Easy way to change textures??
you have to look into your system file, which asteroid field file it uses. than you have to look in the field file, which dynamic asteroid it uses. in your asteroid archetype file you have to find, which mat file your dynamic asteroid uses and there you have to seek for the right texture… yes, sometimes not everything is like it seems in Freelancer. some things are not obvious and have to be found the classic, manual way.
good luck -
This dynamic asteroid use the texture ast_icscrystal.dds for sure, so it’s quite strange that it does not appear in plain blue after your edit…
you can actually delete the dt_flags and dt_name nodes within the material node in the mat file and make a single Dc node where you enter four floats of your color (the last one being 0.0 always). like this:```
0.000000btw: Dc = Diffuse Channel Dt = Diffuse Texture (to use with _flags and _name due to it obviously refers to a texture) Et = Emissive Texture (to use with _flags and _name due to it obviously refers to a texture) Ec = Emissive Channel Oc = Opacity Channel so, you can edit surface properties independently from the cmp creation.
His goal was not to make them plain blue, that was just for testing I think.