Chris Robert's FL sequel?
0 days, 18 hours, 39 minutes and 19 seconds
left to 10 days from now!However, this text is gone now…
Oh no, from 2h it dropped to 17h :-E ;(
I can handle 10 months, never mind 10 days, as long as that countdown is faithful from now and and we can at least find out what’s going on in 17 hours.
Don’t expect too much. It will be just the first step
How close are you to this, Crazy? What aren’t you telling us?
We’ll find out in an hour, if they are keeping to the countdown and will switch it over from the countdown to the proper wordpress page
LOL now thats just cheating, it reset for another 15 hours
And here I thought I was getting to know it before Zeus (appearntly it works on local time and since Im in Korea)
oh well hoping this is awesome, and not Chris Roberts just trolling us and releasing half life 3 -
14 hrs 43 minutes left
hm that’s cool, will be around midnight here then. Looking forward to it
Crazy wrote:
14 hrs 43 minutes leftGrr, you knew didn’t you
Read what’s under the numbers, 10 days from now
Unless minutes start going by in seconds, theres currently 5 hours 3 minutes and 30 something seconds at this time… There is no writing under the numbers.
Dromedary wrote:
Read what’s under the numbers, 10 days from nowYep - seems to be it somehow related to Black Mesa Source
(crawls out from under the rock) … WHAT!?? OMFG!!!
You folks #$%% kidding me??? What’s this? More spacey stuff, Chris Roberts (aka GOD??), space industries, cloud imperium, times, count down timers… Oh where have I been?? I’m so facking confused…
Zyos wrote:
Unless minutes start going by in seconds, theres currently 5 hours 3 minutes and 30 something seconds at this time… There is no writing under the numbers.+1
Take off! Writing a news post atm
Oh noes forums shows name - not nickname
You can change your profile settings to show your nickname only.
Yes, just click your own name on the forum posts you make and you can edit this.