Advanced Widescreen HUD
And now, allow shooting through the wireframes. Right now, right-clicking on the wireframes refuses shooting, which can be annoying during combat.
Need to find exact thing: mouse down on static control.
I’ve found mouse over only, and that will result in becoming unable to highlight a ship’s parts and select its weaponry.freelancer.exe E7DF9 B001>30C0 = make target wireframe ignore all mouse events
Released as standalone mod.
Download page: -
WhiskasTM wrote:
Need to find exact thing: mouse down on static control.
I’ve found mouse over only, and that will result in becoming unable to highlight a ship’s parts and select its weaponry.freelancer.exe E7DF9 B001>30C0 = make target wireframe ignore all mouse events
Thanks, I’ll try to do further investigation. This patch will indeed allow shooting through the target wireframe, but not, or only partially, through the contact and weapon lists.
Bonus two (5 and 6) parts. Those hide SwitchToTarget button eventually and keep formation/contact-list highlighted when pressed.
freelancer.exe CFE75 01>00 = always show target wireframe (PART 1) freelancer.exe E203E 0F84>90E9 = always show target wireframe (PART 2) freelancer.exe E20FF 74>EB = always show target wireframe (PART 3) freelancer.exe E3CE0 0F858F020000>909090909090 = always show target wireframe (PART 4) freelancer.exe E1F91 7460>9090 = always show target wireframe (PART 5) freelancer.exe E36DA 08>30 = always show target wireframe (PART 6)
However, if loaded game had hud minimized the SwitchToTarget will also be visible until you click it or restore the hud. Then it disappears as planned. -
We released version 1.1 of this UI on Moddb: content - Whiskas fixed major bug in weapon groups
freelancer.exe DB6A5 13>07 - force the 1st weapon group to be set on entering space (PART 1) freelancer.exe DB6B7 EB05>6A00 - force the 1st weapon group to be set on entering space (PART 2)
Now you can’t broke your group when you trying to reload the game with selected group #2 (or anything else except #1).
well that’s logical… but there must be another way to bring the wireframe… just like the one in beta version
Released! Everyone can try this mod on ModDb: watch example from FL 1.0:
Bonus. Hack: camera of target wireframe on the top (like a playership wireframe):
freelancer.exe E3D09 0F95C1->B10190
I can’t reproduce the theory of moving away damaged ships. Here i made Anubis loose a wing then reloaded game, but the ship remains stay in the center. I rather think it’s the issue in vanilla Drake.
Gold_Sear wrote:
WhiskasTM wrote:
Need to find exact thing: mouse down on static control.
I’ve found mouse over only, and that will result in becoming unable to highlight a ship’s parts and select its weaponry.freelancer.exe E7DF9 B001>30C0 = make target wireframe ignore all mouse events
Thanks, I’ll try to do further investigation. This patch will indeed allow shooting through the target wireframe, but not, or only partially, through the contact and weapon lists.
Through background plane of target/status windows completely. This is sub_4E7D20 in freelancer.exe, floating maths should be subtracted by width of new target/status-windows. After that the next code should be incorporated, but currently it is standalone improved version of old hack:
freelancer.exe E7B7C FF501084C00F847E010000->83C4049090909090909090 = make cursor ignore the background plane of target and status windows, but support wireframe parts and equipment (doesn't apply to ROOT) (PART 1) freelancer.exe E7D5F D986840400008D867C040000D871088B10895424048B50048B4008895424088944240CD9C0D809D9->8B0D44686100A1406861008D542404528D5424085251508D4EC8E872FCFFFF85C07577E98C000000 = make cursor ignore the background plane of target and status windows, but support wireframe parts and equipment (doesn't apply to ROOT) (PART 2) ```Apply and disassemby will show the call to special function that returns a part of wireframe under cursor. However, the function doesn't return root of the model (returns 0).
Thanks Whiskas for your effort. My bad, I didn’t look into the old posts earlier, I found that adoxa already solved this back in 2010.
EDIT: indexed to wiki. I also saw that Ruppetthemuppet indexed adoxa’s recent finds, as well as Schmackbolzens third max fps offset, nice work.
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