Exclusion Zones
Have you added the Nebula exclusion to the nebula file?
If I remember correct, exclusion zones in nebulae need to be
=> shape = SPHERE
Look in DATA/SOLAR/NEBULA/li01_badlands_nebula for the exclusion zones listed below (I’ve added a space between each exclusion for clarity).
I’d suggest adding a zone similar to the Li01_05 and play around with fog_far values to get the effect you’re after.[Exclusion Zones]
exclusion = Zone_Li01_013_Station_Li01_05
fog_far = 2000.000000
zone_shell = solar\nebula\plain_inner_sphere.3db
shell_scalar = 1.000000
max_alpha = 0.500000
exclusion_tint = 180, 105, 255exclusion = Zone_Li01_012_Station_Li01_04
fog_far = 5000.000000
zone_shell = solar\nebula\exclu_generic_sphere.3db
shell_scalar = 1.100000
max_alpha = 1.000000
exclusion_tint = 125, 70, 250exclusion = zone_Li01_Jumpgate_to_Iw03
fog_far = 1500.000000The first exclusion zone (Benford Station) also has a system ini entry that defines it’s size and location so you’ll need a similar larger spherical zone for Manhatten
nickname = Zone_Li01_013_Station_Li01_05
pos = -16608, 0, 74974
shape = SPHERE
size = 3000
property_flags = 196608
property_fog_color = 10, 7, 30
edge_fraction = 0.500000
visit = 128
sort = 99 -
Thx for clearing all that up guys, I’ll go ahead and try those ideas out. If I don’t reply back, asume that it worked!
shape = BOX will work for creating an exclusion for asteroids inside a nebula, but actually excluding the nebula itself means you MUST use shape = SPHERE instead for the exclusion zone. You will likely find a reference to a non-spherical exclusion zone for a nebula in flspew.
I don’t know if that’s true…
tradelane exclusion zones are tubes, not spheres, and they cut right through a nebula or asteroid field. Same for the tunnel through the zone21 minefield.What you need to do is add your exclusion zone to your asteroid field ini.
If I remember correct, exclusion zones in nebulae need to be => shape = SPHERE
No, it can be anything. I use different primitives like box, cyl, sphere in nebulas and they just work fine.
Did you add the new exlcusion zone to the proper nebula (Li01_Badlands_Nebula.ini)?[/d] -
Davis wrote:
If I remember correct, exclusion zones in nebulae need to be => shape = SPHERE
No, it can be anything. I use different primitives like box, cyl, sphere in nebulas and they just work fine.
In a Nebula?? Are you sure you’re not talking about Asteroid Fields here? I haven’t tried for a while, but I’m almost certain that a non-spherical exclusion in a Nebula is a guaranteed CTD.
[d]Without using exterior for an exclusion zone ( meaning just a simple cutout or exclusion zone as lane access) a box shape also works in a nebula so as the cylinder and that’s for sure. I’m not sure with exteriors though. Even if they work, that would be very weird looking in a nebula.[/d]
/update: just tried box shape as exclusion zone with exterior in alaska nebula and though no ctd but didn’t do anything, so yes, it must be sphere.I mixed it with the asteroids. /my bad
Thanks for clearing that out It’s a relief my memory ain’t that bad.
Nebulas are suckers. You have to be careful not to diverge too far from the average FL vanilla’s settings. Asteroid fields are much more flexible (I can remember a guy found out you can have up to nine Asteroid Fields overlapping - maybe this is capacity-related; I never felt the need to overlap more than three). Overlapping Nebulas will render weird stuff (like your ship being invisible - I didn’t do any additional research so I don’t know about NPC ships or other players’ ships in MP)