SP Freelancer Mods
I know they are out there and I know some MP packages have a SP gameplay as well I am trying to track them all down and get permission to host the downloads of them on my site. I am going after these first because these will run whether you have a server to connect to or not. And when servers go down that supports a mod that mod is no longer usable.
Just wanted to know if there was a list compiled out there somewhere?
He will tell you, however, just wanted to mention that the author of Crossfire forbid every one to host the mod - So it is only aviable at www.swat-portal.de & MOD DB
My Phoenix mod does SP but i think you already have that although there is a new version out now
I know it’s OT but:
You might want to add the unofficial 1.4 patch as well as the Quickfix (www.eoa.seriouszone.com for the last one)For freespace 2 mods you can add some downloads from www.freespacemods.net
You may want to difference between Mods and Player/Modding tools
I composed this list many months ago for TLR single player request and thought that this would help answer the question
Before I Start on the various mods their are a number of ways to play single player
1 - set up your own internal Lan / server which i cant seem to do ( stupidity and age – no wonder im out to pasture theses days )
2 - chips open single player mod
3 - open single player and easy starting cash mod – this one has allowed me to play a number of the multi player mods single player ( score ! )
4 - some mods like monkey and dicovery and tekagi and frontier and Crossfire still include single playerI also use the speed mod when it will work as some mods that have huge systems and 300 to 500 just dont cut it – you spend time reading between stations – But this mod should never be used in multi player
( grrr cheats bah humbug )
and remmeber to completly uninstall and wipe freelancer and the mod manager ( i found this helps also ) before reinstalling and adding a mod
the following list does not mean to rank or demean any mod
They are all truly works of art and as such need to be considered on thier own merrits rather than compared to the game itself or other mods that I have mentioned
I would agree with Killer Bee on Frontier Space 1.75 but you have to load all the small files ( i think theres about 7 addendums of sorts ) 1.75 is huge and filled with neat ships and systems and has all sorts of missions and aliens – it also contains a sort of player multi mission game to attain weapons and ships
Tekagi’s Treasure 5.42 ( i think its updated to 5.44 now ) is very large and intricate – has all sorts of huge systems ( size wise and dimensional ) and is very stable and with alot of neat interstellar objects and will keep you exploring for months – one thing i liked was the different types of weapons
( space porn lol )WTS 4.16 ( 4.17 now – warriors of the sky i believe it stands for ) I found on either file planet or mod db is fascinating they’ve built a whole planet / mini universe inside the mod – where you can fly all sorts of dated air planes from biplanes on up – This was an incredible experience
Nightstalkers Universe 1.6 ( the last mod I was exploring before i got busy ) is another large mod more focussed on various scifi franchise ships and systems ( most mods include some scifi like ships ) another eye candy mod with lots of space porn and systems to explore
The monkey universe 2.47 ( i think thats latest – ive been away from freelancer for a good part of this year ) is very neat and has a nice soundtrack and a place for young people to play – what a neat inovation – also its close to the basic game but has lots of music that you add ( gestords audio packs and others ) I also thought the nomad sytems and robot and monkey systems were well designed
Dan’s Rebalance mod 3.56 is also well designed and fun with a neat transit system having high radition output – run through quickly or die – lots of fun and exploring
TNG 2.76 – diff weapons and more aggressive combat and different meteors and ice and junk fields
Crossfire 1.7 ( still waiting on 1.8 ) Another mod with a main transit sytem and heavy combat – I dont mind being jumped by some nomads comes with the territory – but Swat’s version of a couple of nomads is wild ( large waves and waves of gunned up nomads ) Crossfire also contains a multi mission hidden player quest – lots of fun
Discovery 4.84 ( i think 4.85 has just come out ) the closest to the basic game – but still a beautifull and stable and well designed mod which deserves all its success – i think they are going to do away with the single player option soon – this is also one of the largest communities in the multi player universe
Also the Pheonix mod by gibbon and The Order Mod by Rsabitano are both single player but I have yet to fly them Myself --But they are both Very Upstanding members of the Comunity and it is my own Laziness and invovlement with Frontier space that have gotten in the way – They are both next on my single player agenda
If I have forgotten or not included anyone – My apologies – this is the basic list of what ive played in single mode
I would also like to say that the modding community of freelancer deserves a standing ovation and respect for what they’ve achieved
I know it’s OT but:
You might want to add the unofficial 1.4 patch as well as the Quickfix (www.eoa.seriouszone.com for the last one)For freespace 2 mods you can add some downloads from www.freespacemods.net
You may want to difference between Mods and Player/Modding tools
I was wondering if I should do that or not I will put in mod tools areas into each game mod download area it might just be easier to manage in the long run. Thx Bas.
My Phoenix mod does SP but i think you already have that although there is a new version out now
I’ll get this updated this weekend. Promise
Thanks Mr Ed on the nice list you have I will work on getting some descriptions and the mod so people have access to them. I know the biggest reason why was looking for these because I have read on other forums even moddb and people are asking for SP mods and people don’t know how to find them. and like I stated before MP only mods die off if there server goes down and then you are really stuck unless you setup your own server.
Been busy but managing to keep things up to date. I know I am lacking on more of the FS2 mods and will remedy that soon. The news alone takes up a good portion of my time and my wiki. Have over 100 files in the download area now and I know I am not even close on some games for mods and tools. But I have time…. and a reminder to all people can upload there own mods as well feel free. And the system will even tell users when new uploads or edits to a download have happened so besides setting up the backend it takes care of itself.
Add suggestion: Set up some parent categories in your DL area, for instance “Freelancer”, as soon as you click at it the child categories will come visible
if you are not affraid of a couple of nomads spoiling your adventures then by all means play the ordermod. i recently found a way to work on mods again . my new computer has a dual hard drive one drive is write protected and has vista the other is a storage place where i should put backups but i can actually work on mods on that drive because its not write protected. i just put an open single player patch on rise of the lost children i am not releaceing that unless i get permission . but i will be making 58.64 open single player that was the last mod i worked on before shutting down the factory. that one is a little tricky because you have the rouge militarys in there and the regular militarys going at it. plust the outcasts and corsairs are now flying osiris battleships and the order are now neutral to criminal factions. so its going to be nuts . im going to work on this on my vacation because my battleships are out of control.
Add suggestion: Set up some parent categories in your DL area, for instance “Freelancer”, as soon as you click at it the child categories will come visible
Little restriction of my mod but I have added tools and scripts section under each game mod section. Thanks for suggestion Bas.
Look forward to 58.64 of the order mod rsabatino.
WTS 4.16 ( 4.17 now – warriors of the sky i believe it stands for ) I found on either file planet or mod db is fascinating they’ve built a whole planet / mini universe inside the mod – where you can fly all sorts of dated air planes from biplanes on up – This was an incredible experience
the name off WTS means Warriors Twighlighted Swordsleague
… and WTS is NOT SP compatible
since versions beyond 3.42 without server files.And not promisses if you got the server files.
warriors of the sky i believe it stands for
That was Argh’s outstanding TC mod, and is definately NOT SP compatable
Frontierspace is only OSP & MP compatable, MACE drastically altered the New York system which stopped the story dead in it’s tracks.
Most mods are designed to be MP only, but if you know what your doing even they can be turned to OSP & MP, all it takes is the addition or alteration of 2 small ascii files
- and the start system of WTS is based on Argh’s outstanding ‘Warriors of the Sky’.
as to read in the credits.
That’s why and what got mixed up WoS <> WTS.
- and the start system of WTS is based on Argh’s outstanding ‘Warriors of the Sky’.
First off I apologize if I offended anyone it was not my intention to do so –
Secondly I remember the discussion along time ago about the WOS and thats where i got the association that i list from that post – as i stated in the post i wrote the basis of it over a year ago ( ive since edited it and updated it ) – i had just moved upatate and was rejoining the comunity after an abscence of over 1 year during the whole we all hate each other and Lancers is dead scenario
I Meant no Disrespect
the 3rd option i mention – the open single player and easy starting cash mod i picked up in the archives of TLR about 2 years ago when i found that chips and other open single player mods crashed or gave me trouble with the mods
I had problems if i recall with TNG and Rebalance and this mod solved those problems and I found that it allowed me to play other mods also – it comes in 2 parts and alot of the time the second part wont load ( so thier goes the free money aspect )
When I played WTS and used this mod – on the menu screen the options for single player and save game and load game were marked as non available or some such but worked when clickled on – I got that version off file planet
I acquired my Version some time last year – TLR was still going thru the change over and was looking around at other places for FL mods as TLR at the time was defunct and the wars of that Era were in full force
Edit – If you want i can send you the file that i have and you have My Personal Word ( I swear on my sword Rhea ) that i will not Retransmit or Pass on your Mod – again I apologize if i have caused any offense
Np - just a correction.
And yes, you can start or load SP games.
I changed those button text mainly for the reason,
that i was pretty bored, to answer SP questions like
“I tried to dock ABC in mission XYZ and my game crashed”
the 1001st time.
This just makes sure “No SP support - you r on your own.”.But even if you can lift of from Manhatten,
you won’t really be able to play SP.This a nice idea and good work
- but i m sure, people would be disappointed,
trying 2 play WTS in SP.
- but i m sure, people would be disappointed,
LOL TY and I over reacted also
– I came in from a 9 hour shift burnt out and freaked alil at what Wasnt Critism ( in the light of a new day and plenty of sleep)
– being a solo player among the multi group i’ve been a Tad over zealous in my attempts to not ruffle feathers ( especially when i have been treated so nicely Dohh )
I have always thought of SP as Open single not the whole story line – if you want the story go to the original game ?? – i could never see the point of playing the story in a Mod ?? – I personally love to explore see new bases and fly diff ships and just like to wander around – kinda sight seeing meet new Npc’s and kill them – a tourista with guns if you perfer LOL