Launch to space from the bar
Well, I wish to share my recent discovery
and I have one question tooSo, you know, the base rooms are optional, and of course we need at least one, but the persistence of landing room (landscape or deck) really bugged me, especially the deck. For instance, if I have only Bar, I was forced to add and Deck room, else no “Launch to Space” button, BUT finally I found the cure. I append this code to my BASES\ROOMS**__bar.ini:
[Hotspot] name = IDS_HOTSPOT_LAUNCH behavior = Launch ```Actually, you never will see this [Hotspot] in use in any ini file, and I really wonder what value to add for "behavior" param. By chance or not, "Launch" was my first guess and it **works** :D so I not tested other values. Screenshot below show my first (and successful) test. ![]( Ok, I'll glad if someone else test this, just to confirm that it works not just for me. The next test I made was with base that have separate rooms for Trader and Equipment, so there no need of an empty Deck room, and I remove that room, plus append IDS_HOTSPOT_LAUNCH to the rest. This way I find one limitation. Trader room is fine, but see the Equipment. ![]( ![]( The "Launch to Space" button fly away, and maybe on other screen resolution that location been ever worst, overlaped with other button. Perhaps there is some sort of "menu_width" or "icon_count" limit somewhere. Can we bypass this limit? Yes, I can just hide/remove arrow-buttons that change camera view for my Equipment to fit this limit, but if this can be fixed w'd be awesome. Ah, and there is something else that bother me too :) The "behavior" of Repair button. We can append this button to any room with:
behavior = Repair -
Just so cool! We can also make custom space hud with beta features as well (Wirefarme player ship), I will take a look at it.
Yeah, nice founding. Will use it in special way, thanks