FL Modding For Dummies?
I was wondering if there is any really basic tutorial for FL modding out there, as I’m looking into modding and “dummy” fits my knowledge of FL modding perfectly…
If no, then are there ANY modding tutorials out there? 'Cause my skills when it comes to modding includes FLE and… nothing else.
I made a pretty good introductory video way back. I’ve also made 14 other videos regarding coding various parts of Freelancer. If you’re interested in those, I can try to find a means to host them. They range from 20 to 50 minutes.
Let me know if that’s something of interest for you.
The most useful written tutorial I’ve used is “System building from scratch by Giskard” it’s worth getting a copy since it covers most system building aspects.
The document is here in among a lot of other FL modding data
FL companion for trade balancing is essential
HardCMP for viewing ships etc
A good editor like Notepad ++ makes ini editing almost enjoyable lol