Storyline Mods?
I love the FL storyline and would like to play it again with mods. The mod should make the story more challenging, introduce new ships and weapons (maybe) and have other small features without breaking the atmosphere of the game. I already tried Big Daddy’s storyline mod, but it’s just ridiculous and no fun shooting a rogue 5 minutes.
Huhu 8492nd ;D
First, a warm welcome to this great place!
Did you try “The Order Mod” or “Crossfire 1.7” ? -
I know of a mod… hehe …
but the storyline part is only half done… ATM
But it has always been my goal to have 3in1 SP(story), OSP(no story) & MP for XLR got it all down to
a Story addon mod now… but i kinda shelved it half way to focus on bugfixing and MP stuff…But i know for a fact… it all works up to Sprauge/Sinclair… just haven’t coded passed that yet…
When im done ALL Story NPC’s will have better (more personalised) ships, New weps, ect ect…
Still very Freelancer, just with alot of upgrades and more “mood”…PM me if interested m8… Mods still in Development but quite stable… ;D But won’t be getting released untill she’s well “baked” and ready to come out of the Oven
Thx for the replies, currently playing Crossfire in SP. Really good, even though there is so much purple and pink ;D
You should try some other mods too there are plenty of them around
don’t try my mod with the story line too many nomads . use my open single player game just like on the server. plus i am working on a new release once i learn more things.