Path File Errors, How To Fix
Never really worried about path files before because we’ve never had any issues with them, but last night i decided well lets un Chips path file creator and see what happens.
First i got these errors.
li05.ini has error near line 60, system li01 does not contain object li01_to_li05 ro04.ini has error near line 275, system ro04 does not contain object ro04_to_ro04j0_hole WARNING: Legal system path bw03 -> ga01 is too long and has not been written! WARNING: Legal system path bw04 -> ga01 is too long and has not been written! WARNING: Legal system path bw08 -> ga01 is too long and has not been written! WARNING: Legal system path ga01 -> bw03 is too long and has not been written! WARNING: Legal system path ga01 -> bw04 is too long and has not been written! WARNING: Legal system path ga01 -> bw08 is too long and has not been written!
Fine first two are easily fixed but the rest :S
Also i remember reading in the thread about the proggy the max links should be 10 but after running the proggy i get this
[SystemConnections] Path = li01, li01, li01 Path = li01, li04, li01, li04 Path = li01, li03, li01, li03 Path = li01, li02, li01, li04, li02 Path = li01, iw02, li01, li04, iw02 Path = li01, iw06, li01, li03, iw06 Path = li01, iw05, li01, li03, iw05 Path = li01, iw04, li01, li04, li02, iw04 Path = li01, iw01, li01, li04, iw02, iw01 Path = li01, ku02, li01, li03, iw06, ku02 Path = li01, bw05, li01, li03, iw06, bw05 Path = li01, bw09, li01, li03, iw05, bw09 Path = li01, iw03, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03 Path = li01, rh02, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, rh02 Path = li01, bw06, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06 Path = li01, ku03, li01, li03, iw06, ku02, ku03 Path = li01, lm05, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, lm05 Path = li01, bw07, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, bw07 Path = li01, rh04, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, rh04 Path = li01, ku04, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, ku04 Path = li01, ku06, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, ku06 Path = li01, rh01, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, rh01 Path = li01, bw08, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw08 Path = li01, bw10, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10 Path = li01, cl01, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, cl01 Path = li01, br02, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03, br02 Path = li01, br04, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03, br04 Path = li01, bw01, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03, bw01 Path = li01, ew04, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04 Path = li01, ku05, li01, li03, iw06, ku02, ku03, ku05 Path = li01, ku01, li01, li03, iw06, ku02, ku03, ku01 Path = li01, ew02, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, bw07, ew02 Path = li01, rh05, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, rh04, rh05 Path = li01, ku07, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, ku06, ku07 Path = li01, km07, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, ku06, km07 Path = li01, ew01, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, ku06, ew01 Path = li01, rb02, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw08, rb02 Path = li01, br06, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06 Path = li01, br07, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, cl01, br07 Path = li01, br01, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03, br04, br01 Path = li01, br05, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03, br04, br05 Path = li01, br03, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03, br04, br03 Path = li01, bw02, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03, bw01, bw02 Path = li01, hi02, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi02 Path = li01, ew03, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, ew03 Path = li01, hi03, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi03 Path = li01, hi01, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, bw07, ew02, hi01 Path = li01, hi04, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, bw07, ew02, hi04 Path = li01, bw04, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, rh04, rh05, bw04 Path = li01, rh03, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, rh04, rh05, rh03 Path = li01, or01, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, ku06, km07, or01 Path = li01, no02, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06, no02 Path = li01, bw03, li01, li04, li02, iw04, iw03, bw01, bw02, bw03 Path = li01, ew06, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi02, ew06 Path = li01, ew05, li01, li03, iw06, bw05, bw07, ew02, hi01, ew05 Path = li01, sm04, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06, no02, sm04 Path = li01, no01, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi02, ew06, no01 Path = li01, rb01, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi02, ew06, rb01 Path = li01, bw11, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi02, ew06, bw11 Path = li01, sm03, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06, no02, sm04, sm03 Path = li01, mo02, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi02, ew06, rb01, mo02 Path = li01, sm05, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06, no02, sm04, sm03, sm05 Path = li01, mo01, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi02, ew06, rb01, mo02, mo01 Path = li01, ro01, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06, no02, sm04, sm03, sm05, ro01 Path = li01, mo03, li01, li04, iw02, iw01, bw06, ew04, hi02, ew06, rb01, mo02, mo01, mo03 Path = li01, ro02, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06, no02, sm04, sm03, sm05, ro01, ro02 Path = li01, ro03, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06, no02, sm04, sm03, sm05, ro01, ro02, ro03 Path = li01, ro04, li01, li03, iw05, bw09, bw10, br06, no02, sm04, sm03, sm05, ro01, ro02, ro03, ro04
as you can see some of them have +10 links, what i dont know is how i fix them. So anyone that knows exactly what they are doing can you explain how this works and what to do.
Delete those lines with 10+ jumps
and every line, touching a system with more than 10+ JH/JG.
Oh ok simple as that then lol
Just a quick note…
Paths between systems that have more than 10 connections are not a problem.
The problem is any system with more than 10 jumpgates/jumpholes in it in total. This will cause random FLServer crashes.
If there are only jumpholes and there are more than 10, the problem will not be obvious, it will be very intermittent and you may not realise it is a problem.
So clean up your systems, or see Adoxa’s post to bypass the checking.
FL Server rebuilds the 3 path files automatically if they are deleted - unless you have a system with more than 10 jumpholes/jumpgates, in which case it will crash and will not rebuild the path files.
So as a quick test, move your current path files to a safe place and just start FLServer. If it crashes you have one or more systems which have more than 10 jumpgates/jumpholes.
Just bear in mind that FL’s generator doesn’t take locked gates into account.
@StarTrader: Just to be clear, I don’t bypass the check, just restrict it to the first ten.
adoxa wrote:
Just bear in mind that FL’s generator doesn’t take locked gates into account.@StarTrader: Just to be clear, I don’t bypass the check, just restrict it to the first ten.
When you say that it doesn’t take into account locked gates - what do you mean? It plots shortest paths through locked gates?
Should it?
F!R wrote:
Delete those lines with 10+ jumps
and every line, touching a system with more than 10+ JH/JG.
forget that - use adoxas hack
some people will take missions 2 keep the npcs calm
and enter such a system and the mission path will be calculated- what will also crash your server as plain ol’ routing.
Chips wrote:
When you say that it doesn’t take into account locked gates - what do you mean? It plots shortest paths through locked gates?
Should it?
That’s right. For example, regenerating the paths in the vanilla game will use the New York->Magellan gate, even though you’ll be locked out of it. As for whether it should or not, since the mission scripts can lock and unlock gates, probably it should. Perhaps a better question would be: how were the original paths generated? Since it can do it automatically, I can’t see them doing it manually, which means they either tweaked them by hand to remove the locked gates; edited the files to remove the gotos before generating; or maybe there’s a separate program that does take into account locked gates.
That’s what my lil ap does - reads through the locked gates and therefore doesn’t include them when generating the paths.
If I can program it, so can a game dev - and probably in 1/4 of the time
Did anyone check whether vanilla path files include the magellan jump gate, or only when these are created by FLServer?
We’ve added about a half dozen or so jumpholes in our mod that are accessible only by players running the mod. If a player not running the mod is within 5k of a player using the hole, the unmodded player will CTD. The server and the modded player will not be affected.
Now to the question:
If paths are generated by the server and the added jumpholes are added to the server-side path.inis, how will that affect the server if an unmodded player is directed to use a jumphole they don’t have in their mod files?What is the best way to add these jumphole paths without causing issues with unmodded players? Should they be added at all?
From my own experience, mixing modded and unmodded players will be nothing but a headache. The only real fix for this is to require everyone playing on your server to run your mod. Once your mod gets to a certain complexity (such as adding extra jumpholes, ships etc…) it will make it where an unmodded player won’t be able to play.
The jumpholes are the only things we’ve added into the mod at this point. Eagle Utopia has had them for years but I don’t know what they did about the paths.
EU had added jumpholes to added clone systems. The JHs were placed well out of the ‘normal’ locations an unmodded player would be expected to fly for this reason.
Other than an unmodded player crashing when coming within 5k of one of these JHs while it was being used, they’ve had no ill effects. In fact, as long as no one was using the JHs, they could fly right up to them with no CTDs. The moment the hole was activated however, they would crash.