TLR has changed…in some weird ways
We could argue over “Spilled Milk,” “What if’s,” “How About’s,” and “Who Is” all day long. Truth is TLR is gone never to return to what it once was years ago.
Freelancer needs tomorrow, and as long as there is a search engine people looking for Freelancer will use that. My point…
In the time it took to worry over The Lancers Reactor, how many.
Free Web Pages Could one have made pointing to real Freelancer Sites…
How many pages could one have submitted to a Free Web Page Submission Tool to get higher search rankings…
TLR will stop being in the first page of any Freelancer search soon, faster yet if we just promote the active Freelancer Community.
Even if you just start marking Freelancer Sites with Redit, Digg, or any of the other social bookmarking tools supported in Shareaholic for example you will get more attention for everyone.
Wow the things you read about never really surprise me any more TLR is History whether bad or good depends on the person but just needs to let die. But FreeLancer needs all the help and future growth it can get……and i’ll take coffee two sugars one cream please and you can hold the Banana.
Just want to say i like the New site has a nice look and feel don’t care for the orange but i like the site, good work all you people in the background there
Yea, Sorry Yellow Eagle, I don’t think any of us meant to sound vicious. It’s just if it was a Cat, well it would have needed cloned three times over already as nine lives certainly where not enough…
I personally will miss The Lancers Reactor, BUT, the one I will miss was gone long ago M8’s.
Oh, and did someone say Banana…
Yellow Eagle wrote:
Just want to say i like the New site has a nice look and feel don’t care for the orange but i like the site, good work all you people in the background thereYellowEagle
Eh?? Orange??!!!
Mine’s blue!!
Guess he means the orange/yellow highlights :roll:
I think that Human just picked my Bananas off my tree.
Go getim son.
Stop, or I’ll Shoot!!!...
Maybe this will put a stop to the madness…
Now, does any humans here remember a yellow fruit? Has a name starting with the letter “B”?
Good Riddance Much?
I honestly don’t think the FL community has lost anything with TLR Gone. -
Why weird?
Its awesome… its like pommes with mustard.
Or like microwave steak with sauces…
I like it and i also think ill quit fl and from now on play … ehm … uhm… ah! names doesn’t matter! ITS AWESOME!!! -
Moerser wrote:
“Pommes” lol…that just sounds so wrong on en forums.
Anyone some more of the yellow fruits?Greetz,
Mörser outArgh sry… i mean chips
or french fries doesnt matter ist still AWESOME!!!
Oh No, Moerser, You better stick to the potatoes or this guy…
will be calling in the Trunk Monkeys…
Moerser wrote:
“Pommes” lol…that just sounds so wrong on en forums.
Anyone some more of the yellow fruits?Greetz,
Mörser out_**Hehehe, Well, I have beaten this drum too far…
Was in fun, Later, out of this line of Lunacy**_
I’m honestly surprised nobody has mentioned this yet. This is the original flash movie rofl