Compiled File Editor
Just click on any MIP0 to MIP8 or MIPS entry, you will see the texture in the black box in the bottom right corner.
Also, when you do a raw export, if it is recognised as a picture or sound file, it will be saved as a DDS, TGA or WAV file. This was done to make it easy to import the data into standard editing programs.
Post your ideas for it, one thing I will probably do is drop in a renderer for the mesh stuff.
How about the sur thingy u had planed
J/K cool and thanks for the update i always used the last version for vanilla mat and txm browsing
I’ve used the 0.2 version of this and i always liked it for changing the texture colours using the colour picker, very easy to use.
Ok the noob question had to come
So far it seems to open everything with lots of entries in the main window.
However the only thing I see in the black bottom right are textures when on the mp bits.Is this normal?
Should I see anything else, for example what I would see in HardCMP?
Post above mine indicates colour picker, does this refer to a feature in the programme, because I can’t find it.
Sorry for the basic questions but the world is full of allsorts, remember some are liquorice.
**At this time, yes, it is only for textures, once I drop in a renderer it will probably use that window for previewing meshes.
To get to the color picker, pick an entry that is a color and double-click on it. Such as as an Oc entry.
BTW, has anyone tested the VMeshData scripter?**
**New version online, see first post to download
Quite a few new commands supported, approx. 170 node names checked for so far.
3D Flame commands that use standard number, xyz, string or color is now supported
Sphere commands supported
VMeshData can be imported and exported fully with the full support of the FVF format in DirectXAny format info you have please post it here….**
Mebbe it’s only me, but the Export Data ->Script button is in a vegetative state
Add / Remove node same.Last version had same issue for meh. Import script opens a file chooser just fine though.
Other’n that, hoo-ray, string ‘n’ things lookin good, opacity and all ^_^
**All data is exported to the ‘Output’ folder, this includes any file you save. Since the program is in testing phase I did not want to have any possibility of overwriting an original file.
The ‘add/remove’ has not been worked on yet and is not fully functional.
If you import something, it becomes part of the file. You simply save your file after that (look in the output folder for it).**
**Ok, to advance the development of this program, I was wondering if anyone who knows the layout of any part of a UTF file would post the info here.
The first Im looking for in MADeltas and MAKeys. I built a simple exporter for those but without knowing whats in those nodes, the data wont make any sense.**
**And more…
Inertia Tensor
Object vertex list
Texture batch list
Texture vertex list
Vertex batch list
Vertex D-coefficient
Vertex normal
Surface normal list
Face D-coefficient
Face normal
Face property
Face vertex chain
Edge angle
Vertex list
Palette RGB 888
Alpha 8 bit
Image indices
Switch2 - float arrayI’m sure I missed a few…**
**New version released August 11th, 2009
Adds multiple new commands to the auto-editing routine
VMeshRef is exportable as a script
VWireData is exportable as a scriptPost if you find any that should be a simple string, float or integer that I missed…
Hehe, as usual, the download link is in the first post**
LS, i downloaded this just now, what does the little black window do in the bottom right corner? Is it a texture display or model display? Nothing is going on in there apart from blackness
I was looking at the CMP which explains why i saw nothing although the model i’m viewing would be nice to see. When i opened up the mat file i saw the textures so that helps a lot
One thing i have noticed is if i have another window open that overlaps the editor, the texture in the viewer disappears. Only way to get it back is to reload the texture
Ahh, no problem, I will just have it redraw the window when it gets the user’s focus back.
**Got some new info for the animators out there, all is not as it seems in the Animation nodes
, W0dk4, you may want to update your tutorial. All of this information was obtained by building the editor and scripter for the Header and Frame nodes in br_01_avalon_cityscape.cmp and several others.
4 bytes - ULONG - Frame Count
4 bytes - FLOAT - Frame Delay ( -1 = store timing in ‘Frames’, used for variable frame timing )
4 bytes - ULONG - TypeFrames
Total Entries depends on ‘Frame Delay’, below is a single entry from the ‘Frame Count’ list
Frame Delay = -1
4 bytes - FLOAT - seconds
4 bytes - FLOAT - angle in radiansFrame Delay not = -1
4 bytes - FLOAT - angle in radians**
This program is full of win!!
Did anyone find any use for that info?
**Latest version released August 13th, 2009
Added export feature for…
Mesh *
VWireData -
Material Animation *
MaKeys -
Mesh Animation *
Frames -
Cons section *
Alot of the single style and 3d formats implemented as well (floats, Ints, Strings, XYZ).**