Mod where AI use Nanobots and shield bats
Hi there !
I would like too push Freelancer to a more difficult task where AI can use the nanobots and shield batteries. I wonder if there is a simple mod that does this without changing the Vanilla Freelancer. I put the difficulty scale at 1.25 but I don’t feel that my enemies are a big thread, and to be honest, it’s rather artificial.
I would like to use this mod with a the Enhanced Battleship encounter to kill some capital ships with my Saber and be sure that they will use their nanos and batteries.
Not sure there is a standalone mod for that.
Doing it yourself is easy enough.
in DATA\Missions\pilots_population.ini you will find under the [pilot] sections repairid = repair_fighter_never
this can be changed to
repairid = repair_fighter_never
repairid = repair_fighter_hull
repairid = repair_fighter_shield
repairid = repair_fighter_bothdepending on your requirements. you then have to add bats and bots to the npc loadouts with
cargo = ge_s_battery_01, x
cargo = ge_s_repair_01, xwhere x is the quantity - keep it sane, single figures usually.
You may also want to amend the [PhantomLoot] sections in lootprops.ini - when a large battle you may find yourself engulfed by loot bats & bots.
OK THX ! I gonna try it out when I will be motivated to do some code.
It will not be too long to do I think.
I tried to kill some Kusari capships with my Sabre with Difficulty Scale at 1 and I was destroyed easely… X’D So it’s hard to kill a Kusari Battleship + 2 Dest + 3 Gunships even with one of the best fighter and weapons. So I think it’s a good start to improve my skills rather than making faighters able to use their Nano/Bat