Itano Circus
NOTE: If you are crashing on startup, delete your autosave using FLMM, and then delete your restart.fl in your Singleplayer Save directory.
Itano Circus is a fast paced amalgation of Freespace, Ace Combat, and Macross. From Freespace I take the general gun layout and the way the guns behave in general. From Ace Combat I take the excellent missile-based gameplay, as well as numerous Ace Combat inspired special effects improvements. And from Macross I get the beautiful ambience of the battle with the ambient explosions, flak, and last but not least, the micro-missile.
Right off the bat as soon as you undock from Manhattan, you see a world that is much more lively than before. Many more ships buzz around minding their own business, and the universe is not the quiet place it was before. No more travelling long stretches with nothing happening. Capital ships have been added into the game as non playable ships. They now fly around like any other ship and are a sight to behold. Their combat tactics and weapons have been completely redone from the ground up to create amazing cinematic dogfights. It is not uncommon for the player and their fighter to be dogfighting alongside and against other AI fighters in the crossfire of two enormous capital ships duking it out, twisting and turning to get the best firing solution.
Many special effects improvements have been made. All missile related effects have redone, as well as a good portion of the sound engine. Explosions in particular receive a facelift. When a capital ship is about to go you’ll know it, and hear it. When it finally explodes it unleashes a shower of debris that looks simply fantastic. Battles are visible in the distance. Punctuated by explosions, missile trails, and the swirling cloud of engine trails from which the mod gets its name.
Note: These four images are from a stress test and are not 100% accurate of final gameplay. Although technically it is possible for battles such as that to happen. Its just very unlikely.
"This is a video of a stress test in Itano Circus. Basically throw in lots and lots of ships, and see what happens. Obviously several gameplay mechanics were broken in order to do this, such as the much more numerous spawns and the fact that I have dual micro-missile launchers (A terrible idea in the real mod due to ammo consumption) and over 9000 rounds for said launchers. " Note: Some effects are out of date in this video.
For awesome quality: (Recommended)
For high quality:
General Changelog (Not 100% comprehensive, but this is the difference from vanilla at a glance)
Missiles are very important now. Every ship carries exactly 2 guns and 2 missiles. (Freighters are the exception, they carry 3-4 guns.) Missiles are divided into 3 classes.
All equipment classes eliminated. This means that the lower level ships such as Liberty ships are competitive in the end game. However their power supplies stink and thus will have to rely more heavily on missiles than the higher ships. In general though, the lower the ship, the more maneuverable it is.
Standard missiles are long range general purpose missiles. Their tracking isn’t so great, but they have a 5km range, plentiful ammo, and the most damage per missile. It is recommended to have at least one of these at all times.
Homing missiles have only a range of 1km, and a slightly reduced payload, however they have terrific tracking and make excellent dogfight missiles to complement the standard missiles.
Micro-missiles are new. They are small payload, and are terribly inefficient when it comes to ammo consumption. However they can do significant damage in a short amount of time, especially when used alongside standard or homing missiles.
Fighters are all around more maneuverable and speed is doubled. Strafe Up/Down has been added and they will be your new best friends. If you have ever seen the High Speed Missile Dodge that is so common in Macross, that is basically how you have to fly. No exaggeration.
There no shield batteries or nanobots. If your shield goes down, praying and swearing will commence. To compensate for this, shields are much stronger now. They have an especially quick recharge rate.
Torpedoes are carried in pairs now and have been rebalanced to take down the capital ships you will see. Sunslayer Torpedoes are sold more commonly now, and a new torpedo the Reaction Torpedo has been added. It is essentially a wide area effect weapon capable of killing an entire squadron of unshielded fighters. If used in pairs, it is a “one hit kill.”
Capital ship encounters added. The capitals appear in all house systems and have been tweaked to provide a very cinematic experience.
Bloom shader is added
All missiles and torpedo effects redone in an Ace Combat style. Of particular note is that the standard missile and micro missile have about a half second delay between launch and motor ignition. Really neat effect never before seen in Freelancer. (To my knowledge.)
Majority of explosions have been touched up. Capital ships especially have climatic and dramatic deaths that end in an enormous fireball showering the battlefield with debris. Also the first time you use a pair of Reaction missiles to wipe out an entire squadron, your jaw will drop.
All ships leave very long and visible trails. Adds to the ambience of battle.
Battles in general create “ambient explosions.” They have no purpose other than the Rule of Cool. The more ships involved in a battle, the more ambient explosions you will see. If a capital ship gets involved in the fight, you will start to see ambient flak shells exploding throughout the battle as well.
Because battles out of missions can be very tough, they are now a legitimate form of money making due to the credit chip drops. (This is directly borrowed from 88 Flak, thanks foxUnit01!)
AI behavior tweaked to be more cinematic in a dogfight. They will also spawn and engage at ranges that the new missiles grant them.
Last but certainly not least. I have to give a huge thanks to foxUnit01 and his mod 88 Flak. It sounds cheesy, but they have both had a profound influence in my “Freelancer carrer”. Simply put, this mod would not exist without them, and I would never have become a Freelancer modder. Both him and his mod have also been invaluable resource in the creation of this mod as many features of Itano Circus are derivative of the incredible and innovate features of 88 Flak, particularly AI behavior and spawning.
Added it to the download section.
Goodluck and thanks! cos it looks ace on those pics.
You sir, get a special award
gives you a medal
this is the first mod I’ve downloaded in about a year
Going to install tonight and have some fun
thankyou very very much ;D
Edit: Actually, I’m having issues =/ I tried starting a new game and it crashed, so instead I started up a server and tried to play on that and it wouldn’t connect… strange, I’ll have a look at it tonight
Edit 2: Damn those save files =D deletion worked
Think you’ll get another fan pretty soon ;D
This sure sounds like fun…
not just fun, but fun at an insanity level - where your in the middle and you don’t know wtf is going on - and everyone’s shooting at something else and you don’t know who your friends or enemies are - this would be the point where your mind explodes and you go crazy your eyes glow red with blood and you shoot friends, enemies, civilians all with a barrage of missiles, so many missiles in fact its way more than you even need, but your that angry with society you just want them to blow to pieces smaller than space dust!
Obviously my imagination does run away with me, but the mod video makes me feel…well insane, that means it will be fun to play
First post updated with full information as well as images and stuff. Also I submitted a news article as well, which should show up in the next few days.
i see EVE explosions ;D
awesome, downloading atm
am i the only one who this mod doesn’t work for? or what. i get this error d3dx9_26.dll was not found.
Rsabatino, have you tried deleting your previous saves? Hit Ctrl+S in FLMM to open up your saves folder, and delete everything inside (zip everything up first to back it up if you want). Deleting just the autosave won’t work - you’ll have to delete all the saves, especially the “restart.fl” one, which FLMM’s “delete autosave” function does not cover.
Fox is correct. When changing mods, save file incompatibility sometimes crops up, even when it really shouldn’t. Deleting the restart.fl in particular will prevent any crash on startup bugs.
Your error is odd though. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the bloom shader is incompatible with your system in some way. In this case, delete (or rename) the “d3d8.dll” and “d3d9.dll” files that appear in …\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\ItanoCircus\EXE. Then de-activate and re-activate the mod.
i will try it one more time i will delete everything. i came to this conclusion this mod does not work with vista. even monkey universe does not work . my mod works but those two dont work.
I’ve got vista and it works
Just try to run FLMM in Admin mode!
Oh oops, totally missed the DirectX error. Your DirectX is probably out of date - either update to the latest version, or delete the “d3d8.dll” and “d3d9.dll” from your Freelancer directory.
Frank, in the future, you should probably make it a mod option. Once you get over your fear of script.xml, it can be quite powerful. =D shot
Frank, in the future, you should probably make it a mod option. Once you get over your fear of script.xml, it can be quite powerful. =D shot
Well, its true, script.xml is scary.
I have heard stories of it eating people in their sleep.
Or putting sand into little childrens eyes.Believe me, his fear is right, its a nasty thing once its unleashed.
i will try it one more time i will delete everything. i came to this conclusion this mod does not work with vista. even monkey universe does not work . my mod works but those two dont work.
extract into your Freelancer/EXE directory
ok guys it was the direct x update thank you the mod id crazy.
Just thought I’d mention - I dunno if you got the IM or not, but I finally got around to watching the IC stress test video - and I was completely blown away. Honestly, I was a bit ashamed that I hadn’t watched it until today - you have managed to put anything and everything that fits the rule of cool into your Capital Ship battles, from the turbolaser sounds to the crazy ambient explosions/flak and super anime-styled missiles flying everywhere in the fighter skirmishes. It certainly has a lot of flair to it. I still have the zip waiting to be played, so this weekend we’re going to have to see how IC holds up in multiplayer. XD
so this weekend we’re going to have to see how IC holds up in multiplayer. XD
That is most certainly something I would love to be part of
right, lets all set up a hamachi network this weekend and play itano circus