Freelancer Path Generator *Alpha*
It actually looks like the ini files were not decompressed… but I thought I did run it on a fl sdk installation…
Maybe it was just an error on my part. -
**You can also get a crash if a system contains 11+ JHs & JG combined when you set a waypoint course. This will occur even in vanilla FL. And the crash will happen in any system, not just the one with the extra jumps in it.
Edit : forgot to mention if the system doesn’t have paths leading to and from it, you don’t have to limit it to 10 jh/jgs, thanks F!R for reminding me of that.**
Probably wouldn’t hurt, it is on my to-do list for FLEC.
Okay, honestly heard nothing what-so-ever about any issues, problems or anything else. Had the odd “great”, “works fine”, “it’s working well”, “awesome” type comments, which don’t mention any problems arising in their paths (or whether they used the paths generated) - but wondering whether to just make it into a release version now?
If I do, I’ll add contact details to a help menu or something, so that feedback may be generated etc?
Any last thoughts, hints or requests?
I’ve been using this on my mod and i’m in the proccess of updateing the mod. I have added new systems etc and used your program to regenerate the paths, I have tried them and everything seems ok i have not came across any problems at all, no errors generating them and no erros in using the generated paths either…
@ Chips.
I think you should as some vanilla systems are heavy with them already and some people modding just will not know.
@ Others, you will probably see that the ini’s referred to in universe are sometimes a different case than those they actually refer to. For Lancer Sol, you might want to tidy this up in your error check by having them highlight incorrect/mismatched case for system ini’s. example - Li01 > LI01. There are a number of mismatched case inis referenced from the system entries to the actual system ini file. Whilst I dont believe this in itself will crash the server, its good practice to have them all uniform. I have changed mine, however a quick look will show what I mean. -
**From my own testing the name are not case sensitive in most of the FL files. In some cases such as looting, it is important. I don’t see a problem with adding an additional check for it though since I am just like you, I prefer the case to match. It will most likely have to be a separate check though since the nickname scanner converts all names to lowercase, it requires alot less room in the tree list for the names.
I will need to know exactly which parts you would like checked, the standard scanning I do typically does not know what file the nicknames come from. Another possibility is add a check to let the user turn off the lowercase conversion during the general error checker part…**
Got an
“IOException, please report as bug”What details do I provide? Where from?
They all seem to revolve around ST01 and ST02.
Not systems we actually use but I presume left overs from SP missions.
We have new Beta and Minor but I presume these have not bbeen deactivated properly? or can they be?If I take the two st ini’s out for the scan I get
st01 not found
st02 not found
st03 file encrypted!
st03b file encrypted!
fp7_system file encrypted!
st01 not found
st02 not found
st03 file encrypted!
st03b file encrypted!
fp7_system file encrypted! -
Did you remove them from universe.ini?
no, for the scan I just moved the system ini’s, to see what happened as it wouldn’t complete with them in.
Is removing from the universe.ini the way to get rid of them completely, or is that too simplistic?
Sorry for the simple questions, but part of a team that inherited a mod and we are still learning as we go. The more we find out the more code worries we seem to find within the mod.
Spent all day on a crash issue today, finally traced it to one line of code, but no idea why it crashes. The same line is in many places, including elsewhere in the system ini and was in the version before and causes no problems.
Hmm, i would advise deactivating the mod, installing the SDK so that all files are overwritten by unencrypted files.
Then, activate the mod (make sure you’ve not got any files inside the mod that are encrypted, not aware of any re-encryption that works 100% effectively!) as maybe these are the issue?If you still get those error messages, then try opening one of the mentioned files and see if it’s encrypted. You can try to decrypt it as well, then compare to the SDK version. If there’s no difference, then remove it from the mod as it’s not required?
When it opens a file, it checks for the bini at the start. If it finds it’, it thinks it is encrypted.
Thanks, it is the encryption, never looked in those files before, assumed they were decrypted.
I presume that this indicates that the mod may have not been built on the SDK?
If the mode wasn’t so large and long lived I would be tempted to recode it all from scratch -
May be several reasons:
- I think the Explorer offered a method of re-encrypting the bini files?
- They just copied files across without ever opening or altering them (check them against originals?)
there’s quite a few mods which started, and were pretty much fully formed, way before the SDK appeared. TNG, Reball, Evo, WTS and possibly Harriers mod are the ones that spring to mind for me, mostly because they started before the SDK (certainly for TNG, Rebal and Evo - we’d done most of the mundane coding before the SDK appeared). However, we still decrypted the files to work on them, and I never re-encrypted, and nor did Michael Dan, Harrier or Crabtree as far as I am aware.
It’s highly possible that they’ve re-encrypted their files, but after reading some work on bini decryption, re-encryption sounded like a risky proposition. There were tools out there to re-encrypt files (it has advantages for the game), maybe they used those?
Others, like TNG I think, encrypted files again as it was part of their “security” measurements to stop people cheating. Basically I think it revolved around fudging up the normal way of decryption of the files again… but I honestly have no clue.
I was just now able to use your updated path generator for the first time.
I noted St03b was encrypted, when I spotted that it caused 2 errors. (I get these moments of spontaneous genius at times!) But I decided to continue testing without decrypting St03b.
As a test I immediately used Ioncross Server Op to place my ship on a new, remote and way-far system from where I was.
I opened my character, launched, and plotted a path back to the system where I used to be, Texas. OF COURSE I took my ship out of gear while I was doing this, so I would not collide with the guy in front! And yes, I DID switched my communicator to Bluetooth handsfree, what do you think I am, a senseless pirate? No!! I am a law-abiding citizen in real life!
My current location was top-left of the universe map on a tiny dot with nothing but crocs everywhere around me!!
The path lines came up in pink for the charted systems on the universe map, and I (very cleverly even if I say so myself!) spotted that I had a list of waypoints at the left side of the map!
And when I closed the universe map I was quickly able to spot that there was a pink diamond floating around me too!
What is this with DA and pink?! I thought gay already meant gay and not jolly when DA was started?
By this time the situation was desperate!
Very adeptly I clicked on the diamond, tricky floaty-everywhere thingy that it was, and I pinned it to the nearest tradelane so it would not be able to get away! Ha! That got it!
So I was then able to make my getaway through the tradelane, not knowing where I was really going! And then when I thought I was clean away there was another pink diamond in front of me! I very cleverly pinned that one to the nearest jumpgate out of the system and pressed my docking lever ever so slightly, and… before I knew what was 'appening, I was in the next system!
And there was yet another of those nasty diamonds floating near me, waiting to pounce on my unprotected ship! Ha! Zey were not going to get me!!
I repeated the pinning of these pink diamonds all through the tradelanes and jumpgates and after about 2 more systems I got bored, the diamonds were getting tired and slower and did not seem to be able to attack me any more! So I removed the path (it’s a long way to Texas and I did not want to go there anyway - who knows what kind of people are there if the diamonds are already pink)! and so I went to one of my nearby new systems instead, this time the diamonds seemed to be a little more friendly, less pink and more of a manly mauve, and one of them even allowed me to pat pat it on the head before I landed.
Bloody well done Chips!
I’m now going to try another run after decrypting St03b. Maybe I will see pink efelumps!?
RRJDS mod now rules thanks to Chips!
You mean illegal, there’s no gate - so it’s a jumphole, but I agree - it’s an oversight I made, took all of 2 seconds to see it
I think it’s a simple-ish fix.
I’ve hashed the name whilst it’s in lower case - gives a different hash value.
The issue of mismatching case was one i came across from my own lame assed modding
Since it now reports errors, I can remove those transforms - just get it to report case mismatch between things like universe.ini and any reference to a system…
Remember, it’d find all such errors before path construction… so with errors being found before constructing paths, if any exist - should it exit and inform you?? or carry on, construct the erroneous paths and then inform you of errors? -
Actually, CRC Calc is case insensitive, but FL is case sensitive. LS has released a new CRC app that is case sensitive to fix that issue.