ID names or not?
I noticed that in adoxa’s “Territory” plugin you can choose to use an ID as the house name, or you can use a name you write straight in the INI file.
Of course writing the name in the INI will be easier then messing with IDs and trying to find out their number. It will also save space - You won’t have to create a new DLL or copy NameResources.dll and add entries.
Lets get to the point: Does it require an offset? Or a plugin? -
I allowed a string in the ini simply because the hook allowed it. Normally, an id is required (indeed, the house name on the map must be an id). Ids also make it easier to handle translation.
Using FLMM’s XML-processing to create/modify .ini files, you can write IDs into it ‘on the spot’ using the GenerateStrRes command. This also works for Territory.ini:
house_id = 0;GENERATESTRRES(“Hispania”)
I use XMLs only for the display and free choise in FLMM. Although it could be a good idea to use an XML file insted of a DLL.
adoxa wrote:
I allowed a string in the ini simply because the hook allowed it…
…Ids also make it easier to handle translation.What do you mean?
The hook works after it gets the string, so I can use my own. Different languages can use the same number to refer to their own string; using ini files means either a different file for each language (thus having to maintain changes across multiple files), or additional processing to handle multiple strings.
So it wouldn’t be good for multi-languages.
But yet, it saves a lot of space!