.3dbs and hitboxes
Yep. Same folder, my apologies.
Using that tool i tried to test the hitbox for the .3db:
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/gurjiv/screen127.jpgas you can see, shots are still passing through the model.
this is the model:
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/gurjiv/Untitled-2.jpgthis is what the cmp to sur maker makes:
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/gurjiv/Untitled1.jpgAgain, as you can see, it covers more area than i want the hitbox to do so. which is why i ask, if i was to make a custom hitbox for it, and thus had to do the hex editing, how exactly would i go about doing it? furthermore, there are some vanilla base components which ive retextured (and exported with the same number of groups etc so no worries there), and i want to use the vanilla hitbox. again, im told i need to use the hex editing to allow the hitbox to work with the new model ive done.
frozenballz wrote:
it covers more area than i want the hitbox to do so. which is why i askI posted an update to the SUR Builder in the CMP to SUR Conversion Tests thread.
It can create a multi-part, close-fitting, SUR, as long as your model has one part per mesh.
Does that help?
(Reports and questions should go to that thread. )
I’m slightly confused. I had thought that the .3db files were just the icons you see in the marketplace. Is this not the case?
No. They can be planets, navmaps, weapon ammo, debris, cargo pods and a few other things as well
to be precise: those are utf archives. whether they contain an icon or a model is not desided by the ending but by the very contents. you can call a model even with txm, it still will work if the ini refers to the correct name.
In another topic someone pointed out that you cannot destroy a missile that you launched!
So try getting a pal to shoot at it for you, you may find that is the problem.
The sur being too big - The sur builder v3 that Bullwinkle is updating may solve this for you but if the mssile is in 1 group only then you must first make your missile model in more than one group, e.g. fuselage, and 4 more, 1 per each fin (did I see 4 fins?).
Well i know the vanilla missiles/torps cant be shot down, having tried. but then i see the nomad shrine in the discovery mod which is saved as a .3db (iirc), and the nomad ships saved in the same format, so i figure that the torps didnt have a hitbox to accompany them, or had a super-small one that was impossible to hit under normal circumstances.
looking at bull’s post, i thought i will need to split up the mesh into the proper groups, so having done that in 3ds max, i now have 5 mesh groups for the missile:
i export the model to milkshape, assign textures, etc, export the .3db, open up the new version of the SUR maker, and make the hitbox, and i still get the same kind of result i was getting before. i assume i might be doing the grouping in a different fashion than what the sur maker recognizes (i use the MAXscript in 3ds max which splits up the meshes into multiple “subgroups” per mesh, basically each sub groups is the faces to which each texture is applied, if you get what i mean. )
failing all that ^
assuming i was to make a custom fitting hitbox myself from scratch (have already got it built: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/721/hitbox.jpg out of 5 primitives), how would i go about assigning the sur to the .3db? (im not fussed how easy/hard it is, i can put the work in)
one more question. is it possible to have the missile saved as a CMP and make the hitbox via sur splicing (i already have the mesh split up, as well as made the hitbox), and have a working missile + SUR for it ingame? or does it have to be saved as a .3db? ( i assumed that it always needs to be saved as a .3db)
ive attached the model here just in case, i might just be doing something completely wrong myself which is causing the problem perhaps (rar contains the original .OJB, textures needed, .3db which i made, and sur i got from the builder)
Already answered all of these, go have a cuppa coffee, take three panadols, go to sleep for at least 8 hours, get up, have a shower, eat some breakfast, go to work, come home, relax for an hour, and re-read.
In brief -
1. If you fired the missile, you may not be able to destroy it!
Get another player to shoot at it.
2. You don’t need to “attach” a sur. Just make sure it has the same name as the .3db or .cmp and put it in the same folder as the .3db or .cmp. FL will use it automatically.
Good luck with the pills. lol
i WILL take you up on the offer for having a sleep etc, i just realized i fail’d at reading your post star -_-
so i cant shoot my own missile down, but others can. time to hire me a testing monkey
thanks mate
Get the NPCs to fire them. That’s what I did to test my missiles.
frozenballz wrote:
… open up the new version of the SUR maker, and make the hitbox, and i still get the same kind of result i was getting before. …ive attached the model here just in case,
One thing that I should mention is that you have to click the
Multi-part checkbox(SUR Type) in order to create a multi-part SUR.However, I tried with your missile.3db and I can confirm that the resulting SUR dos not display in HardCMP That is currently my best test tool.
I used adoxa’s surdump to display the SUR in human-readable form. I don’t see anything obviously wrong with it, but maybe somebody else can spot what is wrong with the SUR created by the builder?
I attached single-part and multi-part SURs generated by the builder, along with the surdump text files. This is the first model I have found that does not create a working single-part SUR, so I am curious about this model.
Sushi re-exported your model as a CMP, which made the SUR builder happy:
re: CMP to SUR Conversion Tests
You now have a nice, form-fitting, SUR, as well as the tool to create more.
Give it a test and let us know whether it works for you.
3db’s won’t display the sur file in Hardcmp, no matter how many times you make them, just how it is, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with them. Try it on any of the vanilla 3db sur files
Gibbon wrote:
3db’s won’t display the sur file in Hardcmp, no matter how many times you make them, just how it is, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with them.Thank you, Gibbon. That means that my test of the SUR Builder on the original missile was inconclusive, because I only tested in HardCMP.
However, frozenballs tried the .3db in-game with no joy, so something that Sushi did made a difference. I have it on my list of things to look into regarding the SUR Builder.
It just needed some love, that’s all I gave it to make it work
Sushi wrote:
It just needed some love, that’s all I gave it to make it workNice.
Sometimes it is not so much what you do as how you do it.
aha. thank you for your assistance, people
ive a question though. is it possible to have stuff like missile projectiles as CMPs instead of .3dbs? i always assumed stuff like that -has- to be built as a .3db.
i will try the model sushi’s done sooonish and will post up teh results asap.
Here you go, here’s a CMP a spliced together from the Vanilla .3db file with the hacked vanilla SUR (it needed to be attached to the root), I haven’t tried it out on freelancer yet but It should all work. try it out!