Brrr and wut wit TLR?
Now it is under OP control?
As far as i care… He offered a good deal… and they were smart enough to take it.
I really don’t care who’s in charge as long as its a Freelancer site… with info… and tutorials… etc… as a bonus though… I spied a post the other day over there that had a working link to here… I know that wasn’t happening a few months ago… that at least is a good thing.
And besides… some of us weren’t here for the split… but would have voted against such a thing anyways if we were, I myself have had some dealing with OP and at first… yeah he comes of as a a$$… but underneath all that gruff he’s a freelancer modder the same as you or I… I don’t have to agree with him to somewhat respect what he has done in the past… and what he continues to try and do now… I’m no OP lover… he has whole army’s for that… that’s just how i see it.
BTW… I’ve known this for days… what took ye so long… (giggles)
I fail to see the interest in TLR by now, since it doesn’t use the original domain and the name’s been slandered to hell and back, but shrugs I’d rather OP have it than the previous administration.
Look… i’ll put it this way…
Since i came back i’ve noticed the massive divide… not just b’cuz of the different sites… but mainly due to the lack of cross promotion from both partys… now… that’s all great for us modders as we get it but it’s left ALOT of regular player folks plain confused… real confused… that in anyone’s book has to be a bad thing
Were’s the 1st place a returning modder or player goes… TLR … if there really lucky they’ll get pointed this way to TSP but for a long while that wasn’t possible at TLR.
Basically… you lot had a squabble… and those that missed it are still confused as hell as to why its so freakin hard to get any info out of a dead horse (TLR in its former state) so they move on… this move may (now i said may…) go a step to rectifying such a shitty state of affairs Freelancer has found itself in… that is … outside of this cozy place we call home (TSP)
Xarian, how exactly do people find back TLR? doesn’t work anymore.
Next step is Google, and that more than likely will point to TSP. The fansite also points to many sites before TLR.
Some years ago, I would’ve said that TLR was a valuable name, an identity tied to FL. Now it’s just a ghost, and its worth has diminished greatly. I’m not saying it cannot rise back from its ashes - anything can - but just don’t expect it to soar to new heights or reunite FL or anything of the sort.
If anything, it’d cause more of a divide than there is now, but I am not one to comment on that, for my position is obviously one-sided.
FriendlyFire wrote:
Xarian, how exactly do people find back TLR? doesn’t work anymore.They do what I did, Google Lancersreactor.
I popped by, and saw several old old names that I remember, who may not remember me (except Para/Alex). So it appears I wasn’t alone in that way.
TLR was always the Zoner base, a Freeport, for all and sundry FL related. I really hope this is restored if it keeps the logo/name.
However, it is hard to be truly impartial when people have vested interests in various things, so who knows what it will become or be - it is up to the owner. However, I hope they’re given a chance/break by certain elements (referring to a certain individual who has been a recurrent problem for large portions of the community in the past few years)
OP must be some kind of maniac, is he on a one man crusade or something? He’s solo on his mod, got his own crossfire swat community to maintain, a moddb page, and now he’s taking on lancers which is so far out of date it would take a monumental effort to get it to anywhere near the standards of this place. Even then, most of the movers and shakers left in the FL community seem to be gathered here now.
It seems like he feels he’s got something to prove, but to whom? This is just a joke like, but does he live in a basement with twenty computers, a portable tv and a campbed whilst mostly surviving on cheese toasties and biscuits. I bet he gets some awesome migraines.
Here’s the link that I have for it and have had it on my website in the portal.
I will say that it’s an OP site.
Nothing like it used to look at all but at least it’s still around. I missed the old site and was happy I come across it in the beginning. I must have collected over 300 mods and others items from there back in the days.
When they went down, that’s when I gave up on modding until I found other places a while after but by then, I had more or less lost track of everything and now, you guys got me all confused with what you’re doing today. By the time I get going on something, it’s already been changed or, updated. :lol:
Anyway, the link works.
As for OP and his efforts, at least he cares that much about Freelancer to try and keep everything available like, TLR. No telling where would be if he hadn’t of taken it on…gone for good maybe? I’m happy to see it’s still around no matter what’s happened in the past. It may just improve and get back up to standards, no sense in knocking the effort. Like it was mentioned, there’s a link to here now that wasn’t before. Chill.
@ FF… simple really… out of pure old habit
as chips said… its like the zoner freeports… TSP might be up there on the list but peeps will still look for TLR out of pure habit.
Don’t read me wrong here… Im just as skeptical as the next Freelancer that’s seen it all go up & down time and time agian… but bashing the idea won’t help either… as we all know OP loves a good duel… be kinda cool to avoid that scenario this once and play the “let’s see” card
- is a shortcut
/my 2 cents -
Any clue how he managed to get the TLR database? I mean, how did he got MC or another TLR admin to give him the data? Hard to imagine somehow…
I have no issue with Op trying to Breath life back into TLR and so long as it represents the Community as a whole i wish him luck and will support the project … I dont buy the old argument that too many fan or support sites confuse players , i believe in the more resources for the core group the better …
Chips wrote:
However, I hope they’re given a chance/break by certain elements (referring to a certain individual who has been a recurrent problem for large portions of the community in the past few years)Well, the people whom you refer to did give OP the domain and files. Therefore, my only fear is that those people will side with OP and cause havoc for sites that are in “competition” with TLR and/or Swat.
Yeah, sometimes there are fanatics
w0dk4 wrote:
Well, the people whom you refer to did give OP the domain and files.
I’d be stunned if that counted for anything in their eyes
But, we can but hope it’s an end to a chapter and a smoother future for all.I kinda doubt it though - FL and ridiculous dramas seem to be part and parcel of the community unfortunately
Life is difficult enough, why the hell would anyone waste time on such pointless pursuits as feuding over freelancer. Video games are supposed to be an enjoyable past, the moment they become more than that it’s surely time to take a long hard look in the mirror and see who’s looking back at you.
As much as I’d like to agree with you, Timmy, looking back at Freelancer’s history, I see more drama than I care to remember.