Jump Coords
In doing some thinking on my stargate mod project I had a thought concerning jumping, specifically hyperspace.
In all the episodes I have seen it is a blue hued tunnel effect, which from first glance some minor starsphere editing would suffice to make that Uknown system (with the tunnel) into a hyperspace-esque system.
Here’s what I would like to achieve and I guess whomever is apt at programming FLHook will be able to tell me if it’s do-able or not.
I would like (those with an equipped hyperdrive) a player to be able to type /hyperdrive or merely /hyper along with attributes for particular coordinates in a system.
For example if I was in New York and wanted to go to Colorado, I might type something like
/hyper colorado x,y,z
They would recieve a message stating hyperdrive is charging, and 20 seconds later (time would be definable as a warmup period) the ship would be moved to the hyperspace system at the location based on the system they were in (so at the spot where you’d exit for New York).
Then (if waypoints can be set by FLHook this would be awesome) the player would set a point to the colorado exit point, and once docked with the (invisible) jumphole, would come out of it at the coords they typed in.
Is this a feasible idea?
I’m not sure what the capabilities of Hook are, but I just thought I’d sound you guys out so to speak.
wee allready have that in ower mod
but the fx aint working right it only fires once
but i think motah working on that
but yes you can do it
but just a system to sytem jump
or you would have to kick the playerthe way ower one is providing you have fuel
and its charged and your ship aint damaged too bad you can jump -
wee allready have that in ower mod
but the fx aint working right it only fires once
but i think motah working on that
but yes you can do it
but just a system to sytem jump
or you would have to kick the playerthe way ower one is providing you have fuel
and its charged and your ship aint damaged too bad you can jump -
kosacid wrote:
they go boom lolWhich would happen if we had such jump technology in real life anyways lol.
Would make it interesting for this to happen, you jump to a completely unchartered place via experimentation, find something awesome, save the position, move on.
Would also allow groups of players to more easily meet up.
The player control plugin & the flak88 flhook has bits and pieces of this. In the plugin there is a .move x,y,z admin command to move an admin ship to specified coordinates. Unfortunately if you mess up the coordinates you end up in the sun. This is rather embarrassing when you are dealing with an evil doer.
An alternative to x,y,z might be nav map coordinates, e.g. /jump colorado E3 - with the ship appearing somewhere randomly in E3. It could make it interesting when jumping near planets.
Just a side note 4 those, who might dig:
FlShell does support jumps to a given location like
; Here is locations for /jump command
; Format:
; Each entry must be in following format
; location_name = system_nickname, Base_nickname
; or
; location_name = system_nickname, x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z
; where x, y, z are position space Like in pos= parameter in player save file
; and rot_x, rot_y, rot_z are orientation Like in rotate= parameter.
; List compiled by foxUnit01 ([email protected])
; ATTENTION as we can read in forum: NO SPACE in nickname
;–------------------------------------------------------------------------------(header copied from the JumpLocations file of FlShell)
So you could not only use something like
NY = Li01, Li01_01_Base
to jump to Manhattan, but also
ORN01 = Hi01, -15009,-140,7588
to end up somewhere in Omicron Alpha. -
As I mentioned in the “Changing ship position” topic, my initial attempts were unsuccessful. Unlike the other questions I posed, M0tah hasn’t (yet) responded, so I might have to give it another go. However, my focus is single-player, so even if I do get it working, it might not be suitable for multiplayer.
Hm, I see. If every system has a hidden hole to hyperspace, it might be possible to force a dock from any position. If hyperspace has a hole to every other system, it should be possible to replace the destination with that given. Should even be able to lock all the other holes so you can only use the one you wanted. Unfortunately for you, I have enough on my plate…
Just to elaborate for reference…
The player would type the hyper command along with the coords, then the ship would launch into hyperspace, in that system there would be an exit point for every system (most logical sense would be in relation to the positions on the universe map?).
As there is an exit point for every system, the user would then fly to the designated point, and hit dock, that would then drop them back to normal space, but at the coords in the system specified with the initial command.
If the exit point isnt what was initially targetted with the command then it would act like a regular exit to a certain point in that system.
command > hyperspace > move to targetted system exit point > to the system at the specified coordinates.
Kinda Like in darkstar…. the “gate” is the target reference to jump in… jumping out can be any closest system…
Might wanna also think of the drives as well… in DSO each “field drive” has a range limit… 3ly… 4ly ect… and recharge time as well…
If ye’s gonna do something like this… please do it right… i can see the abuse now… might wanna take a look at what i just mentioned from DSO… that system works well… and feels about “right”
There be a reason why this has always been an admin thing… its prone to data corruption on a large scale… it works well… but try telling players they “MUST” relog/save after a jump… yeah … fun times … hehe
All looks good though… Im interested in it when its done
im happy using shell at moment… but a player version of jumping would be sweet… just remember to balance it out somehow… please!..
It’s easy to change the ship position in system without kicking. It’s also easy to jump the ship between adjacent systems, i.e. following a jump path…both the plugin and flak88 flhook have examples to do this. See the .chase command in the plugin - it has 90% of what you need.
There is no need to kick a player after jump as flshell does.
What I haven’t figured out how to do is to respawn a ship in an arbitrary system although I got close (the ship spawned although the server thought it was in a different system).
I’d love to say I’ll add this for you but I really am overloaded and there’s no realistic way I have time to do it right now.
There will of course be a charge time, the limit will be down to the damage they incur whilst in hyperspace, as in the wraith on stargate incur damage to hull, I’m going to put that aspect in there.
Can’t really see much abuse, they probably won’t be able to use while being shot on, and some delay with starting up and cooling down.
Just going to toss in my $0.02.
I like the idea of this, but as troubles we have found within 88flak over the jump/beam command as it leads to correpted data, Was the .kbeam command but that will kill the player, and dock him at the targeted base. I’m not sure how it works or what. It was only used once on me to recover a lost rare ship in a server move.
But I do like the idea of a hyperspace system, I was thinking of making a HUGE MEGA ship like the one Why made, the “Colony ship” and have were that is the ONLY craft capiabe of hyperspace as it would just be TOO big to fit into a Jumpgate.
My thoughts were to move to withing 1k of a jumpgate, select the gate, and type in a command to hyperspace jump, and it will take you though the jump hole into the system that the targeted jumpgate is pointed to.
Its not much like jumping from the New York system to say Leeds for example, but it might allow MEGA HUGE ships to go from one system to the next without having to enlarge EVERY single jumpgate to allow them to jump though.