Brrr and wut wit TLR?
Your Representations. By applying to register a domain name, or by asking us to maintain or renew a domai n name registration, you hereby represent and warrant to us that (a) the statements that you made in your Registration Agre ement are complete and accurate; (b) to your knowledge, the registration of the domain name will not infringe upon or other wise violate the rights of any third party;
you are not registering the domain name for an unlawful purpose; and (d) yo u will not knowingly use the domain name in violation of any applicable laws or regulations. It is your responsibility to d etermine whether your domain name registration infringes or violates someone else’s rights.
The domain owner is always the one that is responsible for what is hosted on his/her domain. I can tell that by experience and because it is a written policy. Huor btw. also has forced me to remove some stuff from one of my domains some time ago (but we were never close to dealing it at a court).
Most likely situation that happens before anybody ends up in a court room is that the ISP that runs the server cancels the contract due to a violation of the contract terms. -> wouldnt be the first time that it happens in FL (eventhough it did not happen not a single time in the past 5 years).Yes you are right FF, modding is illegal based on the EULA. That Microsoft actually as no problem with modding is shown by the fact that they link to modding sites and have hosted the biggest Lancer modding community and supported that community for 7 long years. No-CDs are not illegal. You can meanwhile (for 4 years) buy Freelancer CDs which inlcude no copy protection. Dunno about hooking… but I would put it in the same category as modding.
My request to get the archives only hosted at the site that they came from is based on obligations that i have to fulfill as new owner of that site, that these +20.000 TLR members have once registered on and agreed to submit their posts. This is about being able to fulfill my duty regarding this content, which is hard to do when it is hosted somewhere else.
I dont want to limit the access to the data, that is not my intention. I have not asked you to transfer anything to me (as this is not required) nor have i asked you to delete it entirely, so you can put it back online if I fail with TLR (or if you wish also if you think i broke my work regarding this database). You have in fact nothing to loose by agreeing to this deal, but both sides would win.@chips
godaddy is a domain registrar, not a registrant/domain owner
if i recall right its the worlds biggest domain registrar
it hold no rights on those domains but i see that you know that already eventhough i am not quiet sure if i should laugh about the joke now (ill probably decide about that tomorrow) -
I’ll just say this, because I’m tired of it all: I do not see what sort of obligation would force you to take down all other copies of the site. If that were the case, bp would have asked us to do so a long, long time ago. I would somewhat agree if we were running a live version, but we are only offering a read-only, offsite archive. The material in there is exactly as it was when it was posted and will not be changed in any way. The people who posted were perfectly fine with how it was back then, and since we are not changing anything I do not see why this would change.
Redundancy is far from a bad thing, and with the amount of work we’ve put into getting and fixing this thing, I think it would only be graceful of you to let us keep it. It’s not doing you any damage, it’s not even called “TLR” something. It’s just there for those who might need it.
Is that such a bad thing?
Difference between bp and me is that bp was not owner to TLR since 2007. He handed over the ownership to others (which as we know give damn about legal rights). During the past 3 years bp wasnt able to get TLR back but failed as he had no rights on it anymore.
Redundancy is good.
The redundancy is also not the problem as you can keep the data and host it again if things go wrong. What im trying to do at TLR with that data is not only hosting a “dead” (read-only) image of what it once was but a fully functional version that really can be used. In my eyes this would be very beneficial for FL players aswell as modders. Plus there is the fact that this fully functional database can be easily used to bring back old players and new ones aswell (TLR has a pretty good number of daily visitors). -
Honestly, OP, you’re missing one point: we’ve been trying to be accommodating. TLR is but a shadow of its former self and it will be extremely hard for you to bring it back with the way you’re going. We don’t care about your opinion. The archive will stay hosted here and if you’re not happy, I will personally show you the way to the exit.
(Hint: it’s that little X in the top-right corner)
Just because you want us to remove the archive doesn’t mean we will. You have given no good reason bar bogus legal threats.
We’re done with this thread and I urge everyone to let it die down.
Just in case he tries to take legal actions - and just in case he will have success with it - just in case! Would you consider him than as evil if he tried to find other solutions prior to that date?
If he tries and fails wont be your (TSPs) problem at all - because then nothing do change, but if he tries and succeeded with it then eventually something will change.
I guess I know the answer already - just wanted to bring another point of view and asking me if you already have considered this way and you are prepared for the outcome?
PS: I have no personal interest if OP gets the data or not if its hosted here or somewhere else. I was not member of TLR at that times so my personal data are not concerned. But eventually there might be persons that are concerned about data privacy a bit more than the normal human being in the nowadays social network times^^
What parts of let it die did you not understand, DvDMan? -_-
Huor, I’ll speak to you privately.
FriendlyFire wrote:
What parts of let it die did you not understand, DvDMan? -_-I agree.