Unused features
I’ve never really tried, but I always felt it’d be logical if inherit was a global property that always worked and just looked for another block of the same type and appended whatever code was in it.
Considering it seems to work for a lot of things, who knows…
Ok, Rim don’t think that i deny it - will try as you said when will be at home
Yeah agreed too many references… -
Got other not-checked “inherits”:
[Asteroid] inherit = <nickname> [DynamicAsteroid] inherit = <nickname> [AsteroidMine] inherit = <nickname></nickname></nickname></nickname>
at *_equip.ini
[<equipment>] inherit = <nickname></nickname></equipment>
Relating to storyline scripts, I dug up a few interesting strings in Content.dll a while back:
Cnd_RumorHeardI never tested these very thoroughly but Rasauul did conduct quite a respectable amount of experiments. Most of his findings can be found on this thread from TLR:
Storyline Mission Tutorial -
Maybe somewhere present at inet - have not checked.
About storyline script got:
Act_ChangeState = SUCCEED, SILENT
It will tell only to find job without mission succeed message.
Seems to be SILENT you may add to any action, not only to Act_Destroy
Next (not checked):
InitState = ACTIVE we know.
Another values are INACTIVE, COMPLETENext (not checked):
Act_ChangeState = NO_STATE -
Great finds He11oween.
A few more from content.dll:
Cnd_InZone = (bool), (ship), (type)
Will fire if ship is or is not in the specified type of zone, depending on bool.
(No idea what this one does)Act_PlayNN
(No idea what this one does) -
Cnd_JumpgateAct intresting intresting…
Seems to be Cnd_JumpgateAct = true, Player, Li01_to_Li05 need find time to check -
Maybe someone already know, but…
I have noticed 4 last lines not fitting in interface, tried to move them up:At the Audio and Video menu screens you will se new options too.
Are they worked - i have not noticed, maybe of my mod.
For example i have changed Flak’s optlist.ini for english screenshot because my mod uses other language.[interface] option = 1894 option = 1334, 2443, -1, true, false, -1, -1 option = 1332, 2444, 30, true, false option = 1896 option = 1501, 2447, 50, true, false option = 1897 option = 1400, 2449, 100, false, false option = 1401, 2450, 100, false, false option = 1495, 1769, 1, false, false option = 1555, 1771, 0, false, false option = 1498, -1, 1, false, false option = 1407, -1, 2, true, false [Audio] option = -1 option = 1409, 2451, 100, true, false option = 1336, 2452, 100, true, false option = 1337, 2453, 100, true, false option = 1918, 1791, 100, false, true, 33, 100 option = 1671, -1, 32, true, false, 0, 100 option = 1914, 2456, 100, true, false option = 1915, 2457, 100, true, true, 0, 50 [video] option = 1895, 2446, 100, true, false, -1, -1 option = -1 option = 1493, 1774, 100, true, false, 0, 100 option = 1404, 1775, 100, true, false, 0, 100 option = 1405, 1776, 100, true, false, 0, 100 option = 1624, -1, 100, true, false, 0, 100 option = 1622, 1777, 100, true, false, 0, 100 option = 1483, 1778, 100, true, false, 0, 100 option = 1403, 1780, 100, true, false, 0, 100 option = 1402, 1779, 100, false, false, 75, 100 option = 1630, 1772, 100, false, false, 50, 100 option = 1585, 1773, 100, false, false, 50, 100 option = 1481, 1781, 100, false, false, 50, 100 option = 1623, 1782, 100, false, false, 50, 100 option = 1663, 1770, 100, false, false, 30, 100 option = -1 [/video]
As here: http://the-starport.net/freelancer/forum/viewtopic.php?post_id=53377#forumpost53377 - just copy-paste the code into your optlist.ini
I note that in Khayman’s middle screenshot there are two additional checkboxes that show up for the Audio settings page.
AMBIENCE VOLUMEWhat do those settings do and what is the info you would add to the optlist.ini file to make those appear?
They turn on/off ambient sounds and interface volume (the lil beep/noise when your mouse moves over buttons)
heres the code for the lot:
option = 1894;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;DISPLAY
option = 1334, 2443, -1, true, false, -1, -1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;RESOLUTION;;;;;
option = 1332, 2444, 30, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;GAMMA;;;;;;;;;;
option = -1
option = 1896;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;CONTROL
option = 1501, 2447, 50, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;MOUSE SENSITIVITY
option = 1407, -1, 2, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;DIFFICULTY SP only
option = -1
option = 1897;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;MISCELLANEOUS
option = 1400, 2449, 100, false, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;TOOL TIPS
option = 1401, 2450, 100, false, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ROLLOVER HELP
option = 1495, 1769, 1, false, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;TRANSITION SCRIPTS
option = 1555, 1771, 0, false, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AUTOHIDE MANEUVER BAR
option = 1498, -1, 1, false, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;COCKPIT[Audio]
option = -1
option = 1409, 2451, 100, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;DIALOGUE VOLUME
option = 1336, 2452, 100, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SOUND EFFECTS VOLUME
option = 1337, 2453, 100, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;MUSIC VOLUME
option = 1914, 2456, 100, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;maximum sound distance
option = 1915, 2457, 100, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;sound detail level
option = 1411, 2454, 100, false, true, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;INTERFACE VOLUME
option = 1412, 2455, 100, false, true, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AMBIANCE VOLUME
option = 1918, 1791, 100, false, true, 33, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;USE 3D SOUNDoption = 1895, 2446, 100, true, false, -1, -1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;DETAIL
option = -1
option = 1493, 1774, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;OBJECT DETAIL
option = 1404, 1775, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SPACE DETAIL
option = 1405, 1776, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NEBULAR DETAIL
option = 1624, -1, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;TEXTURE DETAIL
option = 1622, 1777, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;CUT SCENCE DETAIL
option = 1483, 1778, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;EFFECT DETAIL
option = 1403, 1780, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;BACKGROUND STARS
option = 1402, 1779, 100, false, false, 75, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;BACKGROUND DUST
option = 1630, 1772, 100, false, false, 50, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;HUD ANIMATION
option = 1585, 1773, 100, false, false, 50, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;DYNAMIC COM WINDOW
option = 1481, 1781, 100, false, false, 50, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PLANET ATMOSPHERES
option = 1623, 1782, 100, false, false, 50, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ENVIROMENT MAPS
option = 1663, 1770, 100, false, false, 30, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;16-BIT DITHER
option = -1
option = 1671, -1, 32, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SOUND ELEMENTS
option = 1914, 2456, 100, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;MAXIMUM SOUND DISTANCE
option = 1915, 2457, 100, true, true, 0, 50;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SOUND DETAIL LEVEL
option = 1407, -1, 2, true, false;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;DIFFICULTY -
Need to check the video section again, space detail is listed twice and difficulty (in general settings) is also listed at the end.
Also you’re listing some sound elements in the section as well.
How about this as a final version?
option = 1894 ;DISPLAY
option = 1334, 2443, -1, true, false, -1, -1 ;RESOLUTION
option = 1332, 2444, 30, true, false ;GAMMA
option = -1 ;LINEFEED
option = 1896 ;CONTROL
option = 1501, 2447, 50, true, false ;MOUSE SENSITIVITY
option = 1407, 1797, -1, true, false, -1, -1 ;DIFFICULTY (SP only)
option = -1 ;LINEFEED
option = 1897 ;MISCELLANEOUS
option = 1400, 2449, 100, false, false ;TOOL TIPS
option = 1401, 2450, 100, false, false ;ROLLOVER HELP
option = 1495, 1769, 1, false, false ;TRANSITION SCRIPTS
option = 1555, 1771, 0, false, false ;AUTOHIDE MANEUVER BAR
option = 1498, -1, 1, false, false ;COCKPIT[Audio]
option = 1409, 2451, 100, true, false ;DIALOGUE VOLUME
option = 1336, 2452, 100, true, false ;SOUND EFFECTS VOLUME
option = 1337, 2453, 100, true, false ;MUSIC VOLUME
option = 1914, 2456, 100, true, false ;MAXIMUM SOUND DISTANCE
option = 1915, 2457, 100, true, true, 0, 50 ;SOUND DETAIL LEVEL
option = -1 ;LINEFEED
option = 1411, 2454, 100, false, true, 0, 100 ;INTERFACE VOLUME
option = 1412, 2455, 100, false, true, 0, 100 ;AMBIANCE VOLUME
option = 1918, 1791, 100, false, true, 33, 100 ;USE 3D SOUNDoption = 1895, 2446, 100, true, false, -1, -1 ;DETAIL
option = -1 ;LINEFEED
option = 1493, 1774, 100, true, false, 0, 100 ;OBJECT DETAIL
option = 1404, 1775, 100, true, false, 0, 100 ;SPACE DETAIL
option = 1405, 1776, 100, true, false, 0, 100 ;NEBULA DETAIL
option = 1624, -1, 100, true, false, 0, 100 ;TEXTURE DETAIL
option = 1622, 1777, 100, true, false, 0, 100 ;CUT SCENE DETAIL
option = 1483, 1778, 100, true, false, 0, 100 ;EFFECT DETAIL
option = 1403, 1780, 100, true, false, 0, 100 ;BACKGROUND STARS
option = 1402, 1779, 100, false, false, 75, 100 ;BACKGROUND DUST
option = 1630, 1772, 100, false, false, 50, 100 ;HUD ANIMATION
option = 1585, 1773, 100, false, false, 50, 100 ;DYNAMIC COMM WINDOW
option = 1481, 1781, 100, false, false, 50, 100 ;PLANET ATMOSPHERES
option = 1623, 1782, 100, false, false, 50, 100 ;ENVIRONMENT MAPS
option = 1663, 1770, 100, false, false, 30, 100 ;16-BIT DITHERAlso, I note that the 16-bit dither line doesn’t show up. Perhaps not enough room on the page? I removed the linefeed line from the performance section to get it to scroll up one line but it still didn’t show.
Yeah, the 16bit dither line needs to be reexamined. Moving it up the list just adds a linefeed to its new location.
I think it works on my laptop for some reason. I seem to recall seeing it there. I’ll check that out next.
It’s looking good robocop
The bottom few in my post may have been there in the vanilla file or put there when i was trying this out.
option = (ids name), (ids info?/tool tip name?/function?), the next bit depends on the function, like a slider or a check box… i was looking through some .dlls looking for the names and came across both id names and i think it might be character sensitive, but im not sure.
oh yeah the space detail bit should have this:
option = 1404, 1775, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SPACE DETAIL
option = 1405, 1776, 100, true, false, 0, 100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NEBULAR DETAILsimple typo, my bad
The difficulty setting may want to look like this:
option = 1407, -1, 2, true, false ;DIFFICULTY SP only
but again im not sure. -
great findings
thx for sharing
i deleted the linefeeds @ the [Interface] section and added one at the top of the [Audio] section. (it fits better in my eyes)
- I changed the dll strings with the help of captain capslock
so it looks right.
now it looks very nice
- I changed the dll strings with the help of captain capslock
I recall that the 16 bit dither line worked in the vanilla install of FL but not after the SDK or the JFLP update was applied. I’m gonna try to unbini the original options file to see what comes out.