then combines the data path with the specific model paths.
Maybe that helps figuring out why it cant find them in your case.
And of course remember to enable model mode
Just had a little bit of a play around, model view truly is awesome stuff!
Did a quick test on the Freeworlds demo as well as vanilla, and no problems on either!I’ve noticed that if you keep zooming in the camera just sort of goes mental, though.
I’ve noticed that if you keep zooming in the camera just sort of goes mental, though.
This is because you probably dont understand the behavior. normal zooming or rotating does it around a specific point (lookat point) in the system - by default the exact center. If you double rightclick on an object/zone, pan around or focus the view on a selected object (CTRL+F) the lookat point will change to the new one.
Now if you cant zoom in anymore using the normal zooming means that the camera has actually reached the lookat point. try rotating around to the sides to see where it actually is looking at. This is the inspection mode.
If you want to fly around using the walkaround mode however you can use CTRL+bindings for zooming/rotating and the camera will actually not zoom but move and not rotate around the lookat point but rather around the camera position.
The exact mouse bindings can be found in the FAQ. It will probably take a bit usage to get familiar with the quirks.
Nice work, 5 stars from me.
How you did all this thing, the size is almost the same as previous releases, and this one renders all models from FL ?Magic. No actually in version 1.0 I also improved and refactored a lot of code and excluded some placeholder code from compiling (which will probably never make it into the release anyway) resulting in a total smaller installer size - not that it would make any difference if it was a few KB bigger but this was more or less a side effect
Bobthemanofsteel wrote:
Just had a little bit of a play around, model view truly is awesome stuff!
Did a quick test on the Freeworlds demo as well as vanilla, and no problems on either!I’ve noticed that if you keep zooming in the camera just sort of goes mental, though.
Actually I have been able to reproduce that issue and just fixed it in svn by preventing the use to zoom in too far. Will be included in the next release
Uploaded version 1.0.1
Download the latest version here or use the auto updater in your Freelancer Mod Studio.
- Improved utf parsing speed
- Fixed rotation of objects/zones/paths with more than one defined axis value (please recheck your files)
- Fixed parsing cmp models with single LoD
- Fixed display of zone cylinders and rings after version 1.0
- Fixed not being able to save a file using “Save” after version 1.0
- Fixed 3d viewer camera flipping glitch when zooming in too fast
- Fixed 3d viewer camera wiggle glitch when zooming in too far