Changing the ships of the NPC's
Hi, i was playing freelancer the other day and i was wondering if there is a mod or something to change the ships of the npc’s for example juni has her special defender so is there a mod or anything else that can change her ship to a dagger for example? or valkyrie or patriot?...and same goes to the less importent npc’s ( police,milletery,armed forces,GMG,outcasts etc…)
For the random ships:
in data\missions\faction_prop.ini you can find code like this (in this case it’s the Liberty Navy):
affiliation = li_n_grp ;nickname of the Liberty Navy
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d1-3
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d4
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d5
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d6
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d7
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d8
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d9
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d10
npc_ship = li_n_li_elite_d11-19this references to missions\npcships.ini:
nickname = li_n_li_elite_d1-3
loadout = li_n_li_elite_loadout01 ;a loadout from ships\loadouts.ini
level = d3 ;the livel shown in-game
ship_archetype = li_elite ;the ship, from ships\shiparch.ini
pilot = pilot_military_med ;how the npc fights, from missions\pilots_population.ini
state_graph = FIGHTER ;it’s a fighter
npc_class = lawful, class_fighter, d1, d2, d3 ;it’s a lawful, it’s used as fighter, level 1 to 3So for example you change the Liberty Navy’s npc_ship = code in faction_prop.ini to
npc_ship = br_n_br_elite_d1-6
npc_ship = br_n_br_elite_d7
npc_ship = br_n_br_elite_d8
npc_ship = br_n_br_elite_d9
npc_ship = br_n_br_elite_d10
npc_ship = br_n_br_elite_d11-19they would use the Bretonia Armed Forces’ Crusaders instead.
For the sp-mission characters it’s a bit more complicated as you’d have to edit all the mission files. If you for example want to edit King’s ship im mission 1a, open missions\m01a\m01a.ini:
nickname = escort_m01a
space_costume = li_scrote_head, li_scrote_body, comm_li_hatcher
affiliation = li_lsf_grp
npc_ship_arch = MSN01a_King ;change this to something from missions\npcships or from missions\m01a\npcships.ini
individual_name = 216000
voice = king