Gate/hole keys
Yeah it has - Motah’s released a plugin with the same behaviour. It’s in the forge file download area.
What I’m looking for would be to create a buyable/sellable/lootable Item that would work in Sp.
I think this is done in the storyline because I can’t find any references in initial world that refer to the opening of california texas and new york.
I do not play mp online so if the solution did not use flhook this way this could be implimented to make quest-based storylines more interesting(have a good Idea I won’t reveal it yet untill I’ve worked it out completly)
If it’s for the story, you might be able to use Cnd_LootAcquired. For open play, I don’t know, maybe I could see what it is FLHook does and try and do that for SP. I’m lazy, though, so if it involves too much effort I won’t bother…
it is not for the main storyline it’s for a side quest kind of like the ones in crossfire
Okay then. In case I can get it working, just what exactly is it you’re after? Do you want to keep the locked gates and thus have an item to unlock the gate? However, since most mods/patches unlock all gates once the story finishes, perhaps you want gates locked irrespective of their setting and require an item to unlock them? Is the item a “key” (you keep it and use it continuously) or a “ticket” (use it once [or twice, if “return”] and lose it)? Either? How would you like it configured? I’m thinking something like:
[RestrictedDock] ; The base/gate/hole nickname(s). dock = nickname ; Choose the unlock type and the commodity nickname. Are multiple commodities required? key = commodity ticket = commodity return_ticket = commodity ; really just the same as buying/looting two tickets, so probably not necessary ; Repeat for each dock. ```I'm in the process of repartitioning my hard drive, so it could be a while before I have a go at it.
Do you want to keep the locked gates and thus have an item to unlock the gate?Yes this is exactly what I want to do
However, since most mods/patches unlock all gates once the story finishes,this would be for a mod that only I am currently working on.
only new systems & alaska would be affected by this so that this would not affect the storyline or openSPfor alaska I might have to give myself a commodity in the story mission(11 I think) then have the mission remove it once I dock at the osiris at the end of the mission
Is the item a “key” (you keep it and use it continuously) or a “ticket” (use it once [or twice, if “return”] and lose it)? Either?the item would be a key
; The base/gate/hole nickname(s).
dock = nickname
; Choose the unlock type and the commodity nickname. Are multiple commodities required?
key = commodity
ticket = commodity
return_ticket = commodity ; really just the same as buying/looting two tickets, so probably not necessary; Repeat for each dock._
the gates would need only one commodity
I’m hoping that the keys would be mountable objects so that in case this ever ends up used in multiplayer the player holding them does not loose them forever
thanks this really helps I probably will be experimenting with the New York gates in the next couple weeks
Don’t thank me yet, but at least those requirements are on the easier side of things, so that should help. Are you wanting me to create the key, too, or have you got that covered?
If you could create a the basic key that would be great. the new textures I am working on take enough time as it is.
foxUnit01 wrote:
This is possible via use of M0tah’s FLHook - see for more information. Among other things, it supports restricting docking so that you need a specific item to pass through a specific gate - you can specify rather that item needs to be mounted or not, and rather any number of that item should be deducted from your cargo hold. For example, you could have a “Jump Ticket” that is required to use any jump gate, with one jump ticket being deducted from your hold every jump, or you could restrict docking at Military bases unless you had a specific token mounted, etc.Edit: It’s worth checking out the FLHook Plugin version too - I’m not sure if this behavior has been pluginated or not though.
Sorry for small offtop:
But jump ticket or key works like 1 key = 1 object :((
Would be great n keys = 1 object -
I meant creating the commodity/good; there’s no way I’m going to create a model/icon.
Hmm… this looks tasty…
I would also be interested in a SP addon like this…
wouldn’t it be easyer to code the reference to the key
ie: key_gatekey01 - key_gatekey02… ect…that way we can change what the key “is”… for instance
Armour plates… or a Special mountable ItemIcons… are easy enough… Give me a yell when your ready and i’ll see what i can whip up
Find attached the first version. It will only work with single player, using the [locked_gates] locked_gate lines. It’s supplied as an FLMM mod and a save game to test it out. I’ll assume you’re capable of activating the mod and moving the save game to the appropriate location. This test version uses armor for the key, but any mountable equipment can be used - a simple tweak would allow any item to be used. I’m not really happy with the names I’ve given things, so feel free to suggest alternatives.
Load up the game and dock with Manhattan - denied. Dock with Trenton, go to the equipment dealer, mount “Planet Manhattan” and launch. Dock with Trenton - denied. Dock with Manhattan - granted.
thank you adoxa for you help
now onto the re-creation of freelancer….and beyond
oh and Xarian_Prime I can create the icons thats no problem at all for me… photoshop master that I am