FLCN V 2.0 Applications
Homepage fixed.
Hello Admins of Starport.
First of all , im the founder of the =ESF= Clan everywhere , and we have a little problem , which need being fixed as fast as possible.
the problem shortly is that there is 2 URLs added for =ESF= clan branches “old websites” here on starport , and we just merged the 2 branches websites in a major main website for the ESF clan as in all servers and all games , For Freelancer and other games too.
im adding the Bar of Starport to the PHP template right now , so we requesting the following:
1- removal of =ESF= VOID clan URL from your database
2- removal of =ESF= BSG clan URL from your database
3- Adding the only one =ESF= URL to the databaseURL = http://www.esf-hq.com
name = Elite Sirius Fighters HQRegards,
Clan founder
When the bar is installed I’ll be more than happy to oblige.
Remember to put it on all used themes.
Would you please be so kind and delete the link to BSG Exodus as it is obsolete. Thanks
Can you change the link for ]Imperium[-Clan to www.freelancer-reborn.de/imperium ?:P
I will install this at the forums as well, as soon as I feel to work at the forums and given the knowledge of course. (Where do I have to paste the code into in a SMF forums theme?)
I would like to have The Olympus Freelancer Complex added to FLCN V 2.0.
Web site http://olympus.gwcdata.com
I am rebuilding the web site and will be adding the FLCN code tonight.
Thank you,
@Bas: The theme’s main PHP file, right below the tag.
Doesnt work as it should do:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<’ in index.template.php on line 29Where exactly I ahve to paste the code into?
Can you give me the tag after I should paste it?
It really is right after the tag. Might want to look around that tag for how to write it (yes, that means at least having a basic understanding of PHP so you don’t screw up your theme).
I don’t have any SMF theme file handy, sorry.
Hello i am Jani from The Lord Clan. and We would like to apply for FLCN. i think i have done evrything as the Apply says.
Web site URL is http://lord.forumotion.com/Thank you!
Installed the bar at the 2 main forums templates (I might delete the default ones someday….)
Please add http://www.discovery-usa.com
Bar is added to default theme and will be added to more themes as we put them in place.Thank you!
Just went through the thread, I’ll recapitulate:
-Lord Clan, your site is fine, I’ll add you shortly.
-Firespace, I do not see the FLCN anywhere on your site on the default theme; application rejected until this is fixed.
-Imperium clan, I’m getting a 404 error for all pages I’ve been able to find.
-Olympus, I can’t see the FLCN on either the forums or the main page; application rejected until this is fixed.
-Discovery USA, to be added shortly.
-BSG Exodus to be removed shortly.If I’ve missed anyone and you have the FLCN installed properly, feel free to reapply and sorry for the inconvenience.
The following sites no more respect the terms of the FLCN and will be removed if the problem is not fixed shortly (NOTE: Site address is not a problem, just a note that I will take care of, do not worry about it).
-Evil Empire Revolution: No FLCN seen on the site. Isn’t the site a server site again, too?
-FLListServer: Website timeout.
-Freelancer Community: No FLCN visible.
-Freelancer Gaming Zone: No FLCN visible, site address changed.
-Freelancer Patch: Website down, host login screen shown instead.
-Common Wealth Mod: Website is shut down.
-DFLS: Site is not loading.
-Black Dawn: To be removed shortly.
-Freeworlds: Site address to be changed, no FLCN visible on either the main page or the forums.
-Gizmo Studios: FLCN missing.
-Jolt Freelancer: Site is down.
-Plasmafire: Site down.
-Shattered Worlds: Site address to be changed.
-Sirius Sector: FLCN missing.
-Galaxy Server: FLCN missing.
-Underverse: FLCN missing.
-ROFL Clan: Site down.
-REAVERS Clan: Bad FLCN implementation, missing hover menu, background and name.
-ESF Clan: To be removed shorty (both).
-Immortals Clan: Site change, no FLCN on new site.
-Nexus Clan: Site change.
-SMG Clan: FLCN missing.
-Warhawks Clan: FLCN missing.
-UNION Clan: FLCN missing.
-F-TI Clan: FLCN missing.
-Orden-RT Clan: FLCN missing.
-Imperium Clan: To be removed.The following sites respect the FLCN terms, but we would be very thankful if they could still heed our requests.
-BSG Galactica: Your FLCN is only present on the front page. Could you add it to your forums too?
-Hamburg City: FLCN only on front page. Having it on the portal/forums would be good.
-Lancerquest: Site moved; FLCN only on front page which is hosted on a different address from the actual portal. Having it on the portal would be good.
-Monkey Universe: FLCN only on front page, not on the portal or forums. It’d be good to have it there too.
-New Universe: FLCN only on front page, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
-North Quadrant: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
-SpartaEvo: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
-TopFreelancers: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
-WTS World: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
-F2G Clan: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
-Nexus Clan: FLCN only on front page, not forums or portal which are hosted on a different site. Would be nice having it there too.
-TCEagles Clan: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
-Dacia Clan: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
-PX Clan: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too. -
List fully updated, take heed people.
You have two weeks starting now.
FLCN imperialism…
Imperialism? We’re giving a service. It’s not a right.
Plus, it’s not like we’re asking you to cover your whole site with FLCN ads, allow 20 FLCN popups and monetize it on top of that.
We’re doing this for free; all we ask is that you share back.
Wow, I’m actually very deceived by your reply Aigle. I didn’t expect that at all.
-WTS World: FLCN only on portal, not forums. Would be nice having it there too.
Question: Is this meaning that we MUST put it on the forum?
I have linked the tool on the website, because imho it fit’s there more than on the forum.The forum is from/for WTS.
THe website is for everybody, also for not members of the WTS who are searching for a mod. And if i look to the website, it’s busyer there, than the forumAnd the deal was…to put it in somewhere. You never mentioned that it must be on a forum.
FriendlyFire wrote:
Imperialism? We’re giving a service. It’s not a right.Plus, it’s not like we’re asking you to cover your whole site with FLCN ads, allow 20 FLCN popups and monetize it on top of that.
We’re doing this for free; all we ask is that you share back.
Wow, I’m actually very deceived by your reply Aigle. I didn’t expect that at all.
FF, leave it.
We have to accept that some people in this community think the FLCN is a right, and that being able to access the downloads and forums is a right.