Hwo to Chenge the music?
Here’s an example:-
In the DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEMS\br01.ini file, you will find a [Music] section like this…
space = music_br_space
danger = music_br_danger
battle = music_br_battle“space” is the music that is played when you are in the system without danger.
“danger” is the music that is played when there is enemy near but you are not in battle.
“battle” is the music that is played when you are in battle.
So for your systems, open the ini file and change the music name for each one to the name of your music without the “.wav” at the end. For example if your music file is called “music_russian_space.wav” make this entry:
space = music_russian_spaceIn the file DATA\AUDIO\music.ini you will find each of these music names, and a pointer to the .wav file, like this…
nickname = music_br_space
type = music
file = audio\music\music_br_space.wav
attenuation = -6
streamer = true[Sound]
nickname = music_br_danger
type = music
file = audio\music\music_br_danger.wav
attenuation = -6
streamer = true[Sound]
nickname = music_br_battle
type = music
file = audio\music\music_br_battle.wav
attenuation = -6
streamer = trueSo all you have to do is:-
1. copy each [Sound] section and make new entries with your new music names so you don’t affect the original music, and
2. save copies of the music .wav files in the folder DATA\AUDIO\
That is it.
If you want to make your own new music files, here is an easy tutorial: