Brrr and wut wit TLR?
thread moved
Chips wrote:
However, I hope they’re given a chance/break by certain elements (referring to a certain individual who has been a recurrent problem for large portions of the community in the past few years)Well, the people whom you refer to did give OP the domain and files. Therefore, my only fear is that those people will side with OP and cause havoc for sites that are in “competition” with TLR and/or Swat.
Yeah, sometimes there are fanatics
w0dk4 wrote:
Well, the people whom you refer to did give OP the domain and files.
I’d be stunned if that counted for anything in their eyes
But, we can but hope it’s an end to a chapter and a smoother future for all.I kinda doubt it though - FL and ridiculous dramas seem to be part and parcel of the community unfortunately
Life is difficult enough, why the hell would anyone waste time on such pointless pursuits as feuding over freelancer. Video games are supposed to be an enjoyable past, the moment they become more than that it’s surely time to take a long hard look in the mirror and see who’s looking back at you.
As much as I’d like to agree with you, Timmy, looking back at Freelancer’s history, I see more drama than I care to remember.
Op asked for domain db etc. I said yes there is 0 conspiracy or drama this time. I am closing out and hopefully this time I can stay out. Good luck here and good luck to op.
some names
chips,wodka,ors,zap,30mc,ein,torch,[crazy –-pssst see you on msn ;p],minion,klesk,ibanez,radorak,silver surfer And chakotay.
I’m shocked by the dramaqueen action going on in the FL community still!
How can someone possibly argue like this over code sharing? Its just stupid.
I do side with you guys, I love you all you know.
The point is that I don’t see OPs big problem in sharing a little bit, and then create this huge drama about people nagging on him about sharing.Timmy51m wrote:
Life is difficult enough, why the hell would anyone waste time on such pointless pursuits as feuding over freelancer. Video games are supposed to be an enjoyable past, the moment they become more than that it’s surely time to take a long hard look in the mirror and see who’s looking back at you.Freelancer is actually the game I’ve seen the most flamewars over. Pathetic in my opinion.
Wolfie wrote:
I’m shocked by the dramaqueen action going on in the FL community still!How can someone possibly argue like this over code sharing? Its just stupid.
I do side with you guys, I love you all you know.
The point is that I don’t see OPs big problem in sharing a little bit, and then create this huge drama about people nagging on him about sharing.What do you mean? Lets not beat a dead horse here, we’ve all moved along… kinda.
I mean that as fragile and small as the FL community is at this point (I mean, cmon, 268 people playing on 98 servers) there shouldn’t be such a split that a person takes an entire community with it and causes a huge split.
The only drama since I started to re-build up TLR happened right here on this thread. Comments from people which stated to prefer to see the site gone for good or people made personal statements against me even going so far suggesting that i would probably use illegal methods to harm TSP or other FL sites are completely out of order.
Azza has handed over the site to me (thx for that) and many people from TLR and from other communities want to see TLR back and are willing to help. In fact right now there are 4 FL communities working together to get this Project on its feet. As far as i remember there has been no other cooperation of this kind in the past 3-4 years, so talking about a split FL community is getting somewhat relative these days.
Unlike others i dont like to see a FL community dying and unlike others i dont always think about the personal benefit of my own site. Nobody of you needs to like what happens at TLR right now but… maybe… just maybe you might remember when you blamed me not to support your projects. Exactly the same situation (which btw. happened before several times).So here is my suggestion:
Those ppl which have a problem that we build up lancersreactor again should stay away from that site and such discussions once any forever, since TLR obviously is not your business anymore.
All others… the people which want to support us… the people which are actually interested in the Freelancer community instead of only being interested in TSP… these people clearly free to be part of our “community project” and can of course benefit from it.If you disagree with this suggestion and think that your personal views are more important than the FL community then feel free to continue this drama here… your loss.
Oh… and one more thing (since i think it has to be said before i leave this place again)…
Those which blame me for not sharing something here should better ask themselves when they went to, or one of the many other sites out there to share something with the people over there. Sharing should probably work in more than just one direction.Thank you for reading
goodbye -
This is a split, except if you don’t view TSP as a freelancer community site that is. I do wish you luck in rebuilding the FL community, but I would like to see this split between TSP and TLR to come to an end.
Several people has to let their personal views to waste for this to happen, and I doubt this will actually happen.
Actually, the split is definately not coming from our end.
We are not afraid of letting people link to other places and websites.
I think what will mostly encourage any split within the FL community is Swat’s and now TLR’s seperate community network bar.
of course only the others are guilty
I guess I have my answer to that suggestion already -
I didn’t sense any drama in this thread OP, but now the tone seems to have changed. Those are some harsh and uncompromising words delivered in the form of what seems to be an ultimatum. Chill out man, no need to turn general chit chat into a flamefest. Cue blood, snot and all kinds of french. Should I go and fetch the soapbox?
No, I dont have a problem with you building up TLR again.
What I do have a problem with is you placing sentiments in peoples minds that TSP is a bad site which doesnt care for the FL community.
Sauce on that pl0x.
…and i dont like when ppl claim i would do illegal stuff and intent to damage other FL communities.
I came to this thread because of some unfair and wrong statements that previously have been done on that thread.
I have stated what is going on at TLR right now, what our intentions are and what people willing to help can expect from the new lancersreactor. In no way I have done any threats towards TSP or its members aswell as I have not set an ultimatum. I made a suggestion/offer. You are free to accept it for the good of the FL community or you can continue to twist my words and blame me for using a different community bar (if that is your only concern). Ever considered that our websites have different needs? -
or you can continue to twist my words
my only fear is that those people will side with OP and cause havoc for sites that are in “competition” with TLR and/or Swat.
…and i dont like when ppl claim i would do illegal stuff and intent to damage other FL communities.
What the hell?
Could someone please explain to me what another persons beliefs about OP has to do with the real OP?
Also, OP, please stay for a little while, maybe we can settle this in an another way than split.
w0dk4: Blaming someone else for the split is exactly what we DON’T need if trying to get the FL community together.