Freelancer Beta 1
What about that Nomad Elite working in todays FL with animation and sur?
All of Freeworlds’ models have LODs. It’s the only way to integrate high poly models without causing heavy aliasing from a distance (it also helps performance
Is there anyone who knows more about interface editing? I played around with the beta files trying to copy them to a vanilla install and hopefully reenable the mesh viewer for the player ship. The files are very similar, beta has an aditional mesh entry to a .vms file in the hud_showinfo. I really hope that it’s not disabled definetly from the game engine.
Whats about windows 10 and audio codec?
Finded in Beta and implemented in my mod. Any base in Beta has landing animation.
nice find
Good find. I always wanted to see something like that in the game.
So what’s different? The thns themselves?
scripts/bases/ launch & land .thn for decks and then called from system/bases/room.ini
[PlayerShipPlacement] name = X/Shipcentre/01 landing_script = Scripts\Bases\Rh_04_Deck_land_01.thn launching_script = Scripts\Bases\Rh_04_Deck_launch_01.thn
oh you can open the doors withsc_no loop
but i did not figure how to make it play one time yet, it keeps looping the door anim
I have not yet been able to get the beta to run so I can’t even see the animations you speak of. If I were to try to incorporate the thns into my install to see them I’m assuming it would be a simple matter of replacing the thns with the ones from the beta and making the changes in the rooms files as applicable.
Or, would I also need to replace the cmps and 3dbs for the bases?
1.0 bases is compatible with beta launch/land scripts. Just use example maded by corpse.
1. Activate scripts in [PlayerShipPlacement]
2. Add animation_oneshot = Sc_no loop in [Room_Info] (you can did it without beta scripts)
You need to do it in EVERY Deck room in your FL.Possible problems:
- rh_outpost_deck launch script is very bad. Use any else script from another faction
- bretonia battleship doors is open by defaults. You need to change animation to run backwards. For example:
0 0 3,333333 1,22173
change to…
0 1,22173 3,333333 0
- kusari battleship has no launch script. Use script from bretonia. It is compatible with some little glitches. (ship in walls at the end!)
- didn’t find outpost or station script? Get it in another faction! All is compatible with same others.
- you can close doors if you want it. For example on station:
0 0 3,333333 13,92367 ;default animation ends there 10 ;before 10 second we will keep... 13,92367 ;...same position 13,3 ;and on 10 second we will start to... 0 ; closing it!
All land and launch scripts is attached to this post in
Hi, Im using win 7 64bit and when i launch the beta at main menu it instantly crashes and give error DAlib has stopped working……pls help
i get it worked ,nvm!