Freelancer Developer
I’m glad to announce the beta release of the new FLDev 1.1 version.
Please head to FL Forge to download the latest FLDev version.
It includes a host of new features, including a new lightning-quick CRC crawler (similar to CRCTool), configuration settings memorization, Simple Infocards support (allowing to write infocards using pseudo-BBCode), a brand new Output setting, improved CSV sorting, improved DLL editor controls, keyboard shortcuts at multiple places, upgraded color converter, a file/folder existence checker, a vertex helper for manual wireframe creation, autosaves for both the DLL editor and the template in the CSV parser, multithreaded DLL parsing, generally optimized code and a slew of other nifty things I can’t remember!
This release being a beta, I’ve went over a few things. This release does NOT include the following:
-A help file (sorry, it takes a lot of time to make a good one)
-A changelog (I don’t even remember all that changed myself, if that’s any indication!)
-An installerI hope you like the new features and be sure to report any bug you might encounter
Awesome tool, same as forsaken, easily recommend this to anyone. ^^
plus im in the credits
Thanks for the new release ;D I use this tool every day, nice to have a
new one to play withawesome tool FF still haven’t got the hang of the CSV stuff… i mainly use it to fix my DLL’s
as i use FLIDS as well… (more used to it) for basic template IDS, then add “real” info with FLDev ;D -
perhaps it might be wirth doing a small tut on its usage
would help FF out by him not having one extra thing to do ya kno!
I need feedback people ;D
Links to FF WT forums broken
But seems to be indeed a nice tool ^^
I know, this is an old thread. I didn’t think making a new one was appropriate, though, so I just bumped it back.
;D just used it to repair some IDS… works a charm m8 ;D
I like the new setup makes it easyer to point it to XLR… hehe and keep it there
i’ll be using the other tools latter on tonight…(calculation) they look tasty too…
& nice new GUI (yes i noticed) cleaner and fresher.Great work FF ;D
Oh i do have 1 Q… whats the deal with the CSV files… that make anything easyer…?
U use the tinyfish ini editor for most of the “overhaul” work (balancing fixes)… is this CSV way better…?
that editor can get really confusing and messed up at times (works well though… just my eyes don’t hehe)Chow… back to “work” for me hehe…
The CSV Parser is really in its own category. It’s neither an INI editor, nor a full-fledged spreadsheet tool.
In essence, it can dramatically speed up the creation and update of repetitive INI data. The example I always take are guns. With guns, you have a [Gun] entry, a [Munition] entry, plus a [Good] entry and maybe an [Effect] entry. Using the parser and a proper template file, you can simply make a spreadsheet which contains all the needed data and send it in. The parser will take care of “plugging” the values in the proper place, on top of doing a few other nifty things like automatically updating the DLLs if you ask for infocards or names to be added in.
It’s not a replacement to TinyFish or Notepad, it’s more of a complement for specific situations.
ST butts the FF dam one more time…
One day I’ll either get his dual-core desktop or he’ll give in and write us a single-core version of his super FL-Dev…
ST keeps on buttin’ that dam!
You really want me to start deleting your spam eh? Because at first it was alright, but now you are the very definition of spamming.
Spam is unsolicited contact by someone trying to sell you something you probably don’t want, not to tell you or badger you about something that is irritating but relevant! - That’s what I’m doing, thank your lucky stars I’m only lobbying for your support!
Well, if you are kidding, as I am, then ok.
But if you’re upset about my request to make a single-core version of FL-Dev it was a serious request and not spam, nor a dig, because by multi-threading it has become a great tool that I can’t use.
So be fair old pal, upgrade your pc soon!
- or you could rethink fixing the earlier single-core release to do the functions of the dual -core without the rewrite? Please? lol
Send me money and I send you a comp. Deal?
As for rewriting anything, the problem’s that first of all I was working on a vastly different version 2.0 and didn’t really want to further modify the old version since I felt it would just be time wasted. However, 2.0 is a major rebuild which will take a lot of time (I’ve no idea when it’ll be finished).
On top of that I have to say styx’s program is mostly stomping over the grounds I had planned to cover at a much faster and polished rate than I could manage, so I end up a bit stuck
I’ve no idea whether I’ll re-release the older versions with a fix for single-core CPUs. I don’t even know what the problem is in the first place!
Fairy Nuff!
I know, RL is our bread-winner after all.
No probs pal.
FriendlyFire wrote:
I need feedback people ;DIn another thread on the Coding forum you mentioned an upcoming version of FLDev but I figured it made more sense to post a response here because this thread is stickied and has the right title.
First, FLDev is awesome.
For editing individual infocards it is difficult to imagine improving it much. Having your favorite tools in a single, tabbed, interface is nice, as well. Adding rollover text would make it easier for some to understand without changing the foundation.
The CSV parser looks like a potentially paradigm-shifting breakthrough in Freelancer tools (if it is not already shifting paradigms
). I am still trying to figure out the template language, but I think that you have started something unique and very important here.
In my experience, as a player, incorrect infocards are a weakness in most mods. Rumors are useless if they apply to different bases; ship infocards are useless if they do not tell you what is unique about a ship; and equipment infocards are useless if they are just plain wrong.
As a developer, it is obvious why infocards get messed up – the current tools do not make it easy to match infocards to ships, or rumors to systems, etc. There are, literally, thousands of things that can go wrong.
Since your CSV parser is able to drive creation of both .ini files and .dll files, you have started something entirely different. I can easily foresee a data-driven coding tool that helps the modder to synchronize infocards with other aspects of the mod.
For example, if a rumor discusses the goods traded at Manhattan, then the rumor should be displayed in New York, and not in Tau-999. Or, if you change a ship, then the specs and description could automatically update. Also, ship infocards could display handling, power, and engine specs without having to hand-code hundreds of cards. Just change the template and let the tool update hundreds (or thousands) of related cards.
Matching rumor to base or system is a tedious manual process with .ini files. However, with a data-driven approach, it would be much easier to keep things synchronized (and easier to detect when something does not make sense).
In other words… you have taken the first step toward a real database tool for Freelancer mod-creation. I am sure that you already have a vision for what you want to do next. If you are thinking along these lines and want another pair of hands (or just feedback), then I would be happy to contribute.
Could you please include some option or autodetection for dlls in other languages? I can’t edit the german ones with FLDev (same with fled_ids) without changing the language setting for each node with res hacker…which is very annoying to do.
@ FriendlyFire:
Would you be cool with it if I said that I would like to love you in a physical way for making this?
:pint: :pint: :pint:
If not, we’ll just have to agree that you’re awesome. And I’ll make you a paper hat with the phrase “I am Awesome” on it, or something.