Freelancer: Still Alive Video Series (Revised)
it would be nice to have The Void included on this project
Sadly, I don’t think anyone has taken up this project because of the overwhelming amount of work it would be.
I will try make more videos, i was playing little with Why’s effects, changed some explosion effects
This movie got no pvp action i made it only to show how i used whys effects and keep this project alive xD.P.S. Why i noticed your standardeffects.txm kinda disapears and not like fade out of explosion, if you would wanna tweak it out
But i hope u will come with more effects and ideas
i just love them.
now i am playing with borrowed plasmafire standardeffects.txm, nebula txm’s…
Yeah that standardeffects.txm is a little buggy. It was the first gif I ever made. I do intend to make a new one, but there is no telling when I will be able to do it.
On a side note. 13CentKiller of Discovery had contacted me asking for help on some of the techniques I used for this video. Fast forward a couple months, and he put together this promotion for Discovery. Its very well done, and is exactly what I had in mind when I originally opened this up.
Sure thing. I saw that video not too long ago. I have to congratulate you guys, it is a job well done.
It lives up to the “vision” that I had when I created mine. Seeing what you did in that video makes me feel good because for all the broken promises, at least the whole project inspired several others to make comparable Freelancer videos.
Does anyone have a working link to the no HUD camera mod