Invisible Gun Fire from Mission Solars
I assume u meant the lod ranges on the turrets?
that didn’t work
got any other ideas?
Rik -
LOL ok thanks guys… I’ll have to improvise ;D
Yeah, this is a big gravedig, but I’m wondering if any one has managed to find a solutionon this yet?
The best I’ve got is projectiles (missiles, flak etc) - but it just doesn’t feel right without guns.
Rik -
Yeah, but it’s just frustrating that it works ok in openSP.
Thought I’d just nudge again see whether anyone found a work around.
Rik -
Probably the content.dll, I don’t know? try to use another SDK.
what weapon effect are you using? you may need to hex edit the weapon_large in the freelancer.exe. it’s a shot in the dark.
its sound like an FX problem. also you can look in the effect_types.ini increase the lod to 0, 10000. find the effect that the weapon is using in the weapon_equip. in the effects.ini it will have a type. eg
[Munition] nickname = turbolaser_ammo03 hp_type = hp_gun requires_ammo = false hit_pts = 2 hull_damage = 2000 energy_damage = 0 one_shot_sound = fire_capship_forward_gun munition_hit_effect = li_plasma_03_impact const_effect = Purple_turbolaser_proj---this one lifetime = 14.000000 force_gun_ori = false mass = 1 volume = 0.000100
[Effect] nickname = Purple_turbolaser_proj effect_type = EFT_WEAPON_LARGE_PROJ ----- find this vis_beam = turbolaser_beam_Purple
in the effects_type you will find
[EffectType] nickname = EFT_WEAPON_LARGE_PROJ priority = 1 generic_priority = 1 lod_type = EFT_LOD_LARGE radius = 100 visibility = EXIST_OFFSCREEN update = CULL_UPDATE run_time = -1 pbubble = 1250, 1500 ---- try changing this to 0, 10000
that with the exe hex edit worked for me.
good luck. hope it helps
–------ Effects --------
– 6250000f in server.dll, 0x84ADC, 0x86AEC = square of maximum effect draw distance (vis_beam) ~FriendlyFireeft_explosion_large (limited duration):
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212AF0, 0x212AF0 = on-screen radius of effects, affects size-on-screen-based cutoff (make larger to increase cutoff range)
– 15f in freelancer.exe, 0x212AF8, 0x212AF8 = max run time of effects
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212B00, 0x212B00 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x212B04, 0x212B04 = visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble)eft_weapon_large_proj (infinite duration):
– 50f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C58, 0x212C58 = on-screen radius of effects
– -1f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C60, 0x212C60 = max run time of effects
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C68, 0x212C68 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble decrease
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C6C, 0x212C6C = visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble) increase – 15f in freelancer.exe, 0x213158, 0x213158 = on-screen radius of vis_beam effects
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x213168, 0x213168 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble for vis_beam decrease
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x21316C, 0x21316C = default vis_beam cutoff range (second value of pbubble for vis_beam) increaseeft_damage_large_smoke (infinite duration):
– 20f in freelancer.exe, 0x212DE8, 0x212DE8 = on-screen radius of effects
– -1f in freelancer.exe, 0x212DF0, 0x212DF0 = max run time of effects
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212DF8, 0x212DF8 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x212DFC, 0x212DFC = visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble) -
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C68, 0x212C68 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble decrease
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C6C, 0x212C6C = visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble) increase
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x213168, 0x213168 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble for vis_beam decrease
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x21316C, 0x21316C = default vis_beam cutoff range (second value of pbubble for vis_beam) increaseThanks for your reply.
So I need to:
1.edit those four lines hex and increase all of its value.
2.edit weapon_equip
nickname = turbolaser_ammo03
hp_type = hp_gun
requires_ammo = false
hit_pts = 2
hull_damage = 2000
energy_damage = 0
one_shot_sound = fire_capship_forward_gun
munition_hit_effect = li_plasma_03_impact
const_effect = Purple_turbolaser_proj–-this one
lifetime = 14.000000
force_gun_ori = false
mass = 1
volume = 0.0001003.edit effects.ini
nickname = Purple_turbolaser_proj
effect_type = EFT_WEAPON_LARGE_PROJ –— find this
vis_beam = turbolaser_beam_Purple[EffectType]
priority = 1
generic_priority = 1
lod_type = EFT_LOD_LARGE
radius = 100
visibility = EXIST_OFFSCREEN
update = CULL_UPDATE
run_time = -1
pbubble = 1250, 1500 –-- try changing this to 0, 10000then I can in my mod saw the solars gun fire, and solve the “Invisible Gun Fire from Mission Solars” of problem, am I right?
I think I can safely say no this won’t work, not in multiplayer anyway. All this will do is enable you to see gun fire from standard solars from further away.
I think W0dka has probably summed up the problem correctly.
Rik -
If missile turrets are working try for example:[Munition] nickname = turbolaser_ammo03 hp_type = hp_gun requires_ammo = false hit_pts = 2 hull_damage = 2000 energy_damage = 0 one_shot_sound = fire_capship_forward_gun munition_hit_effect = li_plasma_03_impact const_effect = li_missile02_drive ; <-- here lifetime = 14.000000 force_gun_ori = false mass = 1 volume = 0.000100
Next try any long-time effect for example from plasma fountain:
[Munition] nickname = turbolaser_ammo03 hp_type = hp_gun requires_ammo = false hit_pts = 2 hull_damage = 2000 energy_damage = 0 one_shot_sound = fire_capship_forward_gun munition_hit_effect = li_plasma_03_impact const_effect = rtc_mis5view ; <-- here lifetime = 14.000000 force_gun_ori = false mass = 1 volume = 0.000100
Moreover you may take flak and make it’s const_effect like turret same ways as above.
Morning, I took a bit of time this morning, to review all the stuff on LR and do a little testing this morning, and this is probably stuff that a lot of you already know…
I created a new mission solar, copied from Space_Freeport01 and added a number of additional turrets to it. I find the vanilla ones difficult to test with as there aren’t many and they don’t cover every angle around the base.
I defined the new base in solararch.ini created a new loadout in solar\loadouts.ini and then put new solar in killablesolars.ini
I upped the difficulty of the 4 solars pilots in pilots population.
These are the results:
solar_type = Defensive_Solar - will fire both projectiles (missiles/torps) and turrets, and the turret/gun fire is visible.
solar_type = Big_Solar - will only fire projectiles. Guns don’t fire.
solar_type = Defensive_Solar - will fire both projectiles and turrets, turret/gunfire is invisible, but I know it’s there because it’s damaging my shields (and there’s nothing else on my scanner).
solar_type = Big_Solar - will fire projectiles and turrets, turret/gunfire is invisible (shield damage).Other things of note:
the weapons turrets are never rendered on the base (or wep platform).
the “freeport” base would often damage itself from the invisible gunfire.
archdb errors in FLServer where it couldn’t find the new base or weapons platforms (when they spawned) I believe a bunch of guys on the old LR managed to circumnavigate this by adding a duplicate entry in shiparch.ini.
So it’s riddled with bugs even in the vanilla code.
@Helloween I did try those alternative const_effects, but as I suspected, they didn’t show up. Flak is no problem as I create FLAK from projectiles and have done in the past.
Adoxa I know you’re a busy man but is there anything in here you could work with?
In particular it’d be very nice to get rid of the archdb errors that pop up, so at least we could get them launching Flak projectiles without having to create duplicate entries in Shiparch.ini?Cheers,
Rik -
I believe he is referring to these errors:
ERROR: ArchDB::Get(2837983242) failed = Large Space Station (rm_space_freeport01) 0xA928300A
ERROR: ArchDB::Get(3098097218) failed = Defense Network (wplatform) 0xB8A93642
ERROR: ArchDB::Get(2547721671) failed = Observation Post (rm_space_police01) 0x97DB25C7
ERROR: ArchDB::Get(2686061189) failed = Outpost (rm_space_mining01) 0xA01A0A85
ERROR: ArchDB::Get(3064446595) failed = Defense Network (small_wplatform) 0xB6A7BE83There are more, every solar that can be spawned in a random mission. These show RED in the console and show in the error log even though they are not errors. The objects spawn in space and work as they should. I believe the only reason they show is because they are ‘virtual’ and don’t exist in the system ini file.
He is! Thanks Dwn.