Is this even possible?
[19:38:54] Gurjiv (Frozen) Singh says: i had an idea
[19:39:13] Gurjiv (Frozen) Singh says: anyone know if its possible to have 1 nova torp launcher, but allow it to use more than 1 type of ammo?
[19:39:20] Gurjiv (Frozen) Singh says: for example
[19:39:41] Gurjiv (Frozen) Singh says: 1 hull busting torp, 1 emp torp, for the same launcher
[19:39:49] Gurjiv (Frozen) Singh says: but you can only have a total of 70 torps–-----------------------------------
something like how missiles in eve work. you can have 1 missile launcher equipped, but you can use 4 different missiles (em, thermal, kinetic, explosive types) if you have their ammo in your cargo hold. this way, you could use mix of emp + hullbusting torps (back to freelancer, no more eve talk
), restricted by constants (total of 70 ammo) and by making them use cargo space too.
ohsnap. didnt take that into consideration. guess ive been playing eve so much lately and not enough freelancer, i forgot that part.
thinking about it, would it be possible that when you are flying ingame, you see in your gun list an option something like “torpedo launcher”, and 2 subtitles which can be activated/deactivated like guns, one being for hull torps, the other for emp torps?
yeah, i like dreaming
frozenballz wrote:
ohsnap. didnt take that into consideration. guess ive been playing eve so much lately and not enough freelancer, i forgot that part.thinking about it, would it be possible that when you are flying ingame, you see in your gun list an option something like “torpedo launcher”, and 2 subtitles which can be activated/deactivated like guns, one being for hull torps, the other for emp torps?
yeah, i like dreaming
I think that is also not possible, from what i know it would need to be hooked for both ways.
Waits for M0tah to list hacks on how to do it
I have attached an FLMM mod to demonstrate that it is possible. It allows the Javelin Missile Launcher to toggle between Javelin and Eraser missiles, by clicking on it in the weapons list. If you want to toggle the weapon itself, hold down Shift. It won’t change the name in the list (since the launcher doesn’t change, but it should be possible), but the ammo count will change, as will the description in the inventory. However, if it’s currently selected when you toggle it, you will need to select something else to refresh it.
So, where to from here?
Got my interest… 8-)
I know it works the other way… faster launcher for same torp ammo (as in the Firebase mod) but this warrants a looksee. -
The same thing could happen here. I was initially testing this with the Starkiller launcher, where I noticed the Sunslayer had a slower speed. Missile/torpedo speed is based on the launcher’s muzzle_velocity value and the ammunition’s motor’s lifetime and accel values: speed = muzzle_velocity + lifetime * accel. Since the Starkiller’s muzzle velocity is slower than the Sunslayer’s, the Sunslayer torpedo is a little slower from the Starkiller launcher.
FriendlyFire wrote:
Waits for M0tah to list hacks on how to do itAdoxa, the 2nd motah, LOL.
oh wow. this is truly awesome, kudos to you man. im going to give this a try cuz it seems -really- interesting.
I’ve made another change (that I won’t bother uploading), which is to make both missiles show as available in the equipment list. Unexpectedly, it also made both available in the inventory, as well. (By available, I mean it shows as cyan rather than grey.) I’m thinking I could detect if you’re in space and don’t show it available there, so you can see which missile is active, but I hope to allow two launcher names (something like “Javelin (regular)” and “Javelin (EMP)”), so it wouldn’t really be necessary. Another thing I forgot to consider was weapon groups. I guess depending on the key you use, it’ll either toggle the ammo or the weapon.