HardCMP Attach to:???
Look at one of the vanilla fighters with HardCMP. The “attached to” menu is for multi-part models. You can assign hard points to those parts, anything attached to those HPs will be lost along with the destructible part.
thx for the reply ^_^
How about ROOT, what does it mean &/or purpose? My thought is that it is the main HP that can hold different HP or the source HP of them all. Correct me if I am wrong.
OR it is just all the same…even it is ROOT or any other “name”, you will just assign them to a specific “group name” or “ROOT”…
Like for example: Root1 will be all laser weapons, Root2 = missile weapons & Root3 is components. When root2 is destroyed, it is the only group device that will lost and the other roots are not. Correct me again if I am wrong… {-_-}
I just want to know how things should work and making sure my stuffs are fine and ready to jump to space. LOL