hi Network bar installed on www.freelancer-foren.de Freelancer Berlin200x for the name please
You have just been added (press F5 to refresh it).
Sorry my fault :-[ Could you please Berlin Server in Berlin200x change
gruss, Hobbes
I knew a player named Hobbes once, he flew on Jolt with LSF, you the same hobbes?
Interesting how the community bar was well recieved by the community and now TLR is involved there are clearly two camps.
One camp - those who were not affected by the hacking and want to make up and those who were directly affected by the hacking for a sustained period and do not see a solution in adding tlr to the bar.Those who did not get hacked for months on end, need to accept that they really have no idea what everyone else went through. The reason they were hacked was because of torch and because Azza and Knife wanted torch removed from the tlr staff. How ironic that these two people now in essence run TLR.
My next point is this.
This TLR thing is a festering wound for many well respected server owners in the FL community and therefore we either ALL make up and let bygones be bygones or the split will continue for years.Whilst you may want to seperate the hacking problems as not relevent, they are. Having a “community toolbar” and not dealing with the hacking issues will not work. They are related im afraid and will run the risk of defragmenting the FL community further.
Therefore, my only suggestion in this matter is to have Azza and Knife decide what they want to do and say. Then have the server owners who were hacked constantly for the november, december and january period have there say. If Azza and knife dont want to say anything, then you have the answer and know what the other server ops will say about TLR being on the toolbar.
OP has said what he said out of emotion, however, you should know that those servers who were attacked for 3 mths probably have the same sentiments as OP. Currently OP is isolated because he’s (allegedly) currently getting threatened or has been attacked by Azza and so far nobody else (high profile) has been.
When the void was attacked by Azza and Knife the community didnt care because they were not being attacked, jolt > nobody cared, the server list goes on and still the community didnt care.So, either its a community or it isnt.
TLR arent on the bar, they forged thier own, so lets stop this talking of the past NOW.
(any posts about it after this are just gunna get deleted, last thing we need is the past comming back okay? :()
I think I’m speaking for the majority by deciding that The Lancers Reactor will not be included in the Network Bar. If you have any problem with that decision, please PM me or another member of the Staff.
Any further discussion on this matter will be immediately removed without warning. This thread is about the Community Network Bar and not TLR.
I thank TLR for removing the bar.
Thank you and please remember to keep the tone appropriate,
FriendlyFire -
TLR arent on the bar, they forged thier own, so lets stop this talking of the past NOW.
(any posts about it after this are just gunna get deleted, last thing we need is the past comming back okay? )
Thanks for the threat, I’ll ensure my opinion is expressed in a manner that is seen as acceptable by the moderators and admins next time.
i wasnt directing it at you strail, i just dont want this getting out of hand
edit i cant spell for shizzle. lol
Alright. Installed it on my site. http://z4.invisionfree.com/The_CW_Mod_Studio/index.php?act=site
The Common Wealth Mod Studio.
Cheese and Trail, im one of those who as well don’t want to let this get out of hand.
I was in favour of putting TLR on the header bar, why? Simple, its a FL community site. But, as clearly stated in the first post, you have to add the community bar on a site to get added to the bar, no exceptions made. Yes “added” not copy the code and add your own site, this was not how the bar was intended. It had to be a clear and clean list, not 50 odd “we do something with FL” sites added in 2 hours.
Yes TLR is a vast community site, but don’t they have to follow the directives set by w0dk4? They would have been added as soon as he checked TLR if the bar was present there.Now i don’t have any idea of what to do. Does TLR still want the bar? Is W0dk4 willing to add them? What does the rest of the community think? There are more sites and servers out there than the victims made by a few individuals.
We as TSP atleast try to be a neutral independant site, even tho a lot of its staff members had issues in the past with these individuals.
I would still like to put the bar and am ofc willing to put it in the correct manner. I made a silly mistake by puting it server side without clearing it first but i had genuine intentions. I understand if it causes to many problems for TLR to be listed on the bar but even if thats the case could we still put the bar up? even if we where not on it i would still like to see it available for the users of the site.
sorry for the trouble.
To make it clear im would like to put the bar up as it was originaly intended ie hosted from the-starport.
I dont mind if TLR isnt added to the bar.
If we are not added to bar are we still allowed to display it?thanks
hi sorry i made a mistake the link should be called
Freelancer Berlin200x
for the www.freelancer-foren.de
sry and thanks
Durimo / SERVERGUARD~Mantis
I do not want my sites to be presented on the TLR site and others voiced the same. There are many reasons and a very large part of the FL community has bad feelings about TLR for similar reasons.
You would loose many others if TLR gets involved in this project. If you think its worth loosing those other sites… sites which are more active than tlr… sites which contribute more to the FL community… sites which run important lancer projects - then fine.
Since november 07 TLR has treated other fl communities like ****, trying to damage and in case of some server communities to destroy them.
Now they expect getting treated like all the other communities which stuck together, started to work together and help each other.
Somehow that does not seem to be right.
There is too much bad blood and the latest troubles have shown that we cant expect any changes - not to mention the latest statements about the FL community by the TLR owner.
Just remember how TLR has act towards Starport and SWAT with the link replacement on their forum -> www.lol-portal.com and www.the-spamport.net.
IMHO the remaining FL communities should continue their cooperation. TLR has excluded themself from the FL community.Note: the statements above are exclusivly about the bar and why i dont think it would be a good idea to add TLR (as oppinions about this topic were requested)
Please, read and cast your vote!
Well, I don’t know much about it, since what mods I’ve actually played are really limited to those people whom I’ve actually talked to. However, I will say this:
After watching TLR go up and down, over and over, and all the drama associated with it (as well as the slander to Starport and others), I would find it wise to leave them out and don’t give them the ring at all. TLR is too unstable (no offense to anyone who goes there, of course). If they get an administrator that the admins of the Starport and everyone else knows and trusts to keep TLR running smoothly and drama-free, then let’s include them, by all means! But until that point, we should do our best to keep the communities who have linked themselves here safe.
Nice work, good idea.
!!! –-> impressive work, my respect to that thing.
Network bar will be installed on this portal within next ours (until our Websiteadmin is back online):
Clan link:
[NXS] - Nexus Staffel
Fansite link:
–-> freelancerguide (all ships / system maps / hhc mod infos included)
Project done by Arik & Hamburg City Freelancer Community -
Topic cleaned up a bit. Any further discussion on TLR must be done via PMs, emails or IMs. The topic at hand is the FL Community Network bar, remember.
Please, read and cast your vote!
sorry for the quote but i cant vote on this wont let me is it over early ?
was going to vote against a TLR toolbar also.
Yes the voting is closed since TLR withdrew its application.