Models giveaway
I don’t have other Earth stuff but NASA provides quite an extensive collection of free models for all sorts of space objects. The downside is most/all of them seem to be rather highpoly and usually have a very bad mesh with messed up geometry and such. For example, the apollo module which I made, I did it after I saw that the model on the nasa website is a total crap. It has like 100 000 polys and a lot of the geometry is beyond messed up so i figured I can do a better version of it, fit for games and better looking. Of course, if you use google you’re bound to find other free versions also which most likely are good as well, but hey if I an do the model why would I download one made by someone else which has god knows what sort of license/terms of use.
Here’s the NASA website: -
Perfect for the moon map I have, thanks Sol!
Have fun using it
Seems like I could use a hand with an older model of mine guys. I found this one lurking on a long forgotten server which I used some years ago and I tried to play around with it so I could post it for public download but it seems it’s got some errors and unfortunately my software crashes every time I try to edit it. All I can say about it is that I used the error checking tool on it and it tells me the mesh has about 10 errors but that’s it, I can’t do anything else to the model or the software freezes and eventually crashes. I’m pretty sure this could be an easy thing to clear out in another software so if you guys have a few minutes of spare time I’d appreciate if you could take a look at it and see if you can fix it, if it’s an easy fix …. otherwise, if the mesh is really screwed up and it would take too long to repair, well, let me know so that I’d throw it at the garbage and be done with it.
Here’s the link to it:!724
It’s the one called “Blackstar Errors”. -
I had no trouble converting it, catch me on skype and I will send u the FBX model. Lightwave didn’t like it though but it did load it up.
Hey guys. I just released 2 more WIPs for download if you’re interested in them. They are not textured but they are fully uv-unwrapped: -
You’ve got some real sweet looking ships there Sol, fair play like. Are they all textured models?
Well mate, as I said on their pages, they are UV-mapped but I have not made them textures yet.
I got an idea for ya Sol, something i think many of us would absolutely adore… and your style would be well suited.
A Gunstar (From the last starfighter)
Or at least… your take on one. just throwing that out there
Fine work as usual matey
Are you referring to this ?’s ONE UGLY SHIP ! Couldn’t you pick something sexier ?
There is a pretty good Gunstar in the Redemption mod by ColdVoid, textures are a bit bland but the geometry is good (for its time)
I already have such a model (almost) but I’m reluctant to start the texturing work on it
Here it is:’s 1 ship hull and everything else is detached so it can be moved / removed / added / edited at will:
- wings
- engines
- sensors
- cargo boxes
- robotic arms
- pipes / cables
- armor plates
- etc.
Two ultra low poly ships with 3 texture variations:
I was impressed with this design also when I saw the concept art. I realized I could do this with very few polys thus I could have a cool very-low-poly ship so I went on and made it. I imagined it could work well (in my mind) as a drone-type interceptor.
Anyway, here’s another design I made yesterday. There are 19 low poly building designs made to use a single texture so you can easily apply your materials to make the towers have a more tech* look or whatever you wish.
omg, i was searching for cities for ages, grabbed everything i could - thanks so much!
one request is left - would it be possible to get the above city block (the first one) on a citylike surface as a seamless model - to put the blocks together on a planets surface?
something like this
CB CB CB CB CBwhere CB would be your Cityblock and OB another one (with a station to land on for example). This way a complete City could be build with only 2 cmps
I love it ! Looks great within the game ! The specular really adds to the Lander’s look.
Daywalker, that’s actually something anyone can do mate. Just arrange the towers in whatever combination you wanna put them in any scene, there’s no need to create an additional modular scene setup when the towers themselves are basically modular (since they’re separate objects). So you just take the 19 towers, clone them how many times you want and then arrange them manually around your main base model and you’re done.
yes, i know, thanks SC but since it is really time consuming to do so, i have to place it behind everything else because it’s planned for a new feature in addition to this:
The scape is seamless. Thought you have the model somewhere.