The Lancers Reactor and the Freelancer Community Network
Do not let TLR display the bar or use it
How you make it sure ? It didnt worked the first time , you didnt even know about it …
Well , i dont mind if it ( TLR) gives links to other sites .
Appearantly there is no way to enforce it. This is only about officially allowing them to display it.
I voted against them. Theres too much bad blood there and i dont like what they’ve done. Just my opinion.
And w0dk4 when is my site going to get added to the bar?? I left 2 request.
Thanks in advanced. -
I voted agains them, if OP or someone else starts hacking other FL sites i would also vote to remove his link.
Tough call for you lot
It all comes down to what the site, right here, is. If it’s a community site, then you should do what’s best for folks - voting is obviously the way you decided
If you believe adding TLR is best, despite past aggressions and accepting apologies - then I honestly don’t believe you should be held hostage by “if they join, we leave” type responses… that’s their decision, and shouldn’t influence your own. Make your own decision as a community
Personally, if you get that response, I’d remove them as well as not allow TLR
Then in two months ask them if they’ve changed their mind.
Obviously the best method would be for Swat, Azza, Knife and everyone else with issues - to get together and talk like mature folks, and listen to each other, hash things out etc. If there’s no chance of patching anything up - then I’d just not include any of them til they do
Then again, I’m not noted for messing about with patty cake games
For me it’s just disappointing that this crap has appeared on here too
Can’t they flame each other on their own forums? :(:(:(
As i made some promotion for the Toolbar , i get the response that reading through 8 pages ( with 5 pages full of TLR politics ) isnt the least bit interesting for that server .
This poll doesnt help much , way too much attention TLR get , and a shame that servers wont be added, as they wont deal with this stuff .
I agree with Chip in this regard….
Obviously the best method would be for Swat, Azza, Knife and everyone else with issues - to get together and talk like mature folks, and listen to each other, hash things out etc. If there’s no chance of patching anything up - then I’d just not include any of them til they do
I agree with Chip in this regard….
Obviously the best method would be for Swat, Azza, Knife and everyone else with issues - to get together and talk like mature folks, and listen to each other, hash things out etc. If there’s no chance of patching anything up - then I’d just not include any of them til they do
Sry but i don’t think that will work, to many shit happened for a discussion.
I agree with Chip in this regard….
Obviously the best method would be for Swat, Azza, Knife and everyone else with issues - to get together and talk like mature folks, and listen to each other, hash things out etc. If there’s no chance of patching anything up - then I’d just not include any of them til they do
Aye, I second this. I don’t care what’s happened, there’s never a point in which there’s no turning back. Everything can always be hashed out given enough effort.
There have been MANY tries to solve the problems in a civilized way by talking the TLR staff. Many times i went to them trying to get explainations for their damaging actions.
With the only result that the TLR staff broke more rules, insulted us and started other attacks.
There have been MANY lies by them and I have no reason that a single word that they say would mean anything serious.
Even the TLR owner went to another community site ( to claim that azza and knife are no TLR admins and that they have nothing to do with all the stuff going on there while they meanwhile used fake accounts (admin accounts) on TLR (eagle_one + sarge + TLR_tech1 + TLR_tech2). Direct lies against communities which even stayed neutral.
How should somebody of us believe just a single word coming from those guys and how can problems be solved if there are only lies coming from them.Azza posting an apology on the TLR forum and not long later he told me that he could do massive damage to my site by destroying the sql databases. That shows pretty much that those words cant be taken serious.
OP, you’re a person who is blunt, so I’ll be just as blunt. How do we know any of this? You’ve provided us with evidence that TLR has insulted and whatnot, but it is certainly conceviable that this evidence has been fabricated. You definatly have an agenda against TLR, and while I certainly believe you more than I would MentalChaos or AzzA, the truth is I really don’t have any reason to believe either TLR or SWAT. If there was a neutral third party to mediate these discussions and then report back, then of course I’d find the story more credible. But as it stands, I cannot take for granted that you’re telling the truth on the insults and whatnot. Now, the hacking is a different story, but there I would say to let bygones be bygones.
Its the starports choice. If they add them back on. Fine. Im not going to ask for my site to be removed. Im not happy with the TLR. But its not going to stop me from being part of the Community.
w0dk4 if you read this, thanks for adding The CW. -
mindhunter, torch…. and all these others aint a valueable 3rd party being able to confirm what happened?
There are many more and even I get to know about more and more stuff which was going on with other FL communites as meanwhile many server admins have took the chance to contact me.I have posted many logs and screenshots showing what has been going on already, so did other ppl too.
I posted that stuff on my forum not trying to influence ppl before they could make their own oppinion… i only posted the logs and pics and gave ppl several days time before i posted my views so they could voice their thoughts.
I prefere to show facts instead of making unreasonable claims.The current results of the poll prove me right with my oppinion about TLR and shows that many others have the same oppinion.
OP is right. Ive seen the pictures.
I have posted many logs and screenshots showing what has been going on already, so did other ppl too.
Logs and screenshots can be fabricated. Â Look, I’m not trying to call you a liar (and I know it sounds like I am), I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate. Â I am a skeptical person by nature, and I’m just hoping for more concrete evidence, things that couldn’t be fabricated, an admission of guilt by the offending parties, etc.
You have a well known dislike of TLR, so anything you say is tainted by bias. Â The same goes for Torch. Â Mindhunter I’ve admittadly never heard of, so perhaps s/he would be unbiased, but the point is that reports are most convicing when they come from parties who have nothing to gain by admission of said report.
Personally, I believe in the best of people, so my vote will stand regardless, but I just want this to be done right so that we won’t look back six months or a year from now and regret our decision.
This thread is off topic already
Even the TLR owner went to another community site ( to claim that azza and knife are no TLR admins and that they have nothing to do with all the stuff going on there while they meanwhile used fake accounts (admin accounts) on TLR (eagle_one + sarge + TLR_tech1 + TLR_tech2).
No offence, but that’s old news. It was obvious from the start anyway, perhaps time to drop this one?
Not long later he told me that he could do massive damage to my site by destroying the sql databases. That shows pretty much that those words cant be taken serious.
He told or he threatened? Right now this is  back to Swat vs Azza
This is Starport + Toolbar + TLR isn’t it
i would let the Starport chose. And as as of OPR8R and Azza. Chips is right. This is turning into a fight between Swat and TLR. Not the topic at hand.
if logs and even screenshots have no meaning then nothing on this planet can prove anything
nothing that would be presented as proof would be valid in your eyes mkin your eyes they can do whatever they want - treat ppl in the worst possible ways, lie, hack and do whatever they want
and no proof would ever by validor like chips you would call it “old stories”
those old stories aint old and even when stuff was obvious it still has been a lie
you always claim that it is SWAT vs TLR but that is not true… SWAT is just one of many FL communities which have problems with TLR and starport not long ago also had problems with TLR and i know for sure that several SP staff members still have these problems
To me it looks like some ppl like to stick their head into the sand and hope for the best no matter if that means to get kicked in the ass meanwhile.It is also not true that i always had my problems with TLR
If you remember I was TLR admin once and have spent many weeks rebuilding the TLR site and fixing the bugs… i also have supported TLR in many other ways including donating money or establishing connections with game developers. Since november 07 i offered help to TLR serveral times and even defended mental half of you wanted him to leave TLR. I did this until the point he started to insult me for no reason (something which seems to be normal for that guy).
The problems started when the TLR staff decided to damage other FL communities. And it surprises me that some ppl which had a big part in the way how these troubles startes meanwhile claim that they have nothing to do with it anymore and that the problems are only between others.Chips is right with one point… this thread has gone off topic again (partly to my fault) so i will stop it now.
you can keep sticking your head into the sand now and think that im a liar and that those screenshots that i posted and all the screenshots that other ppl have posted are not true and that knife, azza + mental are the only ppl that are not guilty