Max 2016 Import / export script for .3db?
This is probably a big ask, but… does anyone have one of these or can anyone make one. Something that would allow me to avoid using Milkshape?
I really want to contribute and do stuff, I have even made things already but milkshape is just terrible, it’s holding me back, I cant get it to work properly, it either crashes constantly or the exporter isn’t working right for the thing’s i’m trying to accomplish.
I did make my stuff entirely in 3ds max without touching milkshape whatsoever. However there isn’t exactly a push-export-button complete solution, as far as I know, exporters I had used have their own quirks too, but ultimately I was able to get things done and test modifications in-game relatively quick. Basically the process consisted of exporting into .cmp and then using UTFEditor to reassemble into .3db (if it’s a single-part model) or restructure it for a proper .cmp. Granted I didn’t do this entire process every time I had updated model, thankfully copy-pasting specific nodes like VMeshData and VMeshRefs to correct spots makes things a lot easier and doesn’t screw up with other data like hardpoints, animations and embedded resources. Had also a few custom made tools to assemble animated parts together, but otherwise it was mostly 3ds max and utfeditor. Made ships, interior/exterior environment models, hitboxes, starspheres with vertex color and opacity as well. Don’t need milkshape at all.
A while ago I started writing doc on cmp/3db internals, how data in nodes is related to other nodes and so forth. I had never finished the doc because quite frankly I realized there isn’t really an audience for whom it would be useful, aside may be from one or two persons. Here’s the google doc sharing link: google doc. I hope diagrams at least would prove useful to help manipulating mesh data.
That looks very helpful, thank’s for sharing the additional guide. I tried a cmp exporter for max, but think possibly it was for an older version and crashed max upon loading.
All I am trying to do, is replace the existing asteroids in the game with refreshed versions so the guide should help me with that.
I’m not sure which exporter is supported by latest 3ds max, if any. Like said I use old exporter version along with long outdated 3ds max version 2008. Thankfully they both work fine on modern windows and I have not encountered any significant issues (obviously do make iterative backups of your models as 3ds max sometimes has a tendency of taking out saved file during a crash). Exporter I used (attached below) is a slightly customized version to support vertex color and transparency I needed to mimic vanilla starscapes. It’s buggy and unfinished but so long as used correctly it works fine, most certainly a lot better than milkshape expoter (which doesn’t even export vertex normals correctly), just don’t bother with it doing multi-part mesh arrangement, best do it yourself like mentioned in doc.
Converting single-part cmp to 3db is fairly easy, all you need is UTFEditor to open and find “.3db" node in exported .cmp, look for VMeshPart (probably will be somewhere in ".3db/MultiLevel/Level0”), copy it and its VMeshRef into root node (“”), get rid of “Cmpnd” tree and “*.3db” entirely and save file as .3db.
I made ports for this for 3ds Max 2017 a few months ago, I’ll make downloads available for the compiled plugins shortly (the source is on the Forge).
Does this version support exporting vertex alpha/color? I seem to recall some 3ds max exporters floating around had this feature missing entirely. -
I’ve only ported whatever was on the repository. If whoever made the vertex alpha/color changes did not commit them, then they aren’t part of it. Since we don’t use those at all, I don’t know whether they’re enabled.