UTF Editor
An option to view shield .surs would be nice as well
Alright, version 2.6.1 is out with fixed secondary mesh locations.
I’m afraid I have no intention of adding shield SURs though.
So I just tried out the new version and everything looks good.
The shield .surs also display correctly, if you rename them to match the filename of the cmp.
I always have a color problem in UTF editor. Textures color are not shown. It’s quite strange… Are they shown correctly for you?
I’m not sure I understand your question correctly. Does Freelancer display the textures correctly and UTF-Editor doesn’t? And what do you mean by it shows no color, is the model displayed completely white or what?
Models are shown correctly, textures not, they are here but without colors. I have not the color of the purple colored Kusari battleship wings, it has the color of the base textures. That’s not really interesting. Freelancer shows correctly the textures colors.
You’re asking for vertex color support. Considering no modded ship has used that feature to my knowledge, I’m afraid support is not coming soon.
Texture color was here in the previous build, I think, it comes directly from the model viewer. Before the new model viewer, the texture colors were shown correctly and I already was on Windows 10. I’m asking to revers color portion of the code because I use this feature for my Liberty Gunboat and I really would like to see models with texture colors. Sorry if I am really “demanding” (didn’t find any other words).
My drivers are up to date for info
Sorry, that’s not something you can just “reverse”. It’ll get done when it gets done, or someone’s free to submit a patch for it.
Can you send me the model for debugging? Currently I also ignore the values in my OpenGL wrapper, because FL never uses it, but it would be very useful for testing and I also might be able to patch it into the UTF editor.
@ FF : Excuse me! I fought you had the source code of previous builds. And I also apologize for my hurry voice.
@ everybody : Thaaaaank youuuuu Schmackbolzen! It gonna be cool!
You’re welcome, but I did not get any model from you, yet. Did you overlook or misinterpret the question? It was directed at you.
Ah! My bad. Sorry. In fact it happened for every colored textures. The diffuse color is ignored, only diffuse maps are taken into account, to be clearer. Colors are missed.
As for the model, the only thing that doesn’t allow me to see any change is the model viewer, apart from that I can change the color in UTF Editor via the mat file. I have good exemples in Freelancer models so it’s not a problem. I just want to see the modifications I do via UTFEditor’s model viewer and make some tweaks without launching MS3D where I dunno if it will be the same thing ingame (transparency or specularity could not be the same in FL and MS3D).
I hope I am clearer now.
Actually, that does not sound like vertex color support, but rather a bug in the material system FF implemented.
@FF: I was assuming you were talking about D3DFVF_DIFFUSE, but from what Freestalker wrote it looks more like that the material diffuse color is not multiplied with the texture color. That should be easy to fix for you, right?
Sorry to have not be as clear as my last post, but I was quite tired these days.
I didn’t think that it was a multiplication, just some kind of overlay. I’m hoping it will be as easy as you say to implement this feature again. After that it will be the perfect tool to tweak 3D models and so on.
Implementing animation support in the 3D viewer should be a nice addition but it could be difficult to implement. Jeider could be a nice people to advice you to implement animations in the model viewer.
@Schmack: If it is indeed just the Dc node not being applied, then it should be relatively easy, yes. I’ll take a quick look to see if that’s fixable shortly.
Alright, UTF Editor 2.6.2 out, fixes the Dc node not being taken into account in the model viewer because apparently SharpDX doesn’t know how to multiply colors together.
Get it here.
It works like a charm! It’s a great tool now. Once again I thank you from my heart! Without your coding skills it would surely never happened! I hope I was helpful enough to make this come true. I was a sort of beta tester. I’m pleased you was able to do it! I’m so happy now!
If anyone wants a beta tester for a software or plug in, I am here.
New problem :
When I select “None” into the model viewer it does the same thing as “Color”. Same thing for "texture’ and “texture color”.