How to change the range of found bases?
I just want to ask how I can change the range of found bases at scanner
For instance, tripoli base is seeable at scanner max. 15k, while crete or other bases are over 100k
Because it is different I doubt that it is because of the scanner type used in vanilla…
Any ideas?
(If possible I would like a non-exe-hacking solution, because 1.) I dont have any experience in that, 2.) I want to make the mod as compatible as possible with other modifications)
It would be also nice to know if cd would kick ppl with such a mod since the mod is meant to be used at any vanilla or slightly modded server (see signature)
No ideas?
(Same goes for jump holes ;))
Not sure scanner will be affected by LODRanges, as that’s a visibility tweak as far as I know. Nothing more. You could look at limit breaking, as there is an offset which affects ‘certain’ bases and increases their ranges. Although, again, i;m not sure whether this is purely a visibility hack or not.
Thank you for your hints, will check it later (when I feel to - I am only modding then ^^)
€: But looking at the ini and comparing the LOD values with the scanner ranges from my mind (^^) it might be that. Thank you, mates! ;D
€²: It seems that this assuming was wrong…
Hm k, it seems that this wasn’t the solution.
However, a other problem occured, when I am deactivating the modification, the Freelancer.ini and the sarma.txm get deleted - What did I wrong?
After long tests I now assume it’s either the .cmp or the .sur. I had a vanilla solararch.ini entry; using the miningbase_small_rock.cmp with that caused the base to not appear on radar (I was 150k away from the base). Using the same solararch.ini entry with a custom .cmp and a custom .sur(nothing special, just a box
) it appeared on radar.
(00:32:07) XXX: ich hab mir mal mit inis so nen scannerding gebaut und konnte dann komplette karte sehen
(00:32:20) XXX: die sind da iwo
(00:32:23) XXX: aber versteckt
(00:32:30) XXX: musst mal schauen bei equipment
(00:32:53) XXX: aber durch so eine änderung ist dein mod dann nicht mehr “cheatfrei”
(00:32:58) XXX: (sollte er doch bleiben, oder?)/info
(sry, too lazy for translation at this time…need to sleep ^^)
14000f in freelancer.exe, 0xd1750 = solar detection radar range ~FriendlyFire
0xd1750 = 1.1Might this help aswell? Hm, I think I will give it a try.
Oh sry, overread that part of your posting
Yep, it was the offset (at least for the few bases I tested - I wonder where the range for the other bases are located then…hm dunno.)
It even works for jump holes.
And a very, very special thanks for Gibbon assisting me at MSN ;D
That got annoying for me… seeing jumphole fx from huge distances away…
It seems that this hack is for radar range only?