Capital ships shield collision detection
Hello fellow modders,
I tried to implement battleship encounters and through many tutorials and battleship encounter mod, I was able to fully make it working.
Except for shields…
Yes I know, known issue
I am using FL HD latest version, and I used ADOXA’s
server.dll 00960C 0C->00 = fix explosion damage not causing full damage (or no damage) on large ships ~M0tah
But no matter what, Vanilla capital ships still do not register missile weapons against their shields.
When shields are down, missiles and torpedoes work as they should but hitting a shield does no DMG.
I tried to increase the radius of the explosion for torpedoes to 250m which helped only against cruisers but not battleships. Plus it’s very bad temporary solution.The only thing I didn’t try is to create a custom shield bubble 3db and .sur.
Are those the only things that must be there and actually work or is there something else I could do? -
As far as ‘easy fixes’ are concerned, You’ve found pretty much all there is.
For Disco, I’ve hooked onto explosion damage code and rewrote it from scratch, using HitRays to decide the distance from the target instead of vanilla’s center of mass distance. This fixes the issue entirely, but the code isn’t exactly Plug&Play, nor have I made it work in SP setting.
@Aingar Wow, thats something my brain is not ready for
Me and Coding… hmm nope
Seems like I lost this battle. Maybe the Shield-less capitals are better options than breaking physics of this universe to making shields working