A few errors…
I replaced that one with a blank wav after having an ‘audible’ one in there. Damn annoying. Did it absolutely everywhere you go to dock. Tradelanes, the works
I am also wondering about these occasional material errors. If there was some way to quickly browse and create hashes, rather than manually do it, which would take stupid amounts of time. That aspect issue is wierd. If it is indeed a camera entry, check it against this:
[WinCamera] fovx = 54.431999 [CockpitCamera] fovx = 90 znear = 2.000000 [ThirdPersonCamera] fovx = 90 [DeathCamera] fovx = 90
I’ve never had that crop up. Unless it’s referencing one of the cockpit ini entries directly:
[Cockpit] mesh = cockpits\liberty\models\li_fighter_cockpit.cmp int_brightness = 0.500000 head_turn = 50, 40 [CockpitCamera] [TurretCamera] tether = 0.000000, 5.780000, 22.874001 yaw_rotate_speed = 2.000000 pitch_rotate_speed = 1.500000 accel_speed = 5
Definately wierd. Is there anything in the archive about this bro?
EDITYep, one thing of interest in the archive. I think we can narrow it down to a ship (player or NPC) that has a pilot hardpoint. but no cockpit hardpoint. Thanks to startrader for this input. Apparently, ships (such as certain capital ones) that have no pilot hardpoint and no cockpit hardpoint don’t get this error. But as soon as you have a pilot but no cockpit, then that throws up. I also read in a few places that hardpoints need to follow the right naming convention, including the capitalization. So i’m guessing you would need to check to make sure you have a: HpCockpit present in there. A HpCockpit01 won’t do it?! Apparently. And HpCockpitEx is just plain wierd… ha!
You know far more than me though, I may still be wrong. Looks logical enough though
Get it sorted man!
First, material errors:
VMESH: couldnt find material 187676746Now, I know what these are and how to fix them, but I wondered: does anyone have some tool that also crawls the CMPs and 3DBs for hashes so I don’t have to go through all the meshes looking for that one material?Would be nice to know how to fix these as i found 4 of them earlier
Now, I know what these are and how to fix them, but I wondered: does anyone have some tool that also crawls the CMPs and 3DBs for hashes so I don’t have to go through all the meshes looking for that one material?
I might have 1/3 of a tool. It crawls UTF files looking for names that look interesting. I can flick you the code I’ve got. Maybe you could finished it and add it to FLdev…
Is the hash algorithm for the vmesh materials the same as the for nick names in the ini files?
I already have Hash and CRC algorithms, which should cover all that FL uses. I just don’t have UTF routines to actually get the nicknames…
I’ll try to speak to you on Skype soon
Contact me on MSN and I will send ya some code for parsing UTF files…
Okay, a little bump here.
We’re having a grave problem which needs solving. I think it’s among the last bugs we have, but we’re completely stumped.
The issue is that when we dock with a tradelane, we sometimes will get a crash exactly at the moment where our ship should “enter” the lane. What’s weird is that this crash is extremely random; we can sometimes have no crashes for 40 docks! We’ve changed the ALEs twice, so I’m doubtful that’s the issue; plus, they work as intended. Sounds were not altered in any way. Encounters haven’t changed in a while, so I’d be surprised if they were the issue, even though encounter bugs often create CTDs (they’re my likeliest candidate).
Only the server actually crashes; the client stays on without a hitch. We have no log whatsoever; both the server and the client have nearly empty logs devoid of reasons for such an issue.
I’m really tired of that, I’d like to release ASAP, so please, if anyone has any idea, speak out!
EDIT: The issue seems to be related to patrol paths, specifically patrolp_gunboats type.
I’ve removed the gunboats from br_n_grp’s faction_prop definition and so far the problems have disappeared. I don’t know exactly what is causing the crashes, but it has to do with the NPCShip, the loadout, the shiparch or something peripheral to that.
BUMP anyone got any more info?