Theoretical scenario - Civilian, Navy, and Pirate issues
I had made a mention about a post I made reguarding the “Civilians owning Cruisers” post that is on Disco Community forum. All I got were alot of opinions that were bias against, but only validating each other rather than thinking it through. So, Im giving a theoretical scenario and what you would do with this scenario(in Bold print:
You(Either yourself, alone, or with a group of people) had made a mod that was going good in the beginning. Besides the little things, like bugs on certain areas, you noticed in the Community Forums of the server that alot of people are complaining about how the pirates are using bombers only, instead of the typical fighters in the game, and using the weapons that ignore shield types. You want to remedy the situation, but your options are limited due to the mod running for so long. To limit the complaints about this problem, what would you do?
I personally would either revised the bombers to revamped for standard weapons for fighters or give civilians cruisers or a combat frigate.
A reason I ask it here is cause everyone has different views and wouldn’t be validating each other, since I would suspect that most of you have played another mod at some point.
First off, balance is a tricky thing. What seems like a simple issue with only 3 or 4 factors on the surface more often has another 10 or 20 factors that unless you’re the one behind the balance and the code, you simply don’t notice.
And second, without sounding like a… screw that, sounding like a dick… the hell are you bringing your butthurt self here?
It’s tricky but the first thing that pops in mind: remove/revise the bombers for pirates
Civilian ship gameplay is not developed well at the disco. Civilian factions have no serious gameplay which they actually must have. It is required to realise.
Anyway, disco mod has a fatal error - the gameplay has a limit - capital ship spam, this is the top of player’s evolution.
I bet, disco is going down and only reason why it still have players - there’s no real rivalry for this mod, i mean guessing players wishes and constructing a System based on them. But disco is a pit and blockage of the mind. -
That might be the most insightfull thing Ive seen reguarding Disco. I somewhat play, but not alot, due to the “cartoony” like aditude in the game from player governed factions. Disco seemed fine when I really started, but after 4.85, didnt work out so well. I also see why it’s a “Pit and Blockage of the mind”, quite obvious on some posts on their forums. Admins on the forums only really respond to iRP type posts and never anwsering the actaul PMs and what not about the “Unique” ships and trying to enforce that ordeal of the IFF having to be the same as ID. Anyone else use that “ID Card” system as Disco or is that just them?
ID system is a good finding, but not ideal, like whole disco’s RP.
There’s no sence talking about separate aspects, also no sence talking about disco at all. Forget it and go your way if you don’t agree with System they represent. -
Agreed, reason Im still trying to learn on making models into ships for use ingame. Thinkin of redoing Disco, but making changes of the timeline from Disco’s 17 years of no advancements to something that shows some actual change. Problem for me is balancing College at the moment. I would keep the ID system, but remove the nerfs, remove bomber weapons, etc. Big list for me, if that new Freelancer that SWAT Devs are working on comes out before then, oh well.
Haha, i work on my own alternative too.
I don’t think that SWAT have the real intention to make it. They can, but they don’t work seriously. It seems so for me, it’s my opinion, it can be a false.
Removing bomber stuff is not a good decision. Because ship interclass balance could be done with much better actions. Bomber class is variety of gameplay. I suggest you to think about evolving it, not killing. Like as evolving everything u see in FL.
Best system is a system without any imaginary rules to follow. There’s an another way than disco goes.
gl hf -
Actually we have the real intention to make it. Just sayin
If so, I could contribute to it. I have models that may look good, but I can’t place Textures in the UV Mapping, stilling trying to get it down.
One thing out of Disco is the fact that the Gallia Royals and Council fighters and warships were rush jobs in the beginning of the Gallia expansion, as well as the frighters that was given.
Gallia is ill imagination of disco modders. There was no gallia in original story and concepts.
Can we please stop with the “Let’s bash Discovery!” bullshit?
If this thread doesn’t quickly go back to its original so-called theoretical purpose, it’s getting the lock.
5-pool-cat-rush wrote:
Gallia is ill imagination of disco modders. There was no gallia in original story and concepts.This is just right. Mods are about modifying the original content. You can put space dragon riders fighting space Supermarine Spitfires into Freelancer or like anything, why not! Mods are about making games more interesting.
Back on topic. Giving civilian factions a frigate or gunboat is not that unreal. The majority of FL factions are megacorporations (Ageira have a monopoly on Jumpgate tech ie.) so they have a LOT of money. They can build capital ships for private sector, heck you can create new megacorps or smaller sister corps or the big ones specialising on capital ship production for paramilitary groups or for the role of protecting the big corporation ship convoys. There is a lot of possibilities in the Freelancer universe. Vanilla is just a basic foundation to build on new content.
On topic: To me, removing Bomber weapons completely would make things so much better, but alot of “Pirates”, cant really call em that, would be bitchin and complainin about how the weapons were so good. Technically, if the Bomber Guns are class 6, then a regular fighter should be able to use em as well.
Off topic: Gallia is a bit unrealistic, since the Navy of Gallia are 20 gun ships for a nation that has too small of a area of control. Very little thought was put into them for overall design.
I didn’t played Disco for a very long time but isn’t it the question for the “Stone, Scissors, Paper” principle?
I mean if CapShips are strong, weaken them or just bring an answer to it, the Bomber as told above which again can be beaten by a Fighter which has no chance against a CapShip. If a Torpedo for example is to exact or fast, slow it down.
I assume Disco is meant that way but as modder you always have the chance to counter or weaken strong “Hardware”. Now if you take something out like the mentioned bombers, you may have no answer against CapShips anymore.
Huh, probably i don’t get the point but balancing everything is one of the hardest things to do and needs much patience and work imO. It starts with the behavior of single Ships or whole classes and ends somewhere in the Systems where a quick retreat possibility may make players doing RP only in the Systems where it is possible.
Just to say it: Disco has a large playercount, they are doing something ok from my pov.
Offtopic on.
Just to say it: Disco has a large playercount, they are doing something ok from my pov.
They are. But with all the rage against them, they can easily name they next mod Discovery: Haters gonna hate
Offtopic off.
Balancing a mod is really a pain, and for some reason, it’s kinda unrealistic that Bombers weapons has no weapon type such as capital ship weapons, it could be better for balance.
Capital ships for civilian isn’t a bad idea, considering Star Wars, there is independent faction like Hutts, CSA and CIS (militarized merchants), in FL there is war between ALG and GMG, why couldn’t they have build Capships?
Freelancer gives weapons to civilians, we can continue to this way, United-Statians have the right to bear guns, why a civilian couldn’t fly a cruiser in an interstellar point of view?