Models giveaway
Download absolutely ALL models from here:
A wile ago I was working for a mod which was supposed to be a total redesign of Freelancer. We were gonna throw away all the old models and instead add our own original ones. Ships, stations, planets on which u can fly, you name it we tried it or thought of it. But somewhere along the way many of those involved in the project lost their interest and vanished so after a wile I followed them aswell and saved all these models on a USB-drive. Fortunately after a few hours of searching around the house I found the drive and now I am offering these models to anyone who might be interested. As you see they are WIPs, as there was no reason to finish them if the mod* was gone but yet they’re still cool, some at least. Anyway let me know which one would you like so I will upload it somewhere and give you the link.
All I ask in return is that I am to be mentioned in your mod if you use my models and also let me know when the mod is finished so I could play it
WARNING ! The page may take a wile to load if your internet connection is not so good !
This one could be my favorite station. I call it the “Uberport”. It’s so big that you could probably fly through it. As you see it has 4 domes, each with a small city inside it.
Wow, you got some really nice models there!
Great offer!
Indeed. There are some great things in that package. I think I will tweet your offer out
Yum yum, very nice indeed. I’ve sent you a pm, asteroid bases for me if you want to pass them on, gas gatherer, pirate base, anything with base in it lol
Great work
Thx guys.
Gibbon, pls post an exact list with the models you want and tomorrow I will give you a .rar archive with them in .max/.3ds/.obj format (which one of these I have). Why tomorrow ? Cause now it’s really late for me and I gotta get some sleep as I need to get up really early for work tomorrow. First thing I do when I get home is to check this topic no worries.
Night guys
there are realy some nice models to find here;)
have send you a pm
@ SolCommand, are they all UVmapped, I ask because a lot of those pictures don’t show textures, and on past experience in this community that put’s a lot of people off downloading.
@ Gibbon, Groan not more bases
As I said m8, they are WIP, which means work-in-progress. What you see is what you get, no textures and probably no uv mapping either. I remember some of them may be mapped since I tried some textures in the past but I dont remember which ones. Anyway mapping is fairly easy, harder is to find good textures for them, unless you know your way around Photoshop and can do your own textures.
Well I got more requests to give models than I expected so I am gonna give you guys all the models in an archive.
- There are about 61 models, a few may have some textures
- All the models are about 50mb in size when extracted
- Most models are probably in .max format, since I used 3D Max to make them but that shouldn’t be a problem for you, just ask a friend to convert them to .3ds or .obj or any other format you may need.
SolCommand Models.rar
Please leave your impressions here. Hope you like them.
You can upload the archive here also, on your server, if you wish.
All i can say is these are a stunning gift to the community, many thanks
Np m8, glad to help. Speaking of which …… I could do some more models in my spare time for you guys to use in any mod. Just post here with some ideas and pics for inspiration/guidelines.
I have an idea, something me and predator were talking about a while back, look at the first image
something along those lines lol
You mean >> this one << ?. Hehe that looks weird but if you want it I’ll give it a try. Do you have other screenshots of it ? From different angles.
Edit: nevermind, I found some
Whoever takes these models better do a decent job UV mapping and texturing them.
A crappy texture will make a good model look like crap.
Indeed, uvmapping is a must, now where’s the manual?
I think it’s in the Official Freelancer Modding Guide?
Oh ya, I forgot, that’s backorder since 2003
I have attempted to open these in 3ds Max 5.1 and gmax 1.2 and they are giving me an error
this one is while opening Gas Miner drone.maxUnknown class, no stand-in: superID = 0x9012, classID =(0x4b4b1005,0x0)
then it goes on to complain about missing dlls after a fresh install of 3ds max 5.1
Which version were these created with?
I have 3ds max 2010 and they def open in that without issues. Maybe try a newer version?
They were made with Max 2009.
Gibbon, you’ll have to wait a little for that model since I havent even started it yet cause I’m having some issues with my pc that piss me off. I reinstalled windows yesterday and installed all the necessary software on it and I noticed I have no sound at flash video (youtube and stuff). REALLY IRRITATING ! Been trying since yesterday to make it work but the little f**ker just wouldn’t work.
Take your time bud, not like i need it today