Space Sim Games Wiki
Hey Everyone
I just wanted to let people know that I will be designing a Wiki around documenting all of the Space Sim ever
It will be a lot of work and look forward to working with everyone get facts and descriptions to make it a nice resource for everyone. I am trying to get basic layout down right now and will probably start actually using it this week. I haven’t really decided yet if I should leave editing of the pages open or just to select people as to not get hard work messed up.
But in the end I think it will be a nice resource for all and I look forward to creating and documenting it all. Here is the link to it:
It is still in a rough state and I have disabled registration for right now. But you can see I have already started on the game listing and I know there is way more than what I have listed. So any help would be appreciated and I have a Wiki thread in my forums for those that would like to help out.
project… lol
if i had the time i would help but im busy with alot of stuff as is
good luck!!!
Good luck mate. Strangefully suddenly some spacesims fansites are going to host wikis at the same time (, T SP, SSC)
I first thought about a coop between STN und T SP because of the language linking feature - But with SSC it is going just more complicated ^^
€h…were is freelancer in the wiki’s game list? ^
€h…were is freelancer in the wiki’s game list? ^
How did I miss that one
Oh I don’t doubt this will take me some time but with some feedback from the users and doing a few games a week it should be pretty populated by end of the summer. I didn’t even know of any other wiki projects out there… I know I was creating this one mainly because I am saying SSC is a resource site so I need to have some basic info on most of the games out there and we’ll see how far I get.
Well, yes we are going to host a Wiki.
But for us its a platform for tutorials for all content types, look at it as being lazy. We could post all the content what has been made by others, but why not let them post it them selves?Yes there is also room, and gladly we have, for servers and mod devs to explain and give walk throughs for their mods.
Oh? I thought T SP Wiki would also contain stuff like equipment, systems etc.? (And hell yeah, even if added by users ^^)
Yeah, it’ll have multiple sections arranged in a branching tree and will encompass all the newbie help stuff, spoiler-related things, modding tutorials and technical support.
Hm, I just thought that the wiki would be more like a huge database.
(About FL related stuff, systems, equip, ships, bases & more)
I have been plugging along nicely and have about 10-15 game pages done and will try to get a few done every week and maybe in a few months I will have all the games covered even if it is a brief description. But it is actually fun trying to track down info on some of these games never mind the screenshots and videos
If users request it I will give people access to update and add things like specifics for games. Right now my work only will consist of general info, links, downloads, screenshots and videos if available.
A bit dead this post, no? Good idea though.