Starlancer Ship Packs
This demonstates an issue i’m having. Firstly thanks for the update. Secondly the debris doesn’t always spin. There’s an ini edit to get round the problem as my solution seems to create the same problem i’m having now with your updated file.
Now when i fire torp #1, everything goes as expected, the torp launches and heads off into the distance, the launcher destroys itself and obviously the launcher model as well, leaving a nice empty space where the torpedo used to be, so far so good.
When i launch the second torp, this is where it all goes strange, the torpedo itself disappears with only the torpedo engine effect working, and this flies off into the distance. The launcher vanishes as expected but seems to take the torp model with it. This is with damage_per_fire set to -1 as per the instructions unless i misunderstood.
Now my solution in contrast was to use the explosion instant effect and attach it to the launcher which achieves the same thing but i still get this disappearing 2nd torpedo model issue.
Code here:
HP_child = HPConnect
hit_pts = 1
explosion_resistance = 1
debris_type = debris_normal
parent_impulse = 20
child_impulse = 80
volume = 0
mass = 10
hp_gun_type = hp_gun_special_4
damage_per_fire = -1
power_usage = 0
refire_delay = 0
muzzle_velocity = 15
toughness = 1
projectile_archetype = galahad_torpedo_ammo
dry_fire_sound = fire_dry
separation_explosion = sever_debrisNow it could be a setting i’ve put in wrong and just not seeing it or it’s something else. Confused now.
That’s bloody mental Gib!
Some real potential for realism with that system. Could use it for missiles also.
Further experimentation is leading me to the conclusion there’s an issue. It seems everything works well with only one of the torps mounted. As soon as you add a second torpedo it looks like the plugin is calculating the destruction of all the weapons of that type and if the first one is destroyed as it obviously is on firing, it assumes the second one is also. These were tested with the current version of the plugin and damage_per_fire = -1.
I even created a second weapon identical to the first but renamed everything and it still assumed that was destroyed before i even fired it as i also ended up with the same problem of only the effect showing on the second model. Seems the damage is passed onto the same hp_type which is obviously not correct, at least to my eyes. Surely it should be per weapon mounted and not per weapon type?