Hello all and any chance of some advice
NeXoSE wrote:
Most Mod is for MP only. Also, some mod will lead bugs when running SP storyline, so i not recommand you use mod in SP.And about Discovery Mod, new version of discovery cancelled the SP storyline. you may can get the old version like Discovery 4.83 to play the storyline.
I believe Discovery 4.84 had the SP campaign - but aparently it’s really difficult because of Discovery’s buffed ships. (In 4.85 it’s even worse, so no-story mode is on unless you find out how they did it and reverse it.)
Discovery has some of the biggest multiplayer servers, 3 of them fully-role play ones aswell :), if you’re looking for a SP campaign different to the original one though, Discovery used the vanilla one - so I reccomend you go with something else.
(Noone will stop you trying it though ;).)Want SP? Try Crossfire.
Want MP? Try Discovery. -
Crossfire 1.81 doesn’t have a “real” storyline, but it has a bunch of quests you can do in the game… and when you add to that the absolutely amazing graphics in it, and you have a winning combination for what you need.
In Crossfire (yes it is big, 1.3GB download gulp), you can follow a series of “quests” in the original Sirius Sector, and when you’re ready, one of the quests will bring you to the Sol(ar) system. From there it takes you even further, to the Altair sector, where the Coalition and Dom’Kavash rule!
All in all, CF is the best SP mod out there. if you wanted MP, I’d recommend Tekagi’s Treasure 5.48, which has the best community out there if you ask me. 5.49 is coming soon too, with enough juicy modding to knock your socks off.
I hope that helped you mate. Good luck!
I’m going to do like just about everyone and recommend three mods:
- Shattered Worlds War-Torn; one of the prettiest and most balanced mods out there, it expands on the vanilla game. 1.3 is close to coming out and fully supports SP, including the storyline.
- Freeworlds; while 2.0 isn’t out just yet, this is a really fun mod, especially if you like Star Wars.
- 88 Flak; tons of fun, fast-paced, unique gameplay.
All the mods recommended and more can be found in the FLCN up top on this site.
Good call on SW:WT FF, I almost forgot about that one. Aye, I recommend you download SW:WT asap, it really is a great mod, and of course fully supports the storyline. The story is the same for now, but with the tons of new starspheres, models, engine effects and a whole bunch of stuff left to mention, you’ll forget you’re playing FL.
thanks for all the great info people at least i got a few choices now…. :-D,i have currently stopped playing the full rebalance mod because i just cant get past the dexter hovis race due to the ship cruise engine being to fast now… :lol:keep crashing into the rings and losing track so if anyone knows of a way around that it would be appreciated,in the meantime i am trying out the monkey king one which although isnt as good looking as discovery or full rebalnce is pretty cool for the prequel storyline,even though you end up losing millions of credits… :roll:,i will be DL a couple more of your recommended mods to see how they play.
If you don’t mind delving into the game’s code a bit, browse to your FLMM mods folder (usually C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods) and look for Rebalance’s folder. Go in the DATA folder, then open Constants.ini. Under [EngineEquipConsts], look for CRUISING_SPEED and change it to whatever you prefer (300 is the default). Save the file, unload and reload the mod and you’ll be set
thx FF for the advice will have a go at doing that…. :-D,one other thing though one of the replies for this post said that SW WT was a good mod and also for SP but i registered on their site for the download and there is a post saying that it is NOT sp and can only be played on their server,can anyone clarify this and let me know if its changed or something else has happened,i read about it and it does sound like a good mod.
I specifically said only 1.3 will support singleplayer. The official version is currently 1.2, although you can download a beta version of 1.3 to try out, which does include full SP support.
FriendlyFire wrote:
If you don’t mind delving into the game’s code a bit, browse to your FLMM mods folder (usually C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods) and look for Rebalance’s folder. Go in the DATA folder, then open Constants.ini. Under [EngineEquipConsts], look for CRUISING_SPEED and change it to whatever you prefer (300 is the default). Save the file, unload and reload the mod and you’ll be setHehe, few years before, in the age without w0dk4’s anitcheat plugin, you are teaching cheat FriendlyFire. XD
I remember it cost lot’s of time to try to constants.ini cannot be open by player.
And maybe ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY in [PhySysConsts] need be change to. Just maybe.
Actually, YOU are NeXoSE. That value you pointed out only needs changing for raising the cruise speed, while he wants to lower it.
FriendlyFire wrote:
If you don’t mind delving into the game’s code a bit, browse to your FLMM mods folder (usually C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods) and look for Rebalance’s folder. Go in the DATA folder, then open Constants.ini. Under [EngineEquipConsts], look for CRUISING_SPEED and change it to whatever you prefer (300 is the default). Save the file, unload and reload the mod and you’ll be sethey FF, i tried what you said but there are 2 constant files both with different speeds,when i change the one it is and then exit i save but it says access is denied,have looked in properties but its not blocked or anything,do you have any idea why its doing this and how i can get around it,thx… :-?
You may first have to deactivate the modification.
Go in the file’s properties (Right-click on the file in Windows Explorer and select Properties) and make sure it isn’t read-only (checkbox towards the bottom of the dialog).
As for the values, ignore any which is preceded by a semi-colon ( ; ).
mark39 wrote:
i just cant get past the dexter hovis race due to the ship cruise engine being too fast nowDo you remember when Hovis tells you the rules?
“No shooting or bumping”.
That’s it.
There is no rule that you have to use cruise speed.
Just use thrusters. Slide during the straight parts to keep your speed up while letting your thrusters recharge.
(Slide = Engine Kill = “z” key)
Let Hovis use the higher cruise speed of the mod. He will miss gates, which makes it easy for you to win even if your speed is lower.
Use thrusters? They only do about 130 max plus they run out. Engine killl is useless in this as your speed drops while using it which is no use since hovis is in cruise with a constant speed of 300.
Trick is to goto cruise as soon as possible and just follow Hovis until near the end of the second lap he just comes out of cruise with 2 or 3 rings left as his buddies try to shoot you down, and you simply fly past him. I dd this in a Dromy on the first try lol
Gibbon wrote:
Use thrusters? They only do about 130 max plus they run out. Engine killl is useless in this as your speed drops while using it which is no use since hovis is in cruise with a constant speed of 300.Trick is to goto cruise as soon as possible and just follow Hovis until near the end of the second lap he just comes out of cruise with 2 or 3 rings left as his buddies try to shoot you down, and you simply fly past him. I dd this in a Dromy on the first try lol
You are talking about vanilla Freelancer, aren’t you, Gibbon? In vanilla, yeah, all you have to do is complete the gates (at cruise speed) and wait until Hovis misses one (on the second try, as you said).
But Mark39 is having trouble with the Hovis race in a mod with higher cruise speed. Above 300 kps, Hovis will miss MANY gates, so the player only has to make it around the course. Speed is not the key to winning in that scenario… getting through the gates without missing any is the winning strategy.
NP, Gibbon. You are not the first to “correct” me (presumably because I am a newbie.
But I feel more like “old friends” because I have been following you and the rest of the regular posters here since 2003 or so.
I had to track you all down, when I came back from a year away from Freelancer, only to find a smoldering asteroid field where TLR had once been. It was spooky… kind of like Freeport 7.