Freelancer 2 (?)
Anyone know something about this? A web site, some description, any information?
I dont have a clue
looking around his YT channel i found this ->
and looking around @ lancersreactor i just found this: there definitely some guys out there who just started doing things
Vital wrote:
Freelancer: Mad Hunter’s SOUL mod –-> try too google this.So who is that guy??
it’s me
as for my FL style game remake here’s some of it’s implemented features:
-> login server with account database, character creation, startup char templates.
-> world division by zone servers (a single ZS can run several systems) + master zone server.
-> world synchronization(creation/modification of any object), smooth physics, working PvP.
-> customizable ship appearance depending on equipment
-> .ini based data scripts like FL has(visual effects, systems, equipment, ships etc)so basically it has much more than what is presented on my few videos
w0dk4 wrote:
So at youtube you repeatedly said it’s just a tech demo, are you going to further work on it or drop it eventually?Because it looks pretty good so far, especially the features sound nice!
There’s already a project doc(thanks to some other dudes that help me with it), about 18 pages, so at least I have strict stated goals what to finish. Not sure about dropping, too much effort already spent(both code and models). Anyway, Im going to implement at least all of the current FL gameplay features, then dunno, it’s quite far time point for a solo project: maybe find fat publisher?
Vital wrote:
massdriver wrote:…maybe find fat publisher?
Perhaps Microsoft?
That sounds like a terrible idea. -
well “find a publisher” here I mean that “finished” tech demo could be a starting point for a bigger project, if not, well at least it will be a good platform to build up FL style worlds.
Well for this project if you want to make money your best bet is to get MS backing. They own the copyright to FL and if you try to go with another publisher you run the risk of them suing you into poverty. Your other option is to release it as a free game, MS tends to ignore that type of remake since it usually helps make money for the original. Then again if you do it well enough they may simply buy you out…
It wont be Freelancer with all of FL’s stuff - another story already made, another names, another universe, all this already exist on some pages of project doc(for those who interested in it I can share). My goal is to recreate FL’s gameplay atmosphere, which is important. Also Im not sure about making money with it, if some publisher will be interested in final tech demo - sure that would be nice, if not - well at least there will be a good platform for FL style games for free, but minimum at the end of next year.
Such a shame that you’re all working individually on different projects trying to achieve the same thing, rather than working together on one. Funny old world!
Timmy51m wrote:
Such a shame that you’re all working individually on different projects trying to achieve the same thing, rather than working together on one. Funny old world!not sure if working together will always give better results than working alone.
as for me, I have a small team: me coding + 1 story/ideas writer + 1 helps me with modelling, working for about half year already.
I think as regards future projects, there is little room for teamwork on a community basis because everybody has a different vision for an FL2.
However, what I think would be a worthwile attempt is to upgrade Freelancer. HD textures, normal maps for everything, some gameplay features everybody wants (can be optional) and so on. Once Freeworlds is released this will be my top priority (and in that process, bringing the graphics update to all mods).
Together with Oculus Rift support, we can actually make some nice news about our old little game
I made normal and specular maps for vanilla fl ships in crazy bump, then testing them in your freeworlds demo, honestly, I was gutted at how poor they were compared to games like x3 etc. Looked like an apprentice panel beater had gone to town on them lol, and no matter what approach I tried, couldn’t get a good result. Think it might take someone with skill and great patience to make them manually if they are to look good. Civilian ships didn’t even work for some reason, couldn’t work out why.
Converted ships from x3 and spaceforce etc looked awesome though, so I’m not knocking your work, it’s awesome!
That’s largely because crazy bump can’t make miracles and tends to make everything look like rock.
offtopic: as for normal maps I use 3ds max to produce them as well as making color maps, just make rectangle mesh with details, make ortho projected image for color texture, use directional lights to produce normal map or you can google how to use 3ds max to create normal maps with Render to texture technique, both works osom for me. Also there’s nice ssbump generator program to make normal maps from color images, but try to provide b/w color map instead of color image source.
One idea has crossed my mind, multiple times, yet never posted anything reguarding a possible Freelancer game or something similar. Maybe, just maybe, someone might take the idea and create it from what Im thinging of.
As we all know, Crytech released the Cryengine 3 to the public, as a GLP program for creating their own games/alternative concepts, with either existing or newly made content. The idea of mine, we with a decent or very large team of devolpers and concept designers would work with the Cryengine 3 in creating a large scale version of Freelancer. With the Cryengine 3, the team would be able to create Alternating Economical System, Ship to True Scale(like that in Tides of War, fighters are tiny compared to Capital ships), Increased graphical settings that can be modified by the Client-Side for better FPS and/or Gameplay expirence, New Worlds and New Civilizations( To boldy go where no man has gone before XD), New tech trees and concepts, and most importantly, more diversity in ships, factions, goods, and technologies(weapons included).
But not alot of people see this as a oppertunity and simple forget about it with in a few hours of the idea. This idea is really a better alternative. Ive used the Crysis Map Editor and found that the boundries can be removed and basically go a really far distance from the original area. A sandbox engine, like that of Crysis 1-3, gives a wider margin of larger systems, more room, and some special or secerets that could be hidding. The CryEngine 3 also opens alot more for ship designes, like moving parts, like that of the Human Ships from Babylon 5. But as I said, either someone willing to get thier friends and start doing this or it will fall into the “Pit of Great Ideas, but are crap”. Reason I say that is that anytime I give a concept idea, someone shoots it down saying “If its not made, its crap”, in basic terms
Im really just finally starting out, but I still perfer doing concepts. But this concept is very very possible.