New storyline?
Hey folks my name is Rasauul, i did a singleplayer campaign mod a while back called Trent the monkey king.
Im thinking of making a new storyline mod for freelancer, but first i want to hear if anybody is still playing this game and if so……
…What kind of storyline mod would you like to see?
I always had the idea of a few mini-campaigns, played from the eyes of a random pilot during the vanilla campaign. LSF pilot being forced out of Liberty and hunting Rheinlanders in Bering with Walker; maybe a pilot from a random faction becoming part of the Order, even a Nomad!
With vanilla balancing, of course.
Zeus, that idea is actually really interesting and I’d sure play such a mod if the mini-campaigns were done right.
Good luck with it if you decide to go forward and apply your ideas. -
I started an SP mission a while back where you play an Order pilot and your mission is to destroy the Donau.
I dont remember if its finished, but i’ll dig it out and post it if ya want. I think it was missing some id text, but the plot to take off, fly to and kill the target then return home was done. Might not be very balanced either. -
It’s a good idea Zeus, like crysis and crysis warhead, same story but off on a tangent with another character.
I’m pretty sure when you finish mission 1 and have to land on pittsburg King tells you he’s off on another mission for Juni and will catch you later. Must be other instances like that cos I don’t remember King being around for a lot of the missions, what’s he doing when you flee liberty with Juni for example. No reason King couldn’t be have his own storyline.
The first mod i did was a revamp of a prequel mission called “before freeport 7” i added some stuff to it including a little thn-clip at the intro.
The second one i did was an extra mission (on top of the original 13) where you ended up fighting a Nomad mothership in the monkeys system…hence “Trent the monkey king”.
I guees you could call those mods for addons… to the original campaign…
I could do a king mini campaign, but there is a few limitations that arise when using a non Trent character.
all the random NPC char will still adress you as trent, cause that part fill several hundred audio clips
…and there is also all the random NPC text which hold alot of "hello Trent"s…So to do this would mean a campaign with no random NPC interactions, this is possible but it will be very linear.
That doesnt mean that its a bad idea though…keep em coming!
Remember to log in to vote!!
Corsairs mini mod allready exists!
Wow, i jus stumbled on this beautifull little storyline mod.
Check it out here. -
I found that a while ago but didn’t play it as I didn’t have an M13 savegame and couldn’t be bothered going through SP again.
Edit it to play from the beginning and I’ll play it.
the monkey king… god that was really hard for me to play . Good job with that btw!
Anyway, a good storyline idea could be “the return from Sirius to Sol” -
Hey One2many!
Nice to hear !
i made “Trent the monkey king” exactly as i would wish to play it, and i know…… it was damn hard to play?
Did you complete it all? i hate to admit it but it was a bit buggy
I loved working on that mod and it taught me alot about acquiring knowledge and setting things in order.
This next mod i want to be the opposite, i want to hear what all you people who got love for this game would like to see in a new Singleplayer Mod.
Keep the ideas n critique coming
it does play from the beginning
did for me……
I voted FL2, nomads gone. So, they’re gone and years have passed. Things have got very quiet and the security forces have gotten sloppy. This has allowed an outcast or corsair incursion into Liberty space led by some elite general type who needs to be taken out, possibly with the help of the other faction as they both dislike each other. The Order too could help by supplying the Liberty forces with upgraded weaponry etc. put together from the nomad tech recovered in the battles of years ago etc. etc.