Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
@ adoxa
This patch limits the items in stock,
but I think it just exit the base and go back to buy items not in stock before, this is true?@ foxUnit01
‘disable money-based rank’ is not my hack it comes from adoxa, and not “HUD: Contacts / Weapons List / Wireframe” but “Misc”. -
All my fault mate…
Did the test prior to ships and was wondering if I made a mistake while doing the patch… cause it worked with commodities.
I figured out that I was applying the patch on a wrong exe-path of my new modversion-files I´m currently working on. Sometimes it was working with commodities… sometimes not… switched here and there and so I was a little confused.Thanks anyway and sorry for bothering you folks with this…
freelancer.exe 911D6 65->63 = on "NavMap not available" initially do hide some controls (part 1) freelancer.exe 91233 EB078BCEE874030000->BB01000000EB0231DB = on "NavMap not available" initially do hide some controls (part 2) freelancer.exe { 94652, 94666, 9467A, 9468E, 946A2, 946B6, 946CA, 946DE } 6A01->5390 = on "NavMap not available" initially do hide some controls (part 3)
St02->Open NavMap: top controls visible.
Universe Map->Player Location->St02 : top controls hidden. :? Looks like bug. -
Here’s a game limit that, to my knowledge hasn’t been fixed — I wasn’t even aware of its existence:
There is a limit on where you can place stars on the Universe map
The Universe Map’s usuable area is smaller than it’s visible area.
At least, I run into a left margin, and I presume there might be right, top and bottom margins too, but saw no need to test them, as the left margin is already an annoyance.
Why is this an annoyance? Well, Adoxa’s Territory plugin, especially combined with smallers stars and thinner nav lines, make it possible to create a much more interesting map! But the limit for placing stars falls well withing the visual map, and I actually planned (as in: spend my free time of last week on expanding on my nav map) quite a bunch of systems outside of the margin, of which existence I was not aware.
Example: both these systems are displayed at the same x-coordinate:
;========================{ Sirius A } [system] nickname = Ca01 ;file = pos = -3.00, 3.0 visit = 1 strid_name = 524308 ids_info = 526307 NavMapScale = 1 ; ;========================{ Sirius B } [system] nickname = Ca01 ;file = pos = -2.50, 3.5 visit = 1 strid_name = 524308 ids_info = 526307 NavMapScale = 1
Does someone know what offset(s) should be changed, to expand the useable region on the Universe map?
Adoxa emailed me the solution for the above problem:
Freelancer.exe 0967CD 3C->A0 = allow all positions on Universe map (visible region roughly -2.4,-2.7 to 17.3,17) ~adoxa
Btw good to see the Starport is back online again
This hack is not good :
freelancer.exe 27ADCA 25->1C = filter out incompatible builds on server list by default ~FriendlyFire
Adoxa write solution here.–---------------
How to edit maximum number of characters in “NEW CHARACTER” input box ?
(limit max is 23)-
Another question :
I found that talking about a problem with the hack
(server.dll 08B450 526500000000f = square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer)
A solution to remove vibration on the ship or not(never)? -
Another question
I have a problem with this hack, not work.
server.dll 08B450 526500000000f = square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer
But if I change f to d, this hack work.
What is a good hack?
starworld wrote:
How to edit maximum number of characters in “NEW CHARACTER” input box ?
(limit max is 23)1. Get the source.
2. Find the right define and change it.
3. Compile & release.2 is trivial; 3 might be challenging, but doable; 1 is where it all goes wrong…
I found that talking about a problem with the hack
(server.dll 08B450 526500000000f = square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer)
A solution to remove vibration on the ship or not(never)?It’s only a solution if you make it smaller, so you explode before you shake. See above…
I have a problem with this hack, not work.
server.dll 08B450 526500000000f = square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer
But if I change f to d, this hack work.Yep, it should be double, fixed the wiki.
I do not want more characters, but put the limit “name” to 18 characters. (limit max is 23)
I would kept 5 characters for the Tag of the faction, add with flhook in the player’s name.
Because if the player writes a name of 23 characters, I can not put the Tag…Thank you for all.
That’s not a bug or a feature, it’s a fundamental limit of 32-bit floating points. You won’t find a fix without some major modifications of the underlying engine.
adoxa wrote:
freelancer.exe 1855C0 74->EB = scale ship to fill the preview ~adoxaHm…, only Root part of the ship is used, for scale calculation?
Some ships , I see not fully. -
Change radius manually - seems to be by Milkshape
In this code, [ebp + 0x32c] contain archetype ID of the ship .
I made hook, for some fixed scale, depending on ship class. -
Vital wrote:
Yeah, heard this many times before…… was asking in a desperate hope…
There was once an idea to create a system with multiple centres…(59, #877)
What exactly was the idea then? In that case the positions of zones and objects would have this kind of format:pos = x, y, z, A
in which A is a center of the system, could be any name.
Another problem, how would the map look like?Instead of making huge systems, you could also make your ships very small (I don’t recall if you have to change the size of the pilot as well).
Another thing, what would it take to make the power_modifier function active again?
I found some offsets (mostly by adoxa) that I couldn’t find on the list.
#128 ( page 9 )
Freelancer.exe, d5984, 7e -> eb, remove speed display limit of 999 (shows tradelane speed) ~unknown
#720 ( page 48 )
server.dll, 231bf, -350f, jump gate/hole z-axis entry point adjustment ~adoxa server.dll, 876c0, 500d, jump gate/hole x-&y-axis entry point adjustment ~adoxa
#327 ( page 22 )
common.dll, 460a9, 07, power-based multiplier for max distance from the center of the system (x-axis) static asteroids will be spawned (07 = 131k, 08 = 262k, 09 = 524k, etc.) ~adoxa common.dll, 460af, 07, power-based multiplier for max distance from the center of the system (z-axis) static asteroids will be spawned (07 = 131k, 08 = 262k, 09 = 524k, etc.) ~adoxa
#472 ( page 32 )
common.dll, 258eb, 8b4c24086a0151 -> 6a016a01909090, always enable collisions, ~adoxa
#799 ( page 54 )
content.dll, a94d4, 04 -> 39, disable money-based rank ~adoxa
#833 ( page 56 )
Freelancer.exe, b7b85, 0f, degrees to continuously rotate ship preview around x axis ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, b7b90, 0f, degrees to continuously rotate ship preview around y axis ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, b7b98, 0f, degrees to continuously rotate ship preview around z axis ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, 1855c0, 74 -> eb, scale ship to fill the preview ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, b8efa, 162.851f, initial degrees of ship preview around x axis ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, b8f02, -71.6442f, initial degrees of ship preview around y axis ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, b8f0a, 0f, initial degrees of ship preview around z axis ~adoxa
#739 ( page 50 )
FLServer.exe, 8b70, 81 -> c3, don't run dxdiag on crash ~adoxa, Helloween
#169 ( page 12 )
Freelancer.exe, 1d954c, 0.0004f, reciproke of brackets drawn distance ~adoxa
#844 ( page 57 )
Freelancer.exe, 974c9, 0.005f, width of system connection line ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, 97501, 00, red component of system connection line ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, 97506, 40, green component of system connection line ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, 9750b, 80, blue component of system connection line ~adoxa Freelancer.exe, 97510, ff, alpha component of system connection line ~adoxa ```By the way, are the offsets for the waypointed (purple) system connection lines also known (adoxa)? #870 ( page 58 )
Freelancer.exe, 967cd, 3c -> a0, allow all positions on Universe map (visible region roughly -2.4,-2.7 to 17.3,17) ~adoxa
#846 ( page 57 )
Freelancer.exe, 915f4, 2000i, size range of universe map stars ~adoxa
Freelancer.exe, 91605, 3000i, min size of universe map stars ~adoxa
Freelancer.exe, 916f2, 03c2c1f80f -> b80i000000, color of universe map stars (i=0-6 for RGBCMYW) ~adoxa
Freelancer.exe, 916fe, 8403 -> 0000, prevent universe map stars from pulsing (part 1) ~adoxa
Freelancer.exe, 9173a, c18f08 -> 83c8ff, prevent universe map stars from pulsing (part 2) ~adoxa
Freelancer.exe, a1727, d8642410 -> 90909090, prevent universe map stars from blinking ~adoxaI would suggest the list to contain another section under HUD named NavMap (could be useful for adoxa's offsets in #844, #870 and #846). You think that's a good idea, fox?
w0dk4 wrote:
posted this back on the temp. TLR, might be useful to some:Found the respawn time after any solar object will regain full health once destroyed:
0x85530 in server.dll (v1.1): 60.0 double float (= 60 seconds)I never really understood why this function was added in MP anyway (not in SP). If you just add a death_fuse to a weapons platform, it will blow up anyway, even in MP.
Found some new offsets:
-NPC behavior-
content.dll, c4c01, 500f, min distance from player position at spawn moment that an NPC patrol with arrival = cruise will fly to when spawned ~Gold_Sear, M0tah content.dll, c4c06, 2000f, max distance from player position at spawn moment that an NPC patrol with arrival = cruise will fly to when spawned ~Gold_Sear, M0tah ```A little explanation: When an NPC patrol with arrival = cruise is spawned, it will cruise to a position before dropping out of cruise and start patrolling at normal speed. These are the min and max distances from the position the player was when the patrol was spawned, the patrol will fly to before dropping out of cruise. -Reputation-
content.dll, 114310, gd_bh_grp, in freetime between missions 4, 5, 6 and 7 buying a ship will set your rep with the Bounty Hunters to -0.2; either change the nickname or write it over with 00’s (do NOT change the length of the DLL!) ~Gold_Sear
common.dll, 7630c, 0.8f, multiplier for min cruise speed in formation (escort) ~Gold_Sear
common.dll, 13df88, 0.5d, multiplier for min cruise speed in formation (leader, note: if this value is much smaller than value above, as by default, flying in formation is impossible when the leader is waiting for an escort) ~Gold_Sear
common.dll, 1407a0, 1.2f, multiplier for max cruise speed in formation (escort) ~Gold_Sear
common.dll, 18b5cc, 300f, cruise speed; always overruled by CRUISING_SPEED in constants.ini ~Gold_Sear
common.dll, 18b5d0, 5f, cruise acceleration time; always overruled by CRUISE_ACCEL_TIME in constants.ini ~Gold_Sear
common.dll, 18b5d4, 3f, cruise drag; always overruled by CRUISE_DRAG in constants.ini ~Gold_Sear[EDIT: now I do know.]( -HUD: Ship Brackets-
Freelancer.exe, 1d8ee8, 10f, multiplier for size of non-targeted ship brackets, depending on the distance (10 for almost no change, 5 for very small ship brackets at distances > 1000m) ~Gold_Sear
Freelancer.exe, 1d8f08, 0.3f, time in seconds that brackets around selected ships (and waypoints) take to become full-size ~Gold_Sear-HUD: other-
Freelancer.exe, 1d8d08, 1500f, distance over which non-selected arrows of enemies, mission-critical friendlies and players on the edge of the screen start fading (note: this is the same offset as adoxa’s max trade initiate distance) ~Gold_Sear
Freelancer.exe, 212434, 2500f, scanner range (optionally modified by interference) under which the scanner only shows contacts within that range (in other words, if the scanner range is under this value, solars will not show up on your contact list unless within scanner range) ~Gold_Sear
Freelancer.exe, 1c8da4, 600f, multiplier for size of fonts for some things defined in fonts.ini (such as contacts/weapons list, instead of using this hack, you could also change ‘fixed height’ values in fonts.ini) ~Gold_Sear