Flyable Capital Ships
One of the next things i’d like to work on is flyable capital ships. This isn’t a problem for the most part, but I don’t want to face the same problem that many other groups have had before. And that is the issue of shields/equipment and hardpoints on the capital ship classes, and players taking it upon themselves to swap equipment between capital ships and fighters, causing no end of headaches.
Is there any advice any of you can give me about how to plan it out. Do I make a new shield class for each type of capships (gunboat, cruisers, BS etc) so only those shields can be equipped on those hardpoints, or is there a better way to do it. I noticed certain mods in the past have used volume or mass (one of the two) so that it is impossible for a fighter to carry such a large item, but I don’t think that’s the best approach.
Also, while i’m on the subject of capships, how can I prevent the silly physics that capital vessels seem to have. IE, you crash into a solar, or another ships hits you and you start spinning uncontrollably. It’s kind of stupid to have a starflier kick a battleship into submission
Any help much appreciated
What I did is give each ship a gun/turret Class
Battleship: Class 1
Cruiser: Class 2
Gunboat Class 3
Large Transports: Class 4
Fighters: Class 5 - 10 -
The spinning can be solved but you have these options
- they spin
- they shake when you hit goto or dock
To solve the sping you need to increase the mass and also adjust the steering_torque, angular_drag and the rotation inertia.
getting it right is a pain in the rear.We at Mu decided we preferred shakes to spins.
So for example on the lib dreadnaught our settings are.
mass = 150000.000000
steering_torque = 42000000000, 42000000000, 42000000000
angular_drag = 500000000000, 500000000000, 500000000000
rotation_inertia = 4500000000, 4500000000, 4500000000Of course it depends on how you want to the ship to handle but that should at least give you some kind of starting point.
I have a fix for all of the capship handling issues, but I want to have it implemented along with capships into my mod first before telling everyone how to do it.
I hope I’m not coming off as being selfish but I’d like for my players to be able to “eat first” on this one… I’ll share it as soon as we release it in the mod… I swear lol
No probs mate im sure we’ve all done similar things before.
Cheers for that Dragnite_MU. Any advice is very welcome, especially as I haven’t really messed with capships before. Any advice about the mounting of capship weapons on other ships and vice versa. I see that as a real problem if people can do that… maybe you’ve combated this issue too? Ty.
What I did is give each ship a gun/turret Class
Battleship: Class 1
Cruiser: Class 2
Gunboat Class 3
Large Transports: Class 4
Fighters: Class 5 - 10Oh, and sorry to double-post… :P… but this is intriguing. I’m curious though… Can new ‘higher’ classes be added in there? IE. class-11, 12 etc for the capital ships. I would rather avoid having to change existing ships and classes of weapons as there are obviously a lot of them at class-5 and below. Or is this something which is hardcoded into fl? Cheers guys.
Number of classes is fixed and I don’t think anyone found a way to change that, but I see two “solutions” to the problem:
-With server software like FLHook, you can pretty easily make “weapon groups” that act as additional limiters. Say, for example, you have classes 1 through 10 and you want 1 through 10 for caps too, you’d just make a “fighter group” for all weapons that would only mount on fighters and a “cap group” for the capships. This way you’d double your classes in practice without needing to have additional classes.
-FL has 10 gun classes and 10 turret classes. IMO, the turret classes are a complete waste. Just about nobody uses them and they always mount the exact same stuff anyways (I don’t see much difference between a SkyBlast B turret or a SkyBlast B gun). You could easily change all “turret” mounts for “gun” mounts and voila, you have 10 new classes to use!
All our cap wep issues were solved by usng the mount groups in FLAC.
Yeah, I think I would have to take advantage of one of those server-sided tools should this project ever lift-off. And that is a good way to do it FriendlyFire… never thought of doing that. You’re quite right about the boring nature of the existing turrets
Most of the weaps for capships and so on, would just need to be unmountable anyway, so they come with the ship and leave with the ship. I’ve been toying with using large ‘volume’ entries, and this seems to work fine for weaps and shields
Yeah, it kinda slams cockpitview, rear-view, the lot…
quick and easy way to stop the “spin” ;D ;D on “Large” ships
setting this to anything else except for “FIGHTER” will cause you to spin when you turn…
took me 6 months and many headaches to “find” this quickfix… you’ll still need to get your
handleing right… but at least she’ll fly level now and not upside down/sideways in 360 circles… lol -
-FL has 10 gun classes and 10 turret classes. IMO, the turret classes are a complete waste. Just about nobody uses them and they always mount the exact same stuff anyways (I don’t see much difference between a SkyBlast B turret or a SkyBlast B gun). You could easily change all “turret” mounts for “gun” mounts and voila, you have 10 new classes to use!
I totally endorse this method. I have done this for both turret mounts and freighter shield mounts (FRs just mount heavy shields), freeing up 20 mount types to use for whatever I needed. Very handy.
Gravedigging! \o/
But you know, i just can’t remember/find this fix for spinning capitals, except of mass increase.
edit: it’s also mentioned in 88 flak description.And also, was there a fix for shake-when-hit? Pretty sure it hasn’t been done, but still… :roll:
I hate secrecy, it’s unbecoming, like a black wart on your face! And it’s also a sign of your insecurity, probably because your mother breast-fed you until you were 3 years old.
Here it is:-
Ship Handling:-
Spinning when hit by another ship:-
Open file Freelancer\DATA\constants.ini and adjust the two following values and test until you are happy:
MATERIAL_ELASTICITY = 0.900000 (mine is 0.100000)
DEFAULT_LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.500000 (mine is 0.500000)You will not stop spinning entirely - when npc ships enter your big ship - yes, they do! - your ship will spin until they come out of it again.
The inertia values in ship handling help to reduce it a lot but don’t entirely eliminate it.
There are also inertia values in the .sur file that affect spinning but I’ve not yet fully investigated it.
I’ve not seen any 100% fix so far, so don’t let those secretive people with warts on their face and mama’s breast milk still on their lips fool you!
Vesko wrote:
Well, for one thing I know the Tekagi’s Treasure modding team have fixed this issue in the upcoming 5.49 mod. Good work, guys!Issue isnt fixed by 100% but it
s way better than before. It
s just a good balance between spin/shake. Dunno where you always have this infos from Vesko when not even in the modding team.We used Startraders Tutorial, so thx for that m8
If we were able to fix it to 100% we would have shared the way how to here on Starport cause the people here are always willing to help and share their knowledge. So a big thank you to all.cheers