Interesting thing just happened
I was passing by Helgoland on my way to New Tokyo, when I noticed the station was firing on ALG-marked freighters!
ALG was firing on its’ own!
Very, very rarely do I recall noticing the same, where factions that are supposed to be allies appear to be firing on one another.
As a player, when accidentally causing too much damage to a friendly or neutral NPC, that unit and all their friends will turn hostile toward you, until you leave the area.
Does anyone know if this perhaps works in the same way for NPC’s? If an NPC unit happens to accidentally down the shields of another unit in an allied faction, would they turn hostile towards one another in the same way, for the duration of that encounter? Would this even happen between units in the same faction?
Factions all have certain values assigned on how good they are standing to another faction. Those values are determining when and against who they defend each other. And if one value is higher than that of another faction, they may as well turn it around and have attack each other. It all depends on the rare constellations of such factions meeting and setting this chain of “defense priorities” in action.